Chapter 68: I was his only man

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"Owen is just my friend. We're all racers... We would often exchange ideas together, and I would listen to him talk about other drivers. I don't know what exactly caused you to misunderstand between me and Owen... It's that kind of relationship. "

"Lie! Why are you lying to me! I obviously saw you kissing! Merlin was excited again.

The blood from Johnny's forehead also flowed into his eyes, falling along with tears.

"Me kissing Owen? That's impossible! Hunter was completely confused, where did Merlin see it?

This guy can't be delusional, right?

"I filmed it! I shot them all! Merlin took his phone out and threw it to Hunter, "The password is your birthday!" See for yourself! "

Hunter didn't expect Merlin to even know his birthday, and obviously his birthday this year passed without anyone in the entire team remembering.

The feeling that only BT fans remember his birthday is too subtle.

Turn on his phone, and the screen shows him opening the window to see the scenery when he first arrived in Singapore.

It turns out that Merlin has followed him since his first day in Singapore!

"You can see the nineteenth picture in the album! You tell me what you're doing! Merlin roared.

Heng's photo album is full of his photos, he and Shen Chuan are eating at a restaurant, he and Shen Xi communicate the hanging system, he and the public relations manager determine the time of the media interview... Every one is him.

And the nineteenth picture, which happens to be the first time Hunter goes to Irving's room, is the picture of the guy opening the door with a bath towel.

Standing in the doorway, just as Owen pulled him, leaning forward, Owen's face just blocked by the back of Hunter's head, from this point of view... Isn't kissing a game of glaring?

Hunter himself thought it was a kiss!

"We didn't kiss. I couldn't possibly kiss him, Owen loved to tease people, it was just a joke he was playing with me. "

"It's not kissing, so what are the pictures behind me? Don't tell me you're playing a game of rolling sheets! "

Hunter slid back, and the pictures made his hair stand up.

The photo was taken from the window of Owen's room.

Hunter was sitting on Owen's waist, grabbed Owen's arm, pressed him against the bed, and lowered his head, obviously about to kiss him.

And the next picture is Owen turning sideways and laughing and saying something to Hunter, and Hunter still pressing him, which is so ambiguous that it makes people blush. So intimate, it's like ear curls beforehand.

Behind him, Hunter grabbed Owen's waist, and Owen lay on the bed teaching Hunter how to break free. It's just that they're blocked by the windowsill, and from that angle it's really like doing it.

And Hunter remembers that he studied in Irving's room for more than an hour that night!

Lawrence Owen! How the fuck don't you know to pull the curtains!

Now how is he going to explain! How to explain!

"Don't you see that we're all dressed? Have you ever seen rolling sheets in clothes? You say you're a fan of me, is that what you think of me? Hunter decided that instead of looking scared in front of Merlin, he might be tougher so that he really didn't have anything between himself and Owen.

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