Chapter 14

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Karna began his journey next day after Surya Pooja he has already bid farewell to his parents. After his Pooja he went to the place where he established a shivling, he picked his weapon from the tree and then tied it around his back as a luggage only bow he held in his hands and quiver in his back. He bowed to shivling for one last time and directly left from there. He had purchased a horse already, he just tucked his luggage and bow on it. He had a quiver full of arrows on his back. At this moment he looks like a mighty warrior. He climbed up the horse and went towards the gates of Hastinapur. He left the kingdom and since he was traveling on horse, he reached mahendragiri in a few days. He picked up his weapons and let the horse free into the jungle after removing the saddle from it.

He climbed the steep slope of Mahendragiri and after one prahar, he reached an ashram which undoubtedly belonged to Bhagwan Parshuram. He went inside and after looking here and there he saw a sage busy in his prayers with an axe beside him. He instantly knew he was Bhagwan Parshuram because of his aura. He had white hair but a body that could shame many young warriors. He was in white clothes with Rudraksha beaded mala tied on his strong biceps. He was enchanted by him.

Bhagwan Parshuram too felt a piercing gaze on him, he opened his eyes and saw a well built young boy with astaratni body standing at a distance looking at him without blinking, he didn't know what to make of it, he stood up

Bhagwan Parshuram: Who are you Vatsya?

His voice broke Karna out of his stupor and he immediately came running and fell in his feet because of his respect towards him,

Karna: Pranipat Bhagwan.

Bhagwan Parshuram: Kalyan ho. Tell me who you are, Vatsya?

Karna: I am Radhey Vasusen, suryaputra Karn of dwapar yug and bhaskar chaturvedi from kalyug, Bhagwan.

Bhagwan Parshuram immediately narrowed his eyes and gazed once again at the young man. He was Impressed when he didn't even flinch but the reason he looked at him was to see if there was a lie in what he was saying and found none.

Bhagwan Parshuram: It seems you have quite a tale to tell young man, why don't we sit and you can begin.

Karna nodded and both of them sat. Then Karna started his life story of both the lives he first told him of his previous life and what he knew of Mahabharata. Then he told about his rebirth in this yuga and what all he has achieved till now. Bhagwan Parshuram heard everything very seriously, when he came to know about ‘Karna’ he was angered, sad and disturbed. Anger on his abandonment and the sad because the life he lived and disturbed how he lied to him that resulted in his death. From the take he knew ‘Karna’ is very close and dear to him but he was a tragic character that died with deceit and people taking advantage of his generosity and Dharma. He didn't know why he was also proud of this student which he will never meet looking at the young man in front of him who reincarnated here as ‘Karna’ after being chosen by almighty.

Bhagwan Parshuram looked at the young man who was impressive on his own. Just being chosen out of billions was impressive but he did prove himself worthy. He has achieved a lot in mere 18 years. In front of him was an accomplished yogi and devotee of lord Shiva who himself graced him with his presence and bestowed several boons to him. Bhagwan Parshuram knew there was a huge responsibility looming on the shoulders of youngman and if he failed the entire Aaryavrat would witness a bloodshed like no other.

Bhagwan Parshuram: Why have you come here Vatsya? You have all the knowledge that you would need so why come to me when Mahadev himself has given you that already?

Karna: Whatever he gave me started from you only. I have skills and knowledge that you bestowed so I have considered you my Guru since the start. Please accept me as your student.

Bhagwan Parshuram: What would you achieve being acknowledged as my student?

Karna: Completion, I would achieve completion and would be able to fully embrace my identity.

Bhagwan Parshuram: But I have no knowledge or anything to give you.

Karna: I came here to be your student and serve you. I don't desire anything else please allow me.

Bhagwan Parshuram: What if I don't accept you?

Karna: I would try my best if my words aren't enough for my sincerity than my devotion would. I would penance to you, I don't think Bhagwan would let his devotees empty handed.

Bhagwan Parshuram: I am impressed but that is not enough to be my student, you have to pass my test to be my student.

Karna: I will do whatever you say bhagwan.

Bhagwan Parshuram: I want you to fight me with everything you got.

Karna: But how can I raise weapons on my teacher?

Bhagwan Parshuram: You want to be my student then you have to do this.

Karna: No gurudev, I can't do this. I have already considered you my teacher and I can't hurl my weapons at you. It will be an insult to you. If you don't want to accept me as your student. I would leave.

Saying that Karna stood up, touched his feet and turned around to leave.

Bhagwan Parshuram: Wait, you have passed my test. I wanted to see if in your hunger if completion you would be willing to do anything but I am pleased to see that isn't the case. I accept you as my student Vatsya. From today onwards you are my student.

Karna: I am blessed to be your student.

Bhagwan Parshuram: But what do you wish to accomplish here Vatsya. I really have nothing to teach you.

Karna: I came here for two purposes, one to serve you and second is my tapasya. I will do both actually.

Bhagwan Parshuram nodded. He too wanted to know more about the young man. They both then talked more afterwards, Karna prepared lunch and after lunch both of them sat and immersed in their Tapasya.

On the other side, Kauravas and Pandavas reached the Gurukul of Dronacharya, where they met the family of three. They respectfully greeted them. Dronacharya was pleased with his 106 students. He gave them the first day to become acquainted with Gurukul. Here everything was different apart from food, princes have to take care of everything like water, firewood, beds etc. Dronacharya thought first he had to break the Rajkumars from their bad habits but was shocked to see the amount of discipline they had. He was even more surprised the next day when the princes woke up on their own though his son had to teach them to make bed but next they themselves did exercises and his son too mingled with them easily especially with the eldest Kauravas. He saw their routine then they all went to collect the firewood and fetch water though it was new to them but they did everything without any tantrums. He was shocked how well raised they are despite being princes. From Pandavas it was expected as they had lived in forest but Kauravas that spent their childhood in between luxury such behaviour was unexpected. He mentally applauded the upbringing of Kuru.

Next came when Dronacharya began imparting the knowledge of veda and other scriptures and the focus and understanding of princes were mind boggling to him. Few exceptional students were not unexpected from him but intelligence of all the princes was impressive none the least. Then came the weaponry they were decent except few that were Bheem, Duryodhana and Arjun who were exceptional. Bheem because of his strength, Arjun because of his Archery talent and surprisingly Duryodhana who was very balanced but very good in mace. Others were not lacking but these three shined the most. He was very pleased with them. Not only were they impressive but also obedient. None have ignored or dismissed what he told them. For half a month he tested them in various ways and was satisfied with the results. But he was too happy to get a student like Arjun whose archery talent was something he has never seen. He thought of his insult and was sure he found the gem to make his words true in Panchal court. He decided to teach everyone as they are worthy but would keep a special eye on Arjun.

Like this their gurukul began, Ashwatthama the son of Dronacharya became close to them, when he saw how polite and well behaved the princes were but he felt a connection with Suyodhana. He was one to reach him and extend his friendship which he immediately took. From them in their free time both were inseparable. He had bonded with everyone as well. He was very intrigued by their daily routine and accompanied them. He found it unique and helpful as well.

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