Chapter 151

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        It was a black dragon.

The adult dragon has a vigorous posture, hovering in the air, and emitting a clear dragon chant.

It's clearly a dark and wasted world, but the dragon's body has gleaming scales, reflecting a colorful brilliance.

Lin Suci's body was swept away and landed on the dragon's back.

The palm sized little cat was dizzy for a moment, before realizing that he had shifted his position.

Lin Suci's body, which had just been attacked by severe pain, gradually regained consciousness. Not only that, as he lay his four claws on the dragon's back, a gentle aura was transmitted from the dragon's body to Lin Suci's body, to wash away the pain that was about to tear Lin Suci apart.

    Lin Suci's trembling body gradually calmed down.

The giant black dragon jumped up and hovered in the air. The dragon's "song" carried the coercion of heaven and earth, shocking the whole world.

    Lin Bugui's face changed completely.

From the moment Lin Suci was taken away, his palm was empty, and then the black dragon appeared, Lin Bugui's face gradually became gloomy. It was a kind of expression that Lin Suci had never seen.

The world of Wudu was split into two, and a black storm rolled up on Lin Bugui's side.

Lin Suci's body was too small, buried on the dragon's back, it was almost just a piece of white flashing scales on the black dragon's body.

When the dragon raised his head, he spit out a congealed ice ball from his mouth.

The cold air suddenly spread, and the curling cold air spread like smoke, instantly condensing the air into frost.

Lin Suci's breathing stagnated, and before he could do anything, a warm current seeped out, and he could breathe air again.

    But it was only him.

Bai Qingkong, Lin Zhixi and the others had their faces flushed from suffocation, and the veins on their foreheads were bulging. All relying on their instinctive endurance, they held their breath so as not to disturb the dragon's movements.

The frost in the air split open, like a waterfall impacting, falling from the sky, rushing towards the forest like a surge of three thousand miles.

Lin Bugui flew up quickly, his cloak flapping in the wind.

    He has some vigilance.

The frost is like a sharp blade that cuts everything in the world, and it does not hesitate to insert the sharp point into Lin Bugui.

Accompanied by the dragon's "chanting", the frost's fury was almost invincible in the world of Wudu, Lin Bugui dodged quickly, avoiding the sharp edge.

Zhong Li Haiming, who was on Lin Suci's body, hugged him tightly, and the will-o'-the-wisps in his eyes were blazing.

    "Big, big, big... senior brother..."

Zhong Li Haiming rarely stuttered, and couldn't even say a sentence in shock.

Even if he couldn't say everything, Lin Suci, who was quilted under Zhongli Haiming's skeleton and riding on the dragon's back, knew what he was going to say.

Lin Suci fluctuated with the circling of the giant dragon, the icy frost froze the air, gusts of wind whizzed and turned into ice blades, and quickly "pierced" towards Lin Bugui.

And Lin Suci's beard was shaking while spinning in the air, his pupils were erected, and his breathing was slowly easing.


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