Castle Retreat Pt. 2

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Belphegor hated to admit it, but he missed you. You hadn't even been gone for a day and he already missed your presence. He missed everyone's presence if he was being honest. Sure, the house was empty for the majority of the day but eventually everyone would come back. And even though he couldn't talk to any of his brothers he could at least listen to them through the vents. That brought him some level of comfort, but so did you. During the time you had been "out of commission" it got quite lonely.

Sure, Lucifer would come to check on him but that was mostly it. Belphegor wasn't going to bother talking to him. You on the other hand treated him normally. Even if you knew he hated the very thing you were. You'd even brought him stuff to entertain himself with.

"Hello~!" You voice rung through the attic.

Belphegor had almost given you a smile when he saw you, but he suppressed it. He didn't want you to know he was happy to see you.

"Urgh, what do you want?"

"Well, my ungrateful friend, I brought you some stuff so you could entertain yourself." You took the stuff out of the bag and pushed it through the gaps in the gate. "Here's the bag too, just so you can keep it all together." You pushed the bag through the gaps as well.

"What's all of this?"

"Paint? Notebooks, pencils, pens–"

"I have eyes, you don't have to tell me what every item is."

"Well you were the one that asked what they were. If you don't want stupid answers then don't ask stupid questiions." You said with your hands on your hips.

"I can't wait to get out of here so I can snap your neck."

"Yeah, yeah you'll have plenty of time to snap my neck, I'm not going anywhere...except that right now I am going somewhere. I need to pack for the trip."

"'re leaving already?"

"Aw, do you miss me already? Don't worry I'll come back~! Why don't you paint something for me when I come back?"

"You're a few screws loose if you think I'd ever make something for you."

"But Belphie if you don't then the materials will go to waste!"

"That's your fault. I didn't ask for this."

"Blegh. You're boring. Just create something. I'm sure it'll be fun. It's just to help you not lose your mind from boredom. I'm gonna go now. Goodnight Belphie~!" You waved and disappeared down the hall.

Belphie found himself smiling at the memory. He did enjoy your interactions. Or maybe he was just starting to lose it. In any case, it made him happy.

"Now that I think about it, that was the first time they've called me Belphie." Belphie stopped sketching to process what this development could mean.

"Does...Does this mean they're growing more comfortable around me?" Belphie looked down at his sketch to see what he was drawing. While recalling the memory he'd been lost in thought, and just let his hand lead the way.

It was a drawing of you.

He stared at it for a while. Guess you'd managed to sneak your way into his heart.

"I wonder, what would it be like to actually hang out with them?"


You couldn't sleep. During dinner Karasu had ignored you and when you came back to your room he ignored you again. You decided to sit up in your bed and see if anyone else was awake. Coincidentally, Karasu was sitting up too, guess the two of you had the same thought.

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