Chapter 11

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Pandavas had very fulfilling evening, they also loved the time they got to spend in Sahodar Bhavan afterwards they returned to chamber of Duryodhana on his suggestion as he has large collection of books and refreshments that was usually arranged in his room, Bheem was very hungry he ate a lot and finished the food but Duryodhana was in second surprising everyone. They found common ground and geled very easily similarly after spending the day together Pandavas and Kauravas mingled very well. More food was asked to bring up in their room while two were sharing the love for food others after having refreshments began going through scrolls they were young and very competitive. Arjun and Nakul couldn't let them be the only one listening so despite not being very enthusiastic because of their face went through scrolls but didn't understand much others saw that and began helping them. They knew reading was not the most interesting way so they began discussing. It engages everyone and Sahdev shines along with Yudhishthir, Yuyutsu and Duryodhana. Kauravas were surprised by the intelligence of Sahdev and Yudhishthir as they just began today but were able to contribute so much. So a fun banter session began. Dushala, as usual , went to her room to perfect her painting skills. Since she was growing up she had to spend time with women in the palace. But never her study was hampered because her brothers read through everything for her and exchanged knowledge after dinner before sleeping.

At dinner elders asked about Pandavas and were told they were in Duryodhana's chamber along with others. They were surprised and happy the cousins were mingling so well. They asked the servants to bring them for dinner, the children came all 105 together as Dushala was with the ladies already present there. They came and sat together.

Dhritarashtra: Putra Yudhishthir, how was your day? Did you and you feel comfortable?

Yudhishthir : It went very well, Tatshree. We spent time together in Sahodar Bhavan and in the chamber of Anuj Duryodhana. We are very comfortable here.

Gandhari: Did you all meet Putra Vasusen?

Yudhishthir : We did Jyestha Mata. He is a very unique individual.

Gandhari: Everyone who meets him feels so to Putra.

Kunti : Jiji, who is Vasusen?

Gandhari : He is son of a former Charioteer of Tatshree. He came to work as a caretaker of children.

Kunti : Oh!

Bhishma: It's good you enjoyed the first day but Putra if you need anything you could tell us.

Yudhishthir: As of now we need nothing, Pitamah but if you can also put some scroll in my room it will be very helpful. We don't want to always disturb Suyodhana.

Suyodhana: It's no problem bharata Yudhishthir today. We enjoyed your presence very much and you and Sahdev helped us a lot in discussion. 

Bheem: Suyodhana,Jyestha loves to read, he needs any excuse to be around books. In Fact he would still ask for it regardless. But, Pitamah, we need to exercise a bit. We can't always be in Sahodar Bhavan. It would be good if there is a practice ground.

Dusasan: There is Bharata Bheem just behind Sahodar Bhavan but the shore of river Ganga is very near and the naga clan lives there, so we don't go there.

Bheem: Oh! Can we go there Pitamah ti practice we won't go near the river.

Bhishma: No, without any adult supervision you shouldn't go there.

Suyodhana: Bharata Vasusen could do our supervision after all he is our caretaker.

Gandhari: Putra you all are 106 and Vasusen is a line moreover he himself is just sixteen years old.

Arjun: Really but he is so tall.

Bhishma: Yes, he is just sixteen instead of being so tall.

Bheem: But we want to go there, please Pitamah.

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