Chapter 19

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Karna: Let's end this fiasco, I am very irritated by this. If because of feeble pride someone dared to insult my parents. I would break thar Pride in the most effective and brutal way.

Karna looked at Arjun and Dronacharya, Dronacharya though has full confidence in his student but Karna possesses a bow that without a doubt is a divine bow, its beauty and aura were screaming of it and he knew which bow it is. His student was at disadvantage and a major one, he was aware of Vijaya bow and three sacred Mantra established strings of bow of Karna was enough to let him know he was possessor of Vijaya. He was internally grimacing that Bhagwan Parshuram didn't give it to him when he went to ask alms. He knew his student would be at disadvantage as the opponent of wielder Vijaya would feel the worst impact as it generates fear in their opponents and it increases as many times as the wielder fires it.

Dronacharya: You would crush it? Just having a divine bow in your hands doesn't make you eligible for either saying this or having it.

Karna: Acharya, if you want me not to use my bow say it clearly. You may not have confidence in your teaching but I have, I don't need a divine bow because my education itself is divine.

Saying that Karna didn't pick his bow but just hung his quiver and went to the soldier and asked for his bow in exchange for money he was carrying. Soldier was hesitant but Suyodhana nodded at him, the soldier did as his prince said. After having the bow Karna restrung it to his liking and made a loud twang from it.

Karna: Dronacharya, now also do you have any problem in the duel, if so then tell me now so that I can resolve them once and all. A bow is as strong as an archer, in my hands an ordinary bow isn't less than a divine bow.

His actions and deeds were an insult to Dronacharya but he couldn't say anything, he could just look at Karna angrily.  Arjun who also felt another insult from Karna gritted his teeth and without waiting for anyone he stepped forward. Everyone knew now his bow was undoubtedly superior. 

Both archers took their position and on the signal again the fight started but it was a stark contradiction to before. Earlier it was Pandavas were one who made first move but now it was Karna, his anger is peaked by words of Bheem and now he was enraged and he would let everyone feel his anger. Arjun became the tool for venting his anger. Arjun, though a great archer, was no match for enraged Karna. He could not rival him in either speed, or strength despite his superior bow. Karna was like wild fire in speed, wind in strength and like Devraj Indra shower rain he started showering arrows on Arjun who can barely counter it with normal arrow hence was forced to use Divyastra but that didn't help him as enchanted common arrows of Karna was enough to nullify them all. Arjun was forced to put his entire skill set on line but still he couldn't harm Karna but Karna too never aimed his Arrow with the purpose of harming him, the prolonged duel came to sudden halt when Arjun bow was cut down.

Everyone has their eyes wide and feared Karna would shoot that result in killing Arjun but Karna was just standing with Arrow knocked on his bow,

Karna: Prince, if you want to carry on the duel, you can pick another bow. You were one who challenged me so it's up to you if you want to continue. Don't worry this  Radhey doesn't fight or fire on disarmed or surrendered opponents.

His words were the most basic ethic of a warrior but at the moment people could feel it was an insult to Arjun and Dronacharya. Bheem was unconscious but rest Pandavas were gawking, seeing their pride Madhya Pandavas son of Devraj Indra was standing there with a broken Bow, shame, anger etc on his face. The Kauravas were looking at everything astonishingly. They may not like Arjun but none couldn't deny his skills or caliber but here Arjun was like a toddler in front of Karna. Ashwatthama smirked seeing his father's favourite like this. The royal were feeling the insult Arjun was feeling but it was Dronacharya who was looking aghast, but still he didn't want to admit he was wrong. He raised his hands and summoned the one of his five divine bows he had. He summoned his most powerful bow,

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