Chapter 24

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Gandhari: What are you all doing here?

The stagnated atmosphere eased up a little because Karna retracted his gazes from Bheeshma and looked at her with soft and respectful eyes. He was also happy that she was here with her aide and no one else. He bent to touch her feet a deed he didn't do for anyone else just out of his respect for her,

Karna: Bless me Maharani.

Gandhari smiled, she was meeting him for the first time in decades but still she could feel he was the same as before, he wasn't jaded like others. From his voice she could instantly tell who he was? She blessed him and after he stood up, She gently lifted her hand to cup his cheek,

Gandhari: Kalyan ho, Putra.I can't express how happy I am that you came back and how capable you have become. May you be a great king and successful in whatever you want to achieve in life. Tell me son, why are all of you gathered here?

Karna: Nothing Maharani, we were just talking.

His voice was very respectful too, it has always bugged everyone how he was so respectful to her but at least in the past he has addressed them with proper etiquette but now the scenario has changed. Him becoming a King though of a vassal state has raised his standing among them.

Gandhari: Oh! You all can talk later. Let's go to the garden. The performances of the celebration will start soon.

Everyone went to the garden and enjoyed the performance, well most of them did. For Pandavas especially the three idiodic trio (Bheem, Arjun and Nakul) the entire time was nothing less than punishment even though the other two weren't feeling good but could maintain the facade. Though the relationship between brothers was much much better therefore the previous tussle didn't happen between Kauravas and Pandavas. It wasn't hidden from them Suyodhana didn't like Arjun very much but he didn't have much problem with others.

Elders were in no mood to enjoy it because they were busy thinking about an unstable factor that had emerged. Bheeshma, till now due to his strength and others fear of it, was actually the one who had the last say in the most important matters as Dhritarashtra was temporary king and in addition to being blind. But now there is someone who dared to oppose him and that too openly in front of everyone. His image of being invisible has taken a hit today and if nothing is done it will shatter. That is not something he wants, not only for other kingdoms but even in front of his family because he would lose his footing in politics of Hastinapur.

Vidhur on the other hand was most displeased because he knew Vasusen would be a staunch supporter of Duryodhana. Till now Suyodhana hasn't said anything about becoming king but with Vasusen beside him he might. Vidhur definitely doesn't want bad omen to sit on the throne. Dhritarashtra was very happy because there was someone like Vasusen beside his children and now he could try to make his ambition of his eldest becoming the next king happen.

Gandhari was sitting with Dushala. Maharani of Hastinapur wasn't so gullible or someone who can't sense the change but still pretended. She was also worried about her sister in law who told her she wasn't well and would not be able to attend the celebration. Gandhari was intelligent and politically savvy enough to guess what the changes in Hastinapur would be because of Vasusen but wasn't very disturbed. She has confidence in her children and also now Vasusen is with them.

Kauravas on the other hand were enjoying the performance along with Karna and Ashwathama but their mind was still on how Bharta Vasusen had opposed Pitamah.

In the closed walls of the palace and in her chamber the “great” Devi Kunti was also thinking about the person that has gained everyone's attention. Never had she imagined the baby that she flew has reached Hastinapur, not only that her unknown eldest was even caretaker for all children of Hastinapur. If not for seeing his kavach she wouldn't be able to identify him and along with that the calibre he possesses scared her. Nobody is more clear than her what he was capable of because like her other children he was born of Surya dev and like them he was born with some boons. And remembering those boons along with his closeness with Kauravas scared her very much. She didn't go to the celebration because she wanted to maintain her distance with him.

So in one way or another everyone present there was thinking about Karna who was just enjoying the performances. He was glad Kunti wasn't here, he really didn't like to see her very much and would prefer if they always maintain distance or better never come across each other. He was completely nonchalant about what happened before during the time of gurukul when he completed his personal Astra he decided to let go of all personal opinions about Mahabharat and act according to how others behave. He was not someone who would go out his way to antagonize anyone but that doesn't mean he would give a befitting reply if someone tried to antagonise him. Yes, he is here for a change and he would give his best to stop the atrocities that have happened but that doesn't mean he would compromise with either his morals or principles.

The celebration ended and then Karna returned to his home. His parents were very happy seeing him in royal attire and with a crown on his head. They talked for sometime after that everyone went to sleep.

Next day, Karna as usual woke up before brahma muhurta and went to the river bank for his prayers. He completed his prayers and after alms distribution he returned home. He wasn't unaware of gazes that were in him, he could do nothing about it. He knew those were gazes of females and maybe of some spies courtesy of esteemed elders of kuruvansh who definitely saw him as a threat. He didn't care for any of it but it seems it became imperative to show that he doesn't like flies around him. After breakfast with his family he changed into royal attire and went to the palace of Hastinapur. The court hasn't started yet so he just went to the chamber of Suyodhana.

Upon his arrival there he saw Ashwathama and Suyodhana were present there.

Suyodhana: Bharata Vasusen!!! You have arrived. Why didn't you let the soldier inform me of your arrival.

Karna: Suprabhat to you as well Suyodhana. Suprabhat Ashwathama.

Suyodhana was red because of embarrassment, he was so excited to see Karna that he forgot to greet him. Ashwathama beside him burst out laughing, it was very rare for him to see Suyodhana like this.

Suyodhana: Suprabhat Bharata Vasusen.

Ashwathama: Suprabhat Vasusen.

Karna just smiled,

Karna: To answer your question, there was no need for it. I am aware of the location of your chamber. Unless you didn't want me to come unannounced I don't like to trouble the soldiers.

Suyodhana: What are you saying Bharata Vasusen, do you think your presence is anything but happiness for me.

Karna: Hahaha… see there was no need to disturb soldiers.

After that they began talking, soon a maid came and informed everyone that sabha was arranged. Everyone then proceeded towards sabha.

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