Chapter 25

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The sabha of Hastinapur was grand and none could deny that. The previous kuru kings have shed blood, sweat and tears to make Hastinapur as magnificent as it is now. Everyone was there and were sitting in their designated place. Karna too sat in the place arranged for him that is right beside Suyodhana himself. He was looking at the sabha and except for the King almost everyone was there. Soon the announcement of King coming into court came. With his trusted aide Sanjay, Maharaj Dhritrashtra came into the court. Everyone stood up to greet him and sat back in their place so that sabha could proceed.

Vidhur: I Mahamantri of Hastinapur welcome everyone in the esteemed sabha. Today is a happy occasion for our kingdom as our princes have returned after completing their education. Time has come for our kingdom to have yuvraj as well. 

Vidhur took a pause to let his words settle in. His words were like ripples in the quiet courtroom. The ministers were whispering among themselves, Karna watched how everything was proceeding. It was definitely a good political move by Vidhur but he didn't say anything. The sound quilted down after few moments, 

Vidhur: I would like Maharaj to announce the name of our yuvraj as per traditions of Aryavart.

Dhritarashtra was definitely not willing but this was forced upon him by Bhishma, Vidhur and kripacharya on account of raising the prestige of kuruvansh whereas he wanted his eldest to be the next king. He had no choice as none here protested, 

Dhritarashtra: I Maharaj of Hastinapur announce that as per traditions of Aryavart, the position of yuvraj belongs too…

“Wait” there were two voices who intercepted his announcement. Everyone was surprised, these two voices belong to Suyodhana and Dronacharya. Everyone was looking at both of them,

Dhritarashtra: Acharya, Putra why have you both intervened.

Dhritarashtra was very happy on being stopped mid way. Where other presents were frowning. They didn't expect anyone to stop announcement, they were too agitated especially when Suyodhana spoke because to elders it seems he was showing his edge but now if they directly begin asking him questions that too wouldn't be good as along with him Dronacharya spoke too.

Suyodhana: Gurudev, please speak first.

Dronacharya nodded, and said “ Maharaj, members of kuru sabha, there couldn't be an announcement of yuvraj as my students have yet to give me the desired Dakshina. Their education will not be complete before that hence none are eligible for any other responsibilities.”

His words were not wrong so all they can do is nod.

Vidhur: You are correct Dronacharya, we apologise for our haste. Suyodhana, was your reason to stop the announcement this too or you have something more to add.

His voice was not very enthusiastic when he asked questions to Suyodhana. Kauravas though knew there was no love their uncle had for them couldn't help but felt unhappy by this. Suyodhana didn't care because for him Mahamantri was not someone he respected from his heart but etiquette had to be followed.

Suyodhana: No Mahamantri, I had different reasons though I too think eligibility to become next Samrat should be more than being born eldest.

Vidhur: Why? This is the tradition of Aryavart.

None were happy, elders thought they were right while Pandavas thought Suyodhana wanted the throne and right of their eldest.

Bheem: Suyodhana, I know you are bewitched by this sutputra otherwise you won't speak like this.

Suyodhana: Bharata Bheem, please don't talk about Bharata Vasusen like this ever to me. All that I said was what I felt. And Mahamantri, You are talking about tradition. As per tradition, the eldest has to be yuvraj or king but you yourself have stopped the  coronation of Pitashree in the first place. You accounted for him being blind thus being not eligible for that post. All I am saying is, there are 106 princes in this kingdom so like at the time of Pitashree and Kakashree, only the most suitable should be yuvraj. Is it wrong for me to say this or should I assume whatever happened at that time was your propaganda.

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