Chapter 22

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His breath was momentarily taken away by the gushing wind. Lin SuCi could not even open his eyes. Up in the air, he felt as though he had been immersed in an ice cellar, turning as rigid as cold iron.

The wind whistles, and a buzzing rang in Lin SuCi’s ears. He lost his awareness, and some time later, the beast who owned those sharp claws around his waist dived down. Air rushed past his ears and throat. Lin SuCi’s eyes rolled backwards, and fainted.

It was cold.

And damp.

Chills ran through his body. Lin SuCi’s eyelids trembled. As soon as he regained consciousness, his body curled up, huddling.

He slowly opened his eyes.

A scene of white, blinding and dazzling him. He quickly lowered his eyes.

So painful.

Lin SuCi hissed, discovering that he was lying in a pit of ice and snow.

Sitting up, Lin SuCi realised that there was a hill-like iceberg in front of him.

That iceberg swayed, shaking the ground.

Sprawled on the ground, Lin SuCi watched the iceberg vigilantly. After careful observation, he had an inkling of something.

The spiritual energy around the iceberg was writhing wildly, and the rich spiritual force in the air were all rushing towards it, and was fully absorbed. Under the huge mound, there was a pair of eyes the size of a brass bell. As it blinked, a scarlet glow was revealed.

How was this an iceberg? It clearly was that giant beast covered in ice and snow!

Lin SuCi’s breathing became lighter by quite a bit.

He had been taken by Li Wen to its home.

He was dead. The confused Li Wen was a killing machine. Was he actually that tragic, just looking at the protagonist, he would now become a meal for the king of demons?

Lin SuCi sneakily shifted his feet, studying this land of ice and snow. He tried his best to recall the brief introduction of Li Wen’s hometown in the book.

He needed to run away as soon as possible.

His official keeper was probably frightened, he had to quickly hurry back.

In the novel, Li Wen had ran straight to Yunyou Cave a few years later when his mind was clear and he broke free from his confinement.

Yunyou Cave was surrounded by wards. With the strength of the king of demons Li Wen, almost no one was able to break through the wards.

Forcing an entry was definitely hopeless.

Lin SuCi carefully held his breath. Slowly making a five degree turn, he lifted his feet lightly, and placed them on the ground, and not a single rustling through the snow was heard.

The giant beast buried under the ice growled lowly.

Lin SuCi’s feet trembled. His legs weakened and he fell and rolled across the ground. When he finally recovered from his dizziness and looked up, he saw the giant beast Li Wen close by.

Lin SuCi’s animal pupils contracted, and his eyes were entirely green. Lying across the ground, right in front of him was the savage beast.

Lin SuCi held his breath, his pupils a thin line. Looking up, he saw the seemingly raging giang beast glaring at him with red eyes the size of brass bells, a murderous and bloody look in his eyes.

With a beastly roar, the earth trembled. The iceberg collapsed, revealing the huge giant beast hidden under it. At the same time, a gust of wind swept Lin SuCi away.

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