Chapter 8

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More than four year passed and Karna was sixteen years old now. He was now more than seven feet the average height in Aryavart in dwaparyug. He was very happy with the progress he has made over the years with Kauravas. He even had good relationships with ladies who began coming to Sahodar Bhavan after the first day, it began their mingling with the Kauravas and the fourth wall between them did break. Kauravas were grown up now, the eldest was nine and half years old while the youngest was just eight years old. He was very satisfied by the way they had grown up. They became very sensible children.

Everything was going well but suddenly news of the death of Maharaj Pandu and his second wife Madri reached Hastinapur. Entire Hastinapur mourned the loss. Karna knew the storm was coming to his life; this would be a critical time where everything would either change or revert back as the epic proceeded. All three Rajmata of Hastinapur along with Mahamantri Vidhur have gone to bring back the remaining family of Maharaja Pandu that his birth mother of Karna Maharani Kunti and her five god bestowed sons or brother of Karna.

After a long time he has addressed himself as third person because as Bhaskar he loathes Pandavas. People only blame Kauravas whereas Pandavas were equally if not more responsible for Mahabharata. Eldest was a gambler and was the one who cemented the caste system in society through which even kalyug suffered. Second Pandava Bheem was a bully who had no brains and a big stomach but was easily angered. What could be said about the third and worst Pandava, dear of lord Krishna Parth. He hates him the most thats final, he didn't knew why tv serial glorified him especially as per Mahabharata he was one who broke the rules of the war the most, he killed brushva, Vrishsena by attacking them from behind, with deception he killed Bheeshma, to kill Dronacharya he not only lied with his brothers but insulted him along with his brothers, and what could be said about when he killed weaponless Karna but after doing all this he still had arrogance of considering himself as best archer of universe when literally par-brahm has given him his darshan. The Other two were just to agree with their elder brothers one was arrogant because of his looks while the other thought himself as the most intelligent person in trilok. And not only them but “great” Maharani Kunti is also coming with them. He had avoided seeing her when she arrived and lived in Hastinapur but now he couldn't do that.

He needs not to bring up prejudices and opinions of bhaskar but think of Karna and his mission. Pandavas are still children who lost their father. Maharaja Pandu was a great King himself so there is no way he wouldn't have imparted his wisdom. He has to make sure they don't become jaded and twisted. Pandavas who lived in the jungle far from society. He was sure it was the childhood and sudden exposure to society that has molded Pandavas as well, he knew though elders liked them but for them they were the future of Hastinapur and them being demigods fostered the idea of them incapable of doing wrong. Kuruvansh was messed up and no one could deny it. He has tried for kauravas so he has to do the same for Pandavas. It's imperative that they understand unity is their biggest strength. He had to think of a bigger picture to stop the massive blood shed happening. He knew everyone will forget the knowledge of celestial weapons at the end of dwaparyug but for that there is no need to reek the sacred land of kurukshetra red. He will try his best but truly it was up to Pandavas whether they would accept him because they were brought up with care of family though away from luxury they had love of family exactly opposite of Kauravas. And elders won't shy away or back out from pouring their love to them because they lost their father so it can't be said whether he will be able to bond with them.

With this thought he entered sahodar Bhavan and greeted everyone there, he saw they were dull and not enthusiastic before after all it was first time they got to know if someone dying despite one who died were their Kakashree but they never met them but from their parents and elders they can understand the impact.

Karna : I know the news of Maharaja Pandu passing away is grave but you have to be strong.

Dushala: Why did the people die, Bharata?

Karna : All that are born are destined to die my dear Dushala. It is one eternal truth we have to accept it.

Susasan: What about our cousins that are coming?

Karna : What about them? They are your brothers and you should make them feel welcome. They just lost their father. You should be nice to them.

Susasan: What if they don't accept us like others?

Karna : You shouldn't judge someone before meeting them. Remember all 106 of you are Princes of the Kingdom. Remember what I have always said. Together we stand….

Everyone : Divided we fall.

Saha: But there's two among them who are older than Jyestha. If they come they would be the King. Our Jyeshtha should be the King.

Karna : Why are you thinking about it? Suyodhana do you even want to become King or it is just because your father is Maharaja.

Suyodhana: But, didn't the son of the King become king? It is the rule and also by becoming King people will accept me and respect us.

Karna : Who said that to you my dear? Do you think I became close to you all just because you will be the king?

Suyodhana : No Bharata Vasusen what are you saying? At first I thought so but with time I realized it wasn't because of that, you took the job because you needed it and then we became close. My brother and I call you Bharata because we think of you as one.

Karna : I know Suyodhana, see acceptance has nothing to do with you being king or not. As for respect, think who among royals has the most respect among citizens.

Yuyutsu : Pitamah.

Karna : Correct but never once he sat on the throne. It's by his deed and service that he offered to citizens that they respect him. They know till Mahamahim is there no harm would come to them. See respect also has nothing to do with being a King.

Suyodhana: So should I not think of becoming the king of Hastinapur.

Karna : Who told you that, not only you but everyone of you should have that ambition.

Vikarna: But how could we? Jyeshtha should be King.

Karna : No, Vikarna. Hastinapur has 106 princes and among them only the most capable and able should be King. Being born elder doesn't mean most able. Among you the most capable should be ruler while the rest of you should help him by sharing his responsibilities and burden. See your father is alone now hence he is so busy but think if you have 105 person who you could trust unconditionally then how easy would be for you and everyone. So you should become the best you can and then best among you will be King of Hastinapur as it deserves.

Suyodhana: Yes, you are absolutely right, Bharata Vasusen.

Karna : Now, we shouldn't delay our routine any longer.

Then Kauravas started their practice, by the time lunch news of Gandhar raj coming to Hastinapur had arrived. Karna was told of having a break today. He was worried because he had heard various tales of Shakuni. His life was up there in mystery and wasn't unfolded by anyone. Some stories of his family put to dungeon was famous throughout but it was wrong, though Gandhari was married to Dhritarashtra in kind of forced circumstances due to Bhishma so he can understand his hatred towards Bhishma but he has to see whether he loved his nephew or consider them a tool his revenge. In the original Mahabharata he was a prominent advisor of Suyodhana but it was Suyodhana who in hotheaded and stubborn about becoming a King, as well as his hatred of Pandavas has led for Shakuni to plan various conspiracy to make his nephew the king of Hastinapur. It was mentioned that after the Ghandharv war Shakuni advised Suyodhana to make alliance with Pandavas through Arjun but Suyodhana couldn't do so because of his ego. He has to wait and see this mythical character who has several tales about him but none could be verified except him being advisor and planner of Duryodhana. Beforehand knew Suyodhana was the one most volatile variable other than Bheem. It was said Bheem used to showcase his strength on Kauravas which started hate of Suyodhana against him and from him to Pandavas and also because the partiality of elders led to Bheem's poisoning and everything escalated from there. He just hoped he could stop it and along with it unstable factor Shakuni. Everything now is hanging in hope though he was trying hard but Niyati too had to play its part.

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