Chapter 39

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There were not many bamboo slips distributed from the Cardinal Sect. Lin Suci only re-engraved a dozen of them, and the dozen that were casted to the sects was dispersed to the surroundings. Within a few days, the news was like a gust of wind, rustling all over the ears of the cultivators/monks.

Such an ugly thing happened in a secret realm where many sects had signed an agreement for the disciples’ experience, which was undoubtedly the biggest and most sensational news around there.


More than twenty cultivating sects, ages ranging from the elders at the top to the disciples at the bottom, gathered in front of the gate of Golden Jade Pavilion. Thousands of monks were there to seek for an explanation.

The Golden Jade Pavilion could sentence a matter as big or small when something happened in the usual days, so it had the power to protect itself. However, this time, it completely offended all the cultivation sects.

The elders of the major sects who came to ask for an explanation did not show their good sides. If the Golden Jade Pavilion did not open the gates, and they would smash it open with their actions. There was no room for a peaceful solution.

Without a plan, the pavilion master of Golden Jade Pavilion avoided eye contact and sent Peng Sheng out as a form of explanation. However, he was killed on the spot by one of the Yuan Ying monks who guarded the calf. That was not a solution, but a vent of anger.

In the end, the Golden Jade Pavilion had to open the gates to welcome the high-ranking monks of various sects to enter. Unsure of what they just discussed, the pavilion master of Golden Jade Pavilion finally led the group of elders back to their sects personally. Their expressions were gray and pale.

The Cardinal Sect did not participate in the whole action though.

Lin Suci originally thought that he would be able to join in the fun, after all, in the original book, after little cabbage announced the matter, Golden Jade Pavilion’s vitality was greatly damaged, and it was almost torn apart.

That was a rare excitement, but it was a pity that Qing Fou stopped him and did not allow his departure.

Yan Boshen untied Lin Suci’s waist chain and went alone. No one in the sect could stand Lin Suci. They were worried that the youngest and most curious kid from the outer world would accidentally rush to join in the fun, and were afraid that he would be sent back as skewers.

Under Qing Fou’s order, Xiao Lan took over a heavy burden.

“Little apprentice, come and sit down.” Xiao Lan set up a bamboo kiosk and held melon seeds and peanuts that were obtained from the kitchen. He greeted Lin Suci enthusiastically, as if he wanted to have a talk with him.

Lin Suci was not in a good mood those past few days. In the end, Yan Boshen was injured. In order not to leave a scar, he went to the cold lake of behind the mountains for the past two days. He could not help with anything. He could only squat on the edge of the cliff and watched the shadowy figure wrapped in it.

After that, being unable to watch the big event made Lin Suci a little panic.

Xiao Lan gnawed on the melon seeds, seeming to be distressed about how to speak. Lin Suci bit the dried fish abruptly and sighed into the cool breeze. For a moment, he spoke first, “Fifth senior, why did Master ask you to let me come over?”

“What Master meant was that the youngest in our family will have to meet people in the future. You have already mastered the basics anyway, so there are some things that should be shared with you.” Xiao Lan scratched his head and smiled slyly, “After all, you are so temperamental. It’s not good at all. If you step out, people who want to kill you will definitely queue in a long line.”

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