Chapter 10

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Today was the day when Maharani Kunti along with her children were returning to Hastinapur. Entire Hastinapur gathered on the way to the palace to see them. They arrived early in the morning, everyone understood that it was because of the funeral of Maharaja Pandu and queen Madri, they took so much time. People saw the three Rajmata and kunti on one chariot while Vidhur and five Pandavas were in another chariot. Kunti was wearing clothes widows wore like the ladies beside her while children in simple clothes, they were very good looking but people can see they are still grieving for the loss. They had instant sympathy with them.

The chariot reached the palace where the entire royal family was waiting for them. They dismounted the chariot and went to the entrance. Kunti got blessings of everyone and was engulfed in hig of Gandhari. Both consider each other as sisters, they were weeping heavily in embrace of each other, Gandhari consoled her. Then Pandavas too came and got Everyone's blessings.

Kunti : Where are your children jiji.

Behind Everyone a voice came,

Suyodhana: We are here kakishree.

Everyone saw all the Kauravas were there, they bent and touched her feet to get their blessings.

Suyodhana : We are 101brothers and 1 sister, please bless us.

Kunti : Kalyan ho Putron and putri.

Kauravas came to Pandavas,

Suyodhana: We are children of Maharaj Dhritarashtra, it's a pleasure to meet you, my cousins. It's our first time meeting. I am the eldest among us and my name is Suyodhana and these are my brothers Dussan….. Vijaya and this is our sister Dushala.

Yudhishthir : It's nice to meet you as well.  I am Yudhishthir and these are my brothers Bheem, Arjun, Nakul and Sahdev.

Suyodhana touched the feet of Yudhishthir and Bheem. While others touched feets who are older to them.  Pandavas blessed them and then Arjun, Nakul and Sahdev touched the feets of those elders to them. The elders blessed their younger siblings.

Suyodhana : We know the circumstances are grim for you but don't worry you have your family here as well. Please come inside, your chamber is arranged and after you freshen up we will have breakfast and then spend time together, it will help us bond well.

Pandavas nodded they were told of their extended family by their father but still they didn't think they would be so welcome here but they were happy. The elders too were very happy by the actions of Kauravas, even Vidhur was pleased. They entered the palace, Suyodhana helped Pandavas to get acquainted with the palace and then showed the chamber prepared for them.

Suyodhana: The room has basic needs only if you have anything you want to add or remove from the chamber, please inform the maid or servant they would do that for you.
Nakul : Oh, can I add mirrors to my room?

Everyone chucked at his request,

Suyodhana : Yes of course, you can have your room filled with mirrors or anything you like.

Suyodhana : Please, Get freshen up and change clothes we will meet at breakfast.

Yudhishthir: We will anuj Suyodhana.

Saying that he left with his brothers,

Bheem: They seem nice, Jyestha.

Yudhishthir : Yes, they are nice. Now go and take a bath everyone then we will have to present for breakfast.

Pandavas followed his order, they took bath, but after they came to room they saw servants there.

Servant: Prince, prince Suyodhana has sent us to help you in any way we can.

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