Chapter 18

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Dronacharya himself was feeling humiliated by the loss of Nakul. He could not believe his student couldn't defeat the Sutputra but knew he was not his strongest student. But by no means he was weak, none of his students were. Bhishma in the stand dreaded, who better knew the weight of words of being Parshuram's Shishya. He knew Vasusen would not be weak in any form of combat because that's how his teacher taught. Bhagwan Parshuram never wanted his students to have glaring weakness, he himself was trained as such. Moreover his sharp eyes saw Karna had experience and that too in spades when compared to princes of Hastinapur. He could do nothing as things have progressed so much, he knew the results may be opposite to what everyone thought, he just wished that Bheem or Arjun could defeat somehow. His hope was on Prince Bheem due to his overpowering strength.

Like he thought after Bheem, Sahdev came and he too was defeated very easily. Both used axes and again it was borrowed from Suyodhana. Next Yudhishthir came to fight before them, because he knew he wasn't a warrior of caliber of either Bheem or Arjun so he decided to come first to at least tire Vasusen as he knew he couldn't defeat him, he came with his spear. Again with borrowed spear Vasusen fought him and was able to defeat him very easily and like before the duel ended with Karna weapon on his opponent's neck.

With each fight the crowd gained courage to applaud for Karna especially the lower caste as Karna was considered as their representative. Their applause was an increasing insult to Bheem, Dronacharya and well wishers of Pandavas. Kunti was very worried especially after the defeat of her son Yudhishthir. He was supposed to be next King of Hastinapur and it wouldn't be good that citizens saw his defeat as it would lead people questioning him. The elders knew he wasn't great warrior as Duryodhana, Bheem or Arjun but Kunti was happy that the children of Kuruvansh go along so well so there could be no problem in his coronation.

After Yudhishthir, it was Bheem who jumped because he couldn't let this prolong any further, the defeat of his brothers was their insult and he couldn't let the insult of his jyeshtha pass. He considered him as his staunch supporter and pillar of his confidence and bhe would show why today. He forgot everything about how Karna spent time with him or how he came to save him, in front of him there was someone who dared to insult his gurudev and Jyeshta he could let it go any longer. Arjun didn't need to participate because he would kill Vasusen himself.

On the sidelines, Kauravas were worried for this only. Among everyone of them it was only Suyodhana that could match him that too because of his skills as strength of everyone even Dronacharya falls short when compared to Bheem. Suyodhana wanted to intervene but saw his Bharata Vasusen extending his hands and asking for mace, with his eyes he gave him assurance and told him to believe in himself which he did. He threw his mace to him and he caught it easily and skillfully swung it around not to become familiar with its weight but to show Suyodhana that he is well trained in it.

Bheem came in front of him,

Bheem: I would kill you.

Karna didn't retort but looked blankly at him, Bheem was irked after not getting any response. On the signals of Dronacharya he rushed towards him to end the fight in one blow with all his strength he swung his mace at him. Karna seeing this just raised his mace to defend against the upcoming attack. This resulted in head on confrontation if two maces resulted in abrupt halt of Bheem's advancement and eyes of everyone was almost popped out seeing the results of collision. They saw Bheem was trying his best to make his mace move but Karna was calmly defending the attack and has not even moved an inch from his place. The royal and citizens were aware of Bheem's strength but never imagined to see him one to be struggling. Even a child could see the disparity of physique of both fighters. Bheem was very muscular and against him was Vasusen who though was muscular but his body was lithe but there is stark difference in what result of head on confrontation should be. The muscular side was struggling with everything he had but wasn't able to move his opponent at all.

Vasusen seems like a mountain rooted in his place, even the royals who saw or heard about it stood up unconsciously. Everyone's mouths were open but no words came out  of their mouths. Kauravas, Pandavas, Ashwatthama, Dronachaya who ever it was couldn't believe their eyes, usually it was them struggling against Bheem but today it was the opposite. Karna used a little force and repelled Bheem who was shocked by his failure.

Bheem: You too drank Raskunda then Vasusen, I know there was a reason for you to be there, you were always scheming and pretending to be selfless.

Karna: Prince Bheem, you also know that is not true, I never went anywhere except for the meeting hall of the chief of the naga clan. Moreover you got an opportunity for a reason and while I didn't.

Bheem: lies, then how you have such strength.

Karna: You seem to forget Maharaj himself is way stronger than you in terms of physical strength, do you accuse him of drinking Raskunda? No Prince, not all of us are so lucky, some were born with such strength and I had this strength since my childhood.

Such revelation were shocking to everyone, Bheem didn't want to listen to him,

Bheem: Lies, you low born. You were always opportunistic. What could be expected from a low born, your parents failed in your upbringing or they must have taught you this only. You despicable sut…

Bheem didn't complete his sentence because he was lifted up to a few feets above ground courtesy of punch of Vasusen in his gut, blood flew out his mouth and then he landed on ground gasping for air, he looked at karna and was scared of blood thirst in his eyes, not only him but others were scared but were relieved when the saw him standing there and not moving.

Karna: Bheemsen, if you ever dare to utter such words or insult my parents then I swear on my Radha maa that this Radhey would give you such a horrible end that even the most cruel beings in the universe would tremble seeing your death and what would be left of you. If I have to pass everyone and almighty themselves for it then be it. This is the promise of Radhey and Parshuram shishya Vasusen.

His voice was very loud and the fear everyone felt was too real, he felt like the destroyer himself in his tandav Avatar. Nobody dare to breathe loudly in fear of getting his attention towards him. But he did, he looked at every Pandavas and royal with the same eyes to make them remember his eyes like that. His eyes held promise and warning for each and everyone there, it was daring them to try this stunt and see if he would stay true to his promise. Everyone who felt his gaze saw their end in the most gruesome way. Only of course except Dhritarashtra and Gandhari only Kauravas and Dushala were spared of his gaze, rest were too scared to meet his eyes but his eyes were imprinted in their mind. One thing became clear that the respect Vasusen had for his parents was unparalleled, especially towards his mother. This extreme action of his is a terrifying example of it.

Radha and Adhiratha were watching his son, they saw how he was belittled but their son held his ground and opposed everything alone, then they saw how he defeated the mighty disciple of Dronacharya and mighty Devputra Pandavas easily. They were scared when prince Bheem declare he would kill their son as they too were aware if his strength, they couldn't help but think how selfish and ungrateful these Devputra are especially Prince Bheem, they were happy when Vasusen had upper hand but words of his opponent did stung him, they were scared because they are aware how much their son loved them, they were scared he would kill him and then had to face wrath of Kuruvansh but their son showed restraint but his promise and word brought tear to their eyes and they thought whether they are worthy of such love and devotion from their son, they didn't even told him that he was adopted because of their own insecurities. But after witnessing his love for them they decided to tell him everything.

Bhishma felt fear for the first time in his life and it was fear of him failing the promise he had given to Kunti of protection to sons of Pandu. He saw Vasusen was capable of killing Bheem with his bare hands and with everything he saw till now he can conclude he was a great warrior though why he has such valour and experience was puzzling to him. From everything he saw it was sure he was not ordinary. To render Bheem so helpless even Dhritarashtra couldn't do that so easily, he looked at him carefully and saw him blazing like sun above them.

Karna: Let's end this fiasco, I am very irritated by this. If because of feeble pride, someone dared to insult my parents. I would break thar Pride in the most effective and brutal way.

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