Chapter 15

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Years passed and soon almost a decade went by when Karna left Hastinapur. In these years Karna served Bhagwan Parshuram with all his heart and Bhagwan Parshuram was very pleased with him. Not only that he has achieved what he came here for. He did severe penance to Bhagwan Parshuram as well, pleased with his Devotion Bhagwan Parshuram gave him Vijaya bow, two inextinguishable quivers and a chariot with beautiful horses. The penance helped him a lot and helped complete awakening his partial awakened chakra completely.

Bhagwan Parshuram then advised him to make his own divyastra and told his experience in making person Astra. He told him personal Astra, when launched by the one it belongs to, could be the most powerful Astra for a warrior. Like when he uses bhargav Astra he could destroy the universe if he didn't retract it but same couldn't be done by bhargava Astra that Karna possesses. He also said it will be a test of Karna for completion of his education here on mahendragiri. So 10 years later, he successfully made his personal Astra. He poured his entire knowledge of scriptures, weaponry and Divyastra to make a Divyastra personal to him. It was an arrow that he named Bhaskar upon using it a mini sun would be formed in the sky and would either chant the veda to impart knowledge or rain fire and Lava in the form of several Astra/ Satra on the upcoming army or opponent but would disappear like nothing when it would touch the ground. Bhagwan Parshuram was very impressed by his Astra; he deemed it only slightly weaker than his bhargavastra. It was in the capacity of a divyastra that could be launched in fight among humans or against one who threatened the balance of the universe because Karna could make it destructive which would engulf anything it touches. Not only that he can empower it with his kundalini shakti and chakra.

In these 10 years he also met many dev, yaksh, nag, Ghandharv, etc that came to mahendragiri and learnt from them as well. Not everything can be learnt through veda experiences do help in making a person better. He dueled with all kinds of creatures and slowly slowly completely merged with battle experience, intuition and battle ingenuity from the boon he got from Mahadev. One thing more is he now feels complete and that is why he named his Astra Bhaskar to let go of his identity as him. He was stronger, smarter and powerful than before. Today was the last day of his stay here in mahendragiri. After his Surya Pooja he returned to his teacher,

Bhagwan Parshuram: Putra Karna, yesterday was a mark of you completing your education. I am very pleased and happy that you came here and I was able to guide someone like you.

Karna: I am very grateful that you accepted me as your student, Gurudev. Under your guidance I became more than I could ever be.

He said these words because he genuinely meant that, at first glance it may seem he was already so powerful so what is the need of coming here but now when he completed his education he knew it was the best decision of his life. The difference between him before and now was huge and he knows he won't be able to achieve this without guidance from his teacher. Knowledge and power may be great but without guidance it is directionless and that is what he achieved here, guidance from one of the foremost teachers in bhulok.

Bhagwan Parshuram too was very pleased by his students, he had everything but still he wasn't arrogant. One could guide someone who wanted his advice and that all he did was give him advice and his student took it and improved himself. He was almost two yugas old and had a plethora of experience. He tried to advise Bheeshma too but because he already had several teachers he subconsciously didn't pay attention to details but Karna was different. He listened to everything and pondered over it and asked what he didn't understand. He  can see why he was chosen among billions.

Bhagwan Parshuram: Putra, it's time for you to leave. I bless you to be undefeatable and be Digvijayi.

Karna: Gurudev, please give me honor of giving you, your gurudakshina.

Bhagwan Parshuram: Putra, I have renounced everything and decided to dedicate my life in seclusion and penance. There is nothing materialistic I desire. If you want to give me gurudakshina then promise you you would do what Kshatriya supposed to. Protect the weak, uplift the suppressed and make dharma reign again in aryavart.

Karna: I promise you, I will do everything I can for it. Either I will achieve it or die trying.

Bhagwan Parshuram: Putra always remembers, puts humanity before Dharma. You know what will happen if that isn't the case and for Mahadev's sake don't do stupid things like donating your kavach or idiotic promise that would result in your downfall. Now go, Be victorious my son.

Karna touched the feet of his teacher, despite being 28 year old he was very emotional because it was a place he could open up truly and share his tightly guarded secret to his teacher who never dismiss anything and give him advice to overcome it. His equation with his guru is something else, he was his friend, close confidant, father figure and idol along with the awesome gurudev he is. Bhagwan Parshuram too became very attached to Karn, he picked him up and embraced him. After parting Karna left Mahendragiri on his chariot.

Unlike original Karna he plans to use his divine bow and weapons as usual like others do. He got several divine weapons in the course of 10 years. He wasn't shy in invoking his father Suryadev and who not only graced him with his presence but also given the divine mace, spear, axe and different Astra and sastra along with his blessing. Not only him but his celestial family came too Karna dueled with his brothers and practiced his other knowledge with them and his sisters. He bonded with them well but never he left for suryalok.

With the help of a divine chariot he reached Hastinapur in a prahar. He entered the kingdom and reached his home. He entered the house to see his mother busy in her chores, he tip-toed to her, got behind her and closed her eyes. Radha was startled for a moment then she touched the hand, the same familiar soft hand which touched her daily till ten years ago, words didn't come out of her mouth but tears started flowing. Karna immediately retracted his hands and made her turn where he wiped her tears and bent to touch her feets, to ask for blessings. Radha immediately picked him, she looked at her son who was exactly like he left, the time seemed to have no effect on him. She immediately hugged him,

Radha: You returned Putra, you took so long to return son.

Karna: I am sorry Mata but my education took so long.

Radha: That doesn't matter, now you are here safe and sound, I am very happy.

Both she had Karna parted, she gently cupped his face. Karna too lovingly look at the woman who despite not giving birth to him did everything a mother was supposed to. She seems very old now, at the time both of his parents found him they were already in their fifties and now he was 28 meant they are more than 80 year old and his father might be more than 90. The pair of son and mother talked for a while then Adhiratha came in. He had seen the chariot outside so he hurriedly came inside to see who was coming because the chariot was surely not ordinary. He saw his son and was happy he too hugged and blessed his son. The family then spent the time together. Lunch was served and they talked. Karna told them he was successful in getting education from Bhagwan Parshuram, he didn't go into details because his parents may not understand that but they were happy hearing their son was successful. Three of them talked, Adhiratha informed them about princes returning after completing their education and kala pradarshan that were arranged showcasing their abilities will be held tomorrow. Karna was surprised he thought it would take more for them to return but it seemed he was wrong in 10 years they completed their education, he also wanted to meet them and hoped nothing changed. He would love to see them grown-up and become responsible adults. The eldest among them would be now 23 years old while the youngest would be 22. The ones he most wanted to see are Suyodhana and Dushala. He has different bonds with them all together. Dushala being the youngest and most bubbly of all. He adored her like a daughter and even when taking care of the children he spent most time with her by teaching her painting, singing and other things. Suyodhana because after being starved of love and affection from childhood he was very attached to him. He wasn't partial to anyone but they both are special to him. He wanted to see how strong they became.

A/n do you want to duel between karna and arjun during kala pradarshan or not please comment.

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