Chapter 77: A Group of Male Rabbits...

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Just at Turn One, the competition between Winston, Charles and Hunter made the audience sweat.

Obviously, Hunter chased Charles very tightly, but he didn't expect to be cut off by Owen at the third big bend, and the wheels of the two cars had to touch together!

Hunter tugged at the corners of his mouth. It has to be said that Irving's overtaking has a level.

After a few laps, the riders at the back of the line were not to be outdone, and Hunter was chased by Chen Mobai.

This braking master nearly forced Hunter off the white line at Turn 16.

Hunter held his breath, he had to win over this guy who laughed and made him unhappy!

In the next few corners, Chen Mobai's overtaking was extremely threatening, and Hunter's nerves were like countless filaments that were tightened, running with super power, without giving Chen Mobai any chance.

On the contrary, every attempt to overtake made Hunter know Chen Mobai better, and his technique, his braking control points entered Hunter's mind like data. Most importantly, this guy is stunned to make different overtaking attempts at the same corner every time. All that Chen Mobai is good at will eventually become a weapon that Hunter will use to surpass him!

After a few laps, Hunter was so excited by this guy that he wanted to run laps. He can finally understand why Winston would say that after Owen and Charles, Chen Mobai has become his only opponent.

"Well... Winston's opponent is no one but me! "

Hunter once again blocked Chen Mobai's overtaking at corner 18, he knew that it was useless to defend Chen Mobai alone, and this difficult guy was left to the people who were surpassed by him!

In front of him was Charles, who had been crushed by Owen, and Hunter pulled the corners of his lips and gave Charles four fingers in his heart.

His sleek line on Turn Seven, combined with the delayed braking control he learned from Chen Mobai, almost overtook Charles.

The current Charles was already wary of Hunter, and the next few laps blocked Hunter's best line, and he showed Hunter strong defensive skills. Charles is getting faster and faster, and it's clear that he still wants to take his place back from Owen.

As for Winston, he is in a very good state today, it is simply called "Doomsday Rush", and Owen behind him is also itching his teeth.

Even the spectators could feel the smoke of the race, and every part of the Sochi circuit seemed to be full of variables.

Hunter and Chen Mobai entered the station one after another to change tires. Before this race, Shen Chuan's engineering team made improvements to the pneumatic wrench, replacing soft tires in 2.7 seconds, becoming the fastest tire change in this race.

After leaving the station, the two still maintain the ranking. And Chen Mobai's overtaking of Hunter became more and more intense.

Hunter, on the other hand, struggled to catch up with Charles in front and quickly opened the distance between him and Chen Mobai.

At the almost right-angled bend of the thirteenth, Hunter raided Charles, drew a beautiful semicircle at such a corner, and intercepted Charles, the audience exploded, and Hunter overtook Charles and flew away.

God knows how much he wanted to stretch his finger at Charles, but it was estimated that Charles would be so angry that he bit his finger off and had to give up.

Hunter was full of power, and smiled in his heart: "I wish Chen Mobai and Charles love each other until the end!" "

And Irving in front is chasing Winston, he has just passed Winston for less than half a lap, he will be overtaken by Winston, such a high level of competition is almost crazy for the audience.

Could You Not Tease Me?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें