Chapter 22

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Karna: Kitni badi ho gayi hai meri gudiya, how are you Dushala.

Hearing the endearment that was lost 10 years ago Dushala was feeling her tear welling up. But before it could fall with just one wipe of his hands Karna extinguished them.

Karna: Your tears are too precious gudiya, you shouldn't shed such pearls.

Dushala: Let it flow bharta, it is proof of my happiness seeing you after so long.

Karna: No, your face should always adorn with a smile,my dear. How are you?

Dushala: I am very happy Bharata. I have completed my education in kanyakul as well.

Karna: Good, what all have you learned there, dear?

Dushala: We were taught scriptures, cooking, painting, singing etc. I learnt all I could and adept in everything but my cooking, painting and singing skills are very good.

Karna: I am impressed but don't tell me you haven't learnt any self defence there.

Dushala: Of course I did, not many were interested but I learnt a little Archery, dagger fighting and sword fighting. I also never stopped whatever exercises you taught me. Though not a warrior like my brothers I could protect myself.

Karna: I am very impressed by you,my sister. Such hard work ought to be rewarded.

Karna then took out a dagger hidden in his waist. It was a beautiful dagger, its scabbard and handle were made out of gold while several beautiful gems were embedded on it. Karna gave it to Dushala,

Karna: Take it as a gift from me.

Dushala happily took the dagger, the Kauravas were very happy they knew Karna and Dushala has a special bond. Karna couldn't say no to her in their childhood. Happy nostalgic memories flashed over them. Ashwatthama could be the only spectators of this beautiful bond. There was a smile on everyone's face, especially Dushala. She immediately removed the dagger from its scabbard and it was pitch green . It looked extremely beautiful but the warrior felt a dangerous aura from it.

Karna: Careful Dushala, Be very careful with the blade and use it for self defence only. Keep it with you every time.

Suyodhana: Bharata Vasusen, the dagger isn't simple.

Karna: Of course it isn't. This blade could kill any mortal even if he had protection from dev, asur, nag, yaksh etc.

It was made of metal he got from saving Bheem, Karna has thought of making it into the tip of his arrow but decided against it, instead he made a dagger with it and his first thought was gifting it to Dushala which he did. He made it powerful and strong, though not a divine weapon but was deadlier if used correctly. The blade could kill any mortal by mere touch of its blade. Only Karna was an exception because of the boon of Nagraj Vasuki even the poison resistant person wouldn't last long if pierced by it. Everyone was shocked by the dangerous weapon that Karna casually gave to Dushala but it also showed the protectiveness he has towards her.

Ashwatthama: You have several special things, Angraj. Like you Kavach and Kundal before, undoubtedly they are divine. Where have you got them?

Dushala: Yes Bharata, where have you received them? We saw Kundala before but never thought they were divine and what about kavach.

Karna: Haha, I was born with my kavach and Kundal, my sister. I always had kavach but it emerges either when I will them to or to protect me. They are part of me.

Ashwatthama: You are very mysterious, Angraj.

Karna: No need to call me Angraj, Dronputra. Call me Vasusen.

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