Chapter 126

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Lin Suci's scalp was numb, and in a blink of an eye, he finally remembered.

The voice of this little girl is the one who reached out to him for the first time to ask him to be his teacher, and at that time, Xiao Xun, or Lin Bugui, was standing beside her!

Later, Huilian and the others said that this little girl would be very slow to respond.

She is obviously so smart in front of him, how can he say that she is dull? It's really not because the "manipulator" is not there!

Lin Suci's body was hugged by her waist, and in the little girl's palm, Lin Suci's little skull was tightly held!

The sky was suddenly as white as snow, and the dazzling light was a vortex, emanating from the little girl behind Lin Suci. The little girl hugged Lin Suci's body and was gradually sucked into the vortex of light.

Lin Bugui's Xiao Xun's body has completely melted and disappeared, so his spiritual consciousness...

    is behind Lin Suci!

Lin Suci's spiritual consciousness trembled, and the next moment, he was dizzy. When he opened his eyes again, the hands that were holding him tightly had changed.

   Qi Lan grabbed Lin Suci and muttered, "It's really a cunning thing with backhands."

He didn't know who he was talking about.

Lin Suci was rescued suddenly, but he didn't realize what was going on. He was very surprised. As soon as he stood up from Qi Lan's palm, he saw the little girl imprisoning his body not far away, bleeding out from her whole body.

The little girl had pain on her face, and quickly let go of the hand holding a small skull. At the same time, a small emerald green skull jumped directly onto Lin Suci's body, and slapped Lin Suci's body back quickly.

And the little skull emitted a faint light, and directly fired a radiant light arrow at the little girl. Amidst the dazzling light, Lin Suci vaguely heard Yan Boshen's leisurely voice.

    "I got it..."

Qi Lan snatched back Lin Suci's body and stuffed it beside the little skull.

    Qi Lan muttered in a low voice: "The old man's heart is really dirty..."

Lin Suci didn't hear it clearly, he was already in a daze.

He stood in Qi Lan's palm and looked over there from afar. The vortex of light circle behind the little girl was getting bigger and bigger, and had already sucked half of the little girl's body into it.

The emerald little skull floats in the air, and the breath that flows out of the little girl's body is absorbed into the bones by the little skull.

And that light arrow almost "pierced" the little girl who couldn't move and dodge into a hedgehog.

    "Yan Ran... Yan Ran!"

The little girl's face was completely distorted, and she called Yan Boshen's name in a low voice in the vortex of the light circle.

This was the first time Lin Suci saw Lin Bugui's gaffe.

Even if he was restrained, even if Lin Bugui didn't make any more moves, Lin Suci could clearly feel Lin Bugui's anger towards Yan Boshen.

And he was different. At this time, Lin Suci's eyes and heart were full of that emerald little skull, and the admiration in his eyes almost turned into substance, piercing Yan Boshen into a little hedgehog.

    He just said it!

    With Yan Boshen by his side!

    How could he!

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