Chapter 3

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Mahadev has left but Karna was still there, he could feel the difference in him. His body was stronger, his eyes were sharper, his senses were expanded. He was sure his agility had increased too. He can now survey the surrounding critically and was ready for any upcoming attack. He has instincts which only experienced warriors possess. But this wasn't scary. What's most terrifying is that his mind, which was filled by knowledge of every Divyastra in existence along with all the veda, upaveda, upanishad, puran and significance of each, is too great. They consist of an entity of knowledge, from pooja and traditions to warfare, from arts and aesthetic to architecture, from duties of humans to duties of a king, from administration and economy to politics. Karna possesses every knowledge to exist from satyug to dwaparyug, feeling how vast knowledge is and comprises every aspect even bizarre proof of multiverse. The knowledge is too vast and he has to slowly take everything in along with knowledge of weapons handling. Skills may come from Karna but he has to familiarise himself with it.

The sun was almost setting because everything took so much time. Karna returned to his house. His daily routine continued except he penance was over he still prayed to lord Shiva but a part of his time was now spent in familiarising himself with his changes. He now does yoga in the morning and then after his meditation he goes through with all the knowledge he can till lunch with the blessings of Mahadev he was grasping everything quickly but such vast knowledge would need years to completely master. After lunch he came back and practiced his weapons. He had either made it from wood or by any material he could get his hands on. First he practiced his Archery from basics but it came to him naturally like breathing. It was similar to every weapon but he still practiced them hard. With stones he practiced his vyuha formation of destruction. He practiced in almost all his free time from dusk to dawn.

Days became weeks, weeks turned into months and months turned into years and Karna turned 10 years old. His height exceeded five feet but that wasn't surprising he was supposed to be more than 9 feet tall. He was an extremely handsome boy who could attract attention wherever he went due to extremely fit body and glowing face which increased his charm along with his kundals. There was wisdom in his eyes which could turn sharp and calculating. His steps were like a predator but his face always had a calm smile. He is a walking contradiction with harmony in him. In these four years he has mastered every knowledge, art, weapon but it's only became possible because these were the blessings of lord Shiva and on his own he attained spiritual power and highest self state due to mastery of yoga. He was an unbelievable 10 year old ati-rathi or ati-maharathi who could fight 12 Maharathi or more alone.

Lots has happened in Hastinapur as well, first Pandu was crowned as Maharaj instead of eldest Dhritarashtra as he was blind. But Dhritarashtra was married to Gandhari who had a son of 100 sons and then Maharaja Pandu married Kunti and a few days later he remarried to Princess of madra Madri. Karna deliberately avoided going when the queens entered Hastinapur instead he did what was usual for him. Then Maharaja Pandu got cursed and left the kingdom with his wives. Then Maharaja Dhritarashtra was crowned and queen Gandhari became pregnant but two years still she birthed a mass of flesh but with help of sage Vyasa 100 prince and 1 Princess was born to Maharaj who inbetween has another child with his maid. News of Maharaja pandu having 5 Devputra too circulated.

Everything was going well and alright for another 2 years for Karna who was now 12 year old and could contain his sharpness from everyone and mingle with them. Suddenly Adhiratha was discharged from his job because he wasn't young enough to be a Charioteer of a warrior like Mahamahim. He was given a good compensation for his service throughout the years but Karna decided to work because as far he was aware the palace needed a caretaker for the prince and princess in the palace. Karna knew it was his chance to take the first step of responsibility Mahadev had spoken about. One morning he left his home informing his parents of his decision. Radha and Adhiratha didn't stop him because they knew he was sensible and wanted to help family but they were worried about him. Adhiratha told him he would talk to Mahamahim about this and see if he can help. After coming back from the palace, he told Karna to go to the palace tomorrow to meet Mahamahim and he especially warned his son to not become too close to royals, Karna just listened to him thinking about how it was impossible for him.

Next day after his surya pooja, Karna came back to home and after chanting Shiv tandav stotram and breakfast he left for the palace. Upon arriving there he asked a soldier to inform Bhishma about his arrival for the first day of work. After sometime the soldiers did come back and invited him inside the palace to meet Bhishma in his chamber. He followed him and came to a chamber and the soldier then knocked announcing their arrival. An authority filled voice boom inside allowing them to come inside. It was the first time ever Karna was going to see any royal because how usually he secluded and isolated himself from everyone except his family. He never made friends because though physically he was 12 but mentally he was more than a century old. It was the first time for him to meet the people who were like mythical characters and one behind the door was definitely one of the most powerful warriors in the entire earth right now. He along with the soldier entered the room, they both bowed to one present in the room.

Karna was observing the man in front of him, he knew of Gangaputra. He knew of his birth, education, his past and a probable future which he was here to change. He saw him there in complete white clothes and his hair was a mix of grey and black indicating the experience he had. It was his body that showed no effect of time on it, many warriors would be jealous of his body, he was definitely like greek gods he saw in books in white dhoti and angavastram. His jewelry was also white so was his crown. Karna has very little respect for him because he too in favour of Pandavas throughout his life belittled Karna, he had known the truth and could change everything but kept quiet because he couldn't let go his love of Pandavas and belief that Yudhishthir would be best candidate for throne of Hastinapur. But whatever, he is a powerful warrior and an ati-rathi class warrior who is the backbone of Hastinapur. He also is a great political figure in politics of Aryavart. He can see he was looking at him with narrowed eyes.

Karna was right, Bhishma was exactly doing that. Yesterday when Adhiratha came to him with pleas to accept his 12 years son as caretaker of prince and princess he accepted it in regards to his loyal and faithful service to him but never he thought his son would be like this. He was observing him since he came inside the room. He was a very good looking young man and if not told no one would believe he was only twelve because he was catching up to him in heights and he himself was more than six feet. His body seems sculpted by Dev Vishwakarma himself in which he couldn't find any flaw, his face was radiant as sun and there was aura around him. It's his eyes that shocked him that held wisdom impossible for a child this young. All in all he couldn't say the young man was a Suta at all. His walk has grace and hidden authority which he picked up through his sharp eyes otherwise many could have missed it. His saw him bowing,

Karna : Pranipat Mahamahim. I am the son of your former Charioteer and I am here to take care of the princes and princess of Hastinapur.

Bhishma: Kalyan ho, vatsya.

Bhishma : Do you know what you will be doing here?

Karna : I don't know, Mahamahim. Can you tell me what is to be expected from me?

Bhishma: You are here to take care of the children from their breakfast till sunset, in this period you must ensure their safety and take care of all their needs. Let me tell you there are 102 children so are you sure you are up for the job. They are quite a handful too.

Karna : I will try my best to not disappoint anyone.

Bhishma: I am giving you this opportunity on behalf of your father's long loyal service, you must understand this.

Karna : I know, Mahamahim. I will give my all for the responsibility given to me and will not bring shame on my father's name.

Bhishma nodded his head but mentally he was perplexed, this was not the answer anyone would expect from a 12 year old. There is no enthusiasm to prove himself or fear that people had when meeting him. There is no awe in his eyes as if he was meeting an ordinary old man not him. The talk was up to the point. His confidence did impress him but he had to keep an eye on him just in case. Bhishma asked a soldier to guide him to the Sahodar Bhavan where princes are.

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