Chapter 27

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Soon the days passed and the day when princes of Hastinapur would go to war with Panchal came. Karna was relieved that both sets of brothers would fight together so he was somewhat assured of their safety. Je knew Duryodhana had gone and talked with Yudhishthir who agreed to fight together. Karna was now planning to leave for Anga. A day before he had already left after meeting with Kauravas.

The journey to Anga wasn't long thanks to his chariot but there was a surprise waiting for him as soon as he was going to enter the kingdom. Several soldiers were mistreating the people there, he frowned at this. He immediately shot an arrow to stop them but the commander there angrily and boldly told him they were from Magadh and they were just here to collect taxes. Those who are unable to pay need to be punished as an example.

Karna considers himself as a non-violent person for the most part of his life but seeing the cruelty of these people he was enraged. He didn't think much about anything and with his arrow he began harnessing the lives of soldiers present there and in a few minutes the beheaded and pierced bodies of soldiers were laying there. He left one alive to send the message to Jarasandh about the arrival of the new king of Anga.

After he left, Karna gathered the crowd and told them he was the new King of Anga and asked what was happening. The subjects told them the soldiers of Magadh constantly come here to harass them and they have to pay heavy taxes in terms of grains and other things. They told him that they are worse than animals who wouldn't leave anyone be it old or young. The condition of women and children are even worse. But the strange thing is this time they came before time to collect taxes hence they were unable to pay and were being subjected to punishment. Hearing everything, his anger was on the ninth cloud. He couldn't understand why Sri Krishna didn't just end him despite knowing how cruel he was and always leave him alive. He has no doubt he was capable enough but the lives of commoners didn't matter to him so that he let such a vile creature live only to be killed by Bheemsen. For what to enhance the glory and fame of the infamous Devputra. And there is something more to this and he knew it, being a person in a position of power he could sense conspiracy if there is one.

His senses hadn't failed him when the next day, the army of Magadh was there with warriors and Jarasandh himself. Such a large scale of amassing of army couldn't be done in one day meaning everything was pre arranged. It wasn't a coincidence that when he entered the Kingdom he met with all that. Maybe Jarasandh sent those soldiers to instigate war and if war is what he wants then he would give that to him but his main concern is how he became aware of his arrival. Only the people of Hastinapur and his parents knew tof it and such information can only be exchanged through an efficient spy network. His mind was racing in that direction but he stopped it, he will ponder upon it layer first he has a war to fight.

Karna knew his kingdom was not in any shape to face this war and the army of Magadh was the biggest in the entire Aryavart. He was unfazed by it; however large it was, it couldn't be larger than of kurukshetra. He climbed up on his own chariot and marched towards upcoming army,

Jarasandh was very angry when he got to know about Angraj especially when the spy told him about his valous deed of defeating Arjun, one who was declared as best archer by Dronacharya. Spy of course didn't have information about his deeds otherwise even Jarasandh would be hesitant to attack but he thought Hastinapur was humiliating him by appointing a novice as king and that too after praising him so much. He couldn't march towards Hastinapur because of Bhishma and others but he wouldn't let Anga go. He will kill this Angraj and will send his head to the court of Hastinapur as an example.

His commander informed him about a sole beautiful chariot moving towards their army and occupant was like how New Angraj was described. He saw the youngman on the chariot and his anger increased that Kuruvansh was making mockery of him by making this young lad King of his territory.

Karna came in from of Army but there wasn't a shred of anxiety or nervousness on his face,

Karna: Jarasandh, I am giving you a chance to retreat with your army otherwise you will face complete destruction.

Jarasandh was even more enraged by his words,

Jarasandh: Stupid fool, who do you think you are talking too. You are mere fledgeling, by making you King of Anga, Hastinapur has sent you to death. Look at the army in front of you and think how gruesome would be your death. I will give you an example so that in future nobody would dare to insult me.

Karna was going to reply but suddenly he remembered a famous dialogue,

Karna: Jarasandh, a tiger comes alone to hunt its dogs who are always in group. Your Army amounts to nothing to me. Again I am warning you for the last time to retreat or be destroyed.

Jarasandh: Fool, it seems the throne has made you arrogant. I was going to kill you before but now I have changed my mind first I will torture yiu and then I will kill you.

Talking further would be useless, Karna understand that, a Sanknath happened to commercenate the beginning of battle,

With Vijaya in his hands and Inextenguiable quiver on his back, karna rained the arrows on the Army of Magadh, the soldiers were falling like flies but not a single scratch was on him courtesy of his Armour despite facing a large number of warriors. Karna has fired Divyastra after Divyastra, the lion among men, has showcased his true capabilities. At the end he fired Bhargavastra which killed everyone except Jarasandh there.

Jarasandh watched how his entire army was wiped out, thought this was not the complete Army of magadh these soldiers were especially trained and were elite among them but they couldn't withstand a prahar against one person and it was his boon that was keeping him alive from the shower of different types of Astra, sastra that rained through last arrow of his enemy. But still he was alive and was confident enough to face the enemy and the sole reason was his boon because he knew otherwise he would definitely be among those lying around him.

He picked up his infallible mace and marched towards Karna. Karna also jumped down from the chariot with a mace as only two of them left he knew this would be a duel. He wasn't one to break the rules of war. Both clashed and with their weapons they dueled hard for almost a prahar but even with the infallible mace Jarasandh couldn't defeat Karna. One clash among them rendered them weaponless so with bare hands they wrestled. Both of them fought very hard, Jarasandh had a lot of strength but compared to Karna it wasn't much. Also “Karna'' has defeated him before he has that experience ingrained in him so he pinned him on the ground and tore him in two ewual parts. He threw his body parts in different directions efficiently, ending the life of one of the most powerful warriors of Aryavart.

Karna then climbed up on his chariot and returned to his kingdom but not before launching an arrow towards Magadh border with a letter of results of the war and along with it he asked the one in charge to come and meet him the next day. He has already thought about it, he is going to take over magadh as he has already killed Jarasandha along with his army. If his son was there he would be dead and if he isn't he will make him surrender.

Karna returned to Anga and announced his victory to the scared citizens. Karna anyway was not pleased with casteism so he will not wait for anyone but he himself will bring the change. He also picked up the infallible mace of Jarasandh and decided to give it to Suyodhana. The citizens celebrated the victory of their king, anyway the battle took almost his entire afternoon so he first went to do his Pooja and then he returned and lived among the citizens. He knows the upcoming days will be hectic and busy. He wasn't scared of it. He knew it would take almost one and half months for the princes of Hastinapur to return and at that time he would return too because he had some issue to settle. He was not very relieved about the safety of his parents so through a hawk he sent a message to Shakun and told him about his suspicion. He asked him to look after his parents and if possible make arrangements to safely bring them to him. He has written to him that he would remember this favor. He was sure Gandhar Raj was not a fool to decline this. There are a lot of things for him to do and very little time.

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