Chapter 83

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It was unknown of what the woman was thinking when he said that. Her facial features under her hood seemed distorted. She opened her mouth, and tried to speak several times, but she did not know what to say.

She was there to find someone to cooperate! No matter the demon pet was just a pet, or a cultivation partner, it had nothing to do with her anyway! Why did that Senior seem wary of her, as if she was going to grab someone from him or something!

Was it necessary? It was just a cat!

The woman looked at the cat in Yan Boshen’s arms.

Uh, well, it really is a cute kitten.

Lin Suci stared at the woman and blinked.

What did Yan Boshen say just now?

Cultivation partners?

Lin Suci scratched the whiskers by his cheek, deep in thought.

That phrase… If he remembered correctly, it did not seem to be a phrase that could be used casually.

The others who had enjoyed the morning’s fish soup in Qianyue Hall had already scattered and left. Yan Boshen also picked up Lin Suci, ready to leave.


The woman hurriedly called out to Yan Boshen with a stiff smile on her face, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know that this is your cultivation partner. I almost offended Senior just now. Please don’t get me wrong, Senior. I just want to discuss some cooperation terms with… Eh, Senior, don’t go!”

Before the woman could finish her words, Yan Boshen had already walked out a long distance away while holding Lin Suci.

He shrank to an inch, and the only visible back that was distant had disappeared in the blink of an eye. The woman chased a few steps after him, but she could not catch up. Alas, she reluctantly gave up, and stomped her foot severely.

In just a short time, they have returned to the small courtyard.

Lin Suci crawled out of Yan Boshen’s arms and turned into his human form. Before he had time to speak, Qian Qian and Wan’er, who got up early, was already greeting him.

“Did little brother drink with Granny Yu’s fish soup this morning?”


Lin Suci answered, but was dragged into the small kitchen by Qian Qian.

“Since you’ve drunk it, come and taste my work of art. See how my fish soup tastes.”

Lin Suci was clueless about what Qian Qian and Wan’er were doing. He was forced to sit in the small kitchen. After drinking three bowls of different soups, his stomach was bulging. He dared not drink any further, so he kept shaking his head.

He quickly praised the fish soup they made. Lin Suci finally got his two excited sisters under control and slipped away.

After getting interrupted by his big sisters, Lin Suci forgot to ask what Yan Boshen said at the time.

In the Qianyue Hall, the final spiritual energy gathered was ten times that of the first time. It was so rich that Lin Suci could not swallow it all at once. It took him three times to eat the ball of spiritual energy, and it took a month to digest it.

My Senior Is Always Salivating After Me!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora