Chapter 29

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One months passed since Karna became the King. Magadh was slowly rebuilding, people accepted the new king who was very benevolent and kind. Karna was doing the best to implement by the people, for the people and to the people's policy. He has negotiated treaties and trade with other kingdoms. He kept Mathura to himself. He has appointed new governors for every city and announced his reforms. He was slowly building a society that he envisioned. His parents have settled well in Magadh.

Through an already established strong spy network he became aware of the results of the Panchal war and knew it was time for his return; he had some overdues in Hastinapur himself. He didn't want to get involved in their politics but it seems he has too. He has to show a few people who they have messed up with. He called for Sahadeva,

Sahadeva, the prime minister of Magadh was first very wary of his new king but seeing the changes he was slowly letting go of his previous doubts. He was satisfied and even shocked by some policies of Karna. He became aware of Karna's caste but that was of no significance to him compared to such a king. He has truly accepted Karna as ruler of Magadh despite the land being ruled by his ancestors previously. He came to study where his king has summoned him,

Karna: Oh! Sahadeva you are here, come and take a seat.

Sahadeva did that: For what you have called me, Maharaja.

Karna: Nothing too important, I called you here to tell you I will be going to Hastinapur today. I want you to make sure everything here goes as planned. Be very aware that small missteps can be fatal. Though we are doing reconstruction only but it's foundation on which the prosperity of Magadh will depend upon.

Sahadeva: Rest, assured, Maharaja. May I know why you are going to Hastinapur and when you will come back.

Karna: I am going there because of my personal reasons. I have a close relationship with the children of Maharaj Dhritarashtra. They have won their first war so I ought to be there to congratulate them. I will also try to form an alliance with Hastinapur. I should return in a month or so.

They both then discussed a few things and after that Karna came to his parents to ask for their blessings and inform them of his departure. Radha and Adhiratha were not very glad but Karna assured them. He then began his journey to Hastinapur on his chariot.

On the other hand, Kauravas and Pandavas returned to Hastinapur, emerging victorious through their first war. Dronacharya and Ashwathama stayed in northern panchal for Ashwathama's coronation. They were welcomed by their Mata and other family members. Soon a sabha was arranged for their grand welcome. The princes were pretty happy. They have performed exceptionally and defeated Maharaj Drupad. Pandavas especially Arjun have regained their arrogance as if defeating Drupad has made them forget about defeat in hands of Karna. Duryodhana and his brothers were also happy to win their first war ever.

In the sabha, everyone was in their place.

Vidhur: Today is a very happy day for Hastinapur. Princes have returned victorious from their first war. They have proved to the entire Aryavart how strong the next generation of kuruvansh is, especially Arjun who fought and defeated a Maharathi like Drupad. Even handicapped with lack of experience he was able to achieve feats impossible for any warrior out of gurukul. His brothers are no less who managed to hold back such a huge army by themselves.

It was very cleverly worded, instead of saying Kauravas and Pandavas he called brothers which could be very well misunderstood that only Pandavas did that. Kauravas, Shakuni and Dhritarashtra understood that and frowned, before they could say anything a servant came to court,

Vidhur was not happy being disturbed,

Vidhur: Why are you here?

Servant: Mahamantri, I am here to inform the sabha about the arrival of Magadh naresh.

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