Sleepover Pt 2

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"Do you want to go get breakfast?" The twins shared a look and smiled, knowing the answer. They stopped dismembering their dolls, they were planning on turning them into furniture, and got up to go eat breakfast.

They walked out of their room holding hands and skipped their way down the stairs.

"What do you think of the human?" They said, once again looking at each other they smiled.

"I think you already know." They said.

They liked you. You were nice as far as they'd seen. You weren't scared of them either, just caught off guard at first. You didn't seem scared of demons in general.

"For being a non magical human in the Devildom, they sure don't seem scared." Hipno commented.

"Right? You gotta wonder why."

"Maybe they're just that progressive, thought wise?"

"Do you mean open minded?"


"Hmmmm, Did you see how brother looked at them?"

"It'd be hard not to. He likes them, doesn't he?"

"Obviously. Doesn't sound like a good idea to fall in love–"

"With your first friend. It could ruin the–"

"Friendship if they don't feel the same." They let a few beats of silence pass.

"Do you think Y/N loves brother that way?" They asked each other.

"No." Tizar said.

"Well, you don't know for sure."

"I doubt it. You know how these things play out. Usually one person loves the other and the other doesn't."

"I think you've been watching too many romcoms." Hipno gave her sister a sarcastic look.

"In my defense, they're pretty funny to watch, and no, the comedy isn't funny, but sometimes they're so bad they're good."

"Ok. Anyway, I think they do. They just don't realize it yet or they need more time."

"But we won't interfere–"

"We won't, because we must respect their choices. But..."

"But?" Tizar raised her brow in suspicion.

"How about a bet~?" Hipno said with a mischievous tone.

"I'm listening."

"I bet that Y/N does love Karasu."

"And I bet they don't."

"If I'm right, you have to get me the uncomfortable tea set from"

"And if I'm right, which I will be, you have to get more crabs."

"Don't you have enough already?"

"No? You can't have enough crabs."

"Alright then. Let's shake on it." They shook hands and finally arrived at the kitchen.

"Good morning you two, I've made mandazi with tea. Can you wake up the others?" Somnia asked from the kitchen.

"Why us?"

"Because I asked you to? Now go."


"Bella! Stop eating all the mandazi! You've had enough!" They heard their brother yell at their sister as they exited the kitchen.

When they reached Karasu's room, they knocked on the door. "Wake up! It's time for breakfast!" They stood there for a few seconds waiting for a response. When they received nothing, they decided to walk in. Hipno grabbed the door handle and opened the door.

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