Chapter 9

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Shakuni came to Hastinapur to meet his sister and nephews and niece. He was very angry when Bhishma came to Gandhar for the hands of her sister with his army, his father had to agree and with that his sister had to marry a blind. Then her sister made the terrible decision of blindfolding herself, it was a sacrifice that should be cherished but again such sacrifice resulted in scorn hence increasing his anger more but atlast everything was fine. But when she became pregnant again her sister had to struggle and two years after it was a mass of flesh that she birthed but thanks to sage vyasa 101 children were born. His anger turned to hatred when in his presence the elders of Hastinapur, because of the words of the most superstitious Vidhur, decided to kill his eldest nephew. He hated Kuruvansh at that moment the boon which landed his sister to become daughter in law. The boon became useless once the second kulvadhu gave birth to Devputra. His hatred melted when he took Suyodhana in his hands. He was so small and just perfect according to him. He decided he would help to make his every dream possible with all his capabilities. Earlier he used to visit regularly but he himself was king since he got married, had children and became busy which resulted in him being less frequent and now after years he was coming to visit them but never did he forget his nephews and nieces so he was here to visit them. Upon arriving he got the news of the demise of Maharaja Pandu which shocked him but didn't care much for anyone in Hastinapur except her sister's own family so hurriedly he called for his nephews and niece.

They did come to him but at the time of lunch, he was very happy seeing them grown up and so well behaved. After lunch he wanted to spend time with them but they seemed reluctant but hearing Gandhari they agreed in this conversation he came to know about Vasusen which intrigued him, who was the one who can make Kauravas so attached and Gandhari so fond of him. Upon asking he got to know he was their caretaker which surprised him more as well as his curiosity was increased when Gandhari used word Putra and children used word Bharata for him. He began enquiring about him which brought complete attention of kids towards him as they enthusiastically began talking about him. He with his complete attention listened to everything. He was impressed by a young man who has made such differences in his nephew and he was happy and astonished to hear there is someone who respected his sister so much and understands its significance in this cursed Kingdom. Not only that he made the children understand that too. Few examples of puzzles intrigued him too but he was far too intelligent to understand the hidden benefit of these puzzles, games and stories. He immediately concluded the youngman was very wise and knowledgeable. He has trained the children without them realising and it will definitely help them in future. He wanted to meet him but was told he had left the palace already. He thought of meeting him tomorrow.

Karna who left the palace and after a long time came to place he saw Mahadev. The shivling he made was still there and the palace was very clean, he brought down his weapon from the tree. It's been long since he sweated so started to practice his weaponry skills. His skills were still sharp as ever. After that he sat in meditation there itself. Till sunset he was there and went to the banks of ganges where he give his offering to his celestial father and did the alms giving from the little money he always carries, throughout the years he got several rewards from them but he never bought that home and donated everything in moderation, he could understand why Karna enjoyed doing that there is a peace, containment and happiness in helping the needy. He loves the feeling, maybe  because he was Suryaputra and like his father he enjoys giving. He came back home to spend time with his family. His house was heaven for him.

Next day after breakfast, he again reached the palace and in Sahodar Bhavan he saw there was a handsome man with warrior aura, there with Kauravas. He knew this can only be Gandhar Raj Shakuni, he had known he was supposed to be very handsome and Maharathi but his image was spoiled by TV shows in kalyug but one thing was sure this was one of the most intelligent people in Aryavart and master of politics as well. Both people were looking at each other and gauging each other. Shakuni was astonished by seeing the young man without an ounce of fear in him walking towards him, he met his predatory eyes which held wisdom beyond age and was sure the young man was not what he was portraying him to be. But he can't see any darkness in his eyes. It was burning with brightness but it looked like he was contemplating various things. He saw him bowing towards him,

Karna : Pranipat Gandhar raj.

Shakuni : Kalyan ho, Vatsya. Will you mind if I accompany you today?

Karna : Of course not, please do accompany us Maharaj.

Shakuni nodded, Karna then greeted everyone and began their asanas, Shakuni too helped in the process and then meditation began but this time Shakuni saw how Karna was roaming around couster of children and keeping close eyes on them and nodding repeatedly. Then Shastra exchange Shakuni took part in it but Kauravas as per their habit asked questions to karna which he happily replied. And it was time for lunch but Shakuni stayed there to talk to Karna alone Karna understand that so he stayed,

Karna : How can I help you Maharaja?

Shakuni : I am impressed, Vasusen. Can you tell me how you have attained such knowledge and understanding of scriptures?

Karna : I am not that impressive Maharaja.

Shakuni saw he wasn't answering him but he didn't force it because it may be his secret and he was suta so of course he had to do something to gain such knowledge as few now impart this knowledge to everyone else. It was reserved for the upper caste only nowadays. He didn't mind also because he was helping his nephews without holding back any information.

Shakuni : Children seem very attached to you.

Karna : Yes, they are. We spent so much time together it was bound to happen, Maharaja.

Shakuni : Time is not the factor Vasusen otherwise they would be closer to everyone in the palace.

Karna : You misunderstood my meaning Maharaja. I was talking about the time we spent together like we care for each other and not because it's my job and I had to do it.

Shakuni looked at him with surprise in his face. His carefully assorted words were torn open by the young man in front of him and it was an invitation for talking openly, discarding the hidden knife policy. The young man in front of him was looking in his eyes directly saying he can ask whatever he wants directly. He narrowed his eyes and said,

Shakuni : My question to you Vasusen is what benefit does this bring to you?

Karna : It gives me nothing but everything at the same time it gives me everything.

Shakuni : Vasusen, I thought we had an agreement to speak freely then why are you using a web of words now.

Karna : I am sorry if you feel so Maharaja, but I answered your question. I am getting paid and there is nothing more I desire but princes are the future of Hastinapur and if my knowledge can help them in any way then that is something I should do. There is nothing more or nothing less that I desire or need.

Shakuni have scoffed at anyone but he couldn't to young man because there was not a shred of greed, opportunism and favourtism he can see in his eyes only calmess was there as if he didn't understand the position he hold in their heart but Shakuni knew Vasusen was aware of it but didn't care about it. There are very few such men he has come across but all of them were learned sages but this boy is reminding him of them which seems impossible yet here they were.

Karna : Maharaja, I shouldn't take more of your time, everyone would be waiting for you. Is there anything more you want to ask from me?

Shakuni : Yes, just one more thing, what are your plans for the future?

Karna : I don't know, I want to travel across the Aryavart and then I will return to serve the kingdom and my parents.

Karna then bowed his head and asked his permission to leave which Shakuni nodded but kept his eyes in his retreating back. He was right the young man was indeed impressive and would be a political adversary if hired by any kingdom. He would definitely advise Suyodhana to keep him beside him; such men are rare and it would be a huge loss if he lost them. Today's topics were deliberately chosen by Shakuni himself. It was not only for his nephews but to test this young man and he did exemplary well. He looked beneath the surface of everything and gave optimal suggestions and made them understand with the easiest possible words. He was very curious because the shower of praise he heard from his nephew and nieces, even his sister, after today he himself wasn't behind in doing so. He decided to test him and he passed with a perfect score.

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