Chapter 4 | Weird night

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Chris POV:

"Hurry you lazy people! Move your butt there and you, don't sleep on the car, Colton, go look for the final plans and arrange them and for God sake, anyone, find out when the meeting is starting!" Grrr...I'm so tired shouting orders. Doing two jobs and having to wake up so early instead of sleeping during the day can tire the shit out of someone like me, I'm feeling so lethargic. So, today, we're launching a new car and we're gonna have a meeting with an auction. We are never so late but John had to brag about the launching date and we had to make the car one month before the actual date. That guy will surely go to hell! He's such a pain in the ass.

"Achoo." I put the black cloth around my mouth and nose. I hate the dust. I'm wearing the tokyo ghoul clothing, showing Kaneki's teeth, such white and healthy teeth I tell ya. As I was walking, I could see one of the newbies struggling with a fuming engine. I guess it's the motor.

"Newbie! Any help?" I asked through the cloth and he groaned for some unknown reason.

"Sir, I have been working here for two years already. At Least remember your subordinates..." He whined. Oops, sorry. I took the tools from his hands and fixed a few loose screws and connect a few wires properly and told him to start the engine now. After it was repaired, he thanked me . Oh, I remember him now, he's the guy who always forgets to put oil or water in the engine.

"Mister Salvador!" I tuned to bump into a hard body and fell down. Again. I looked up to glare at the person when I got a deja vu. A very sexy looking, I mean he's always sexy, dressed in a dark black Ralp Lauren suit with a white button-down shirt, with a pendant you would always find on his neck, a really beautiful silver pendant with a rose encarved on it that I noticed when I was sewing his button. I thought he would have thrown it away but he actually called for someone to sew it but the pendant is so pretty.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when he cleared his throat and gave me his hands that I thankfully accepted due to my injury and I came face to face with his cold,silvery grey eyes and that made all the hairs on my stand.

"Nice meeting you after so long." He said shaking the hand he still had in his hold and I got some weird feelings like my heart throbbed and his voice echoed in my ears. Chris, it must be lack of sleep. His words were double edged, as if he meant another thing I did not really comprehend. I feel safe with him. His voice makes me feel warm even though it's rare to hear it. I'm becoming weird, it's surely the lack of sleep.

"Me too." I replied. He gave me a weird look and then John came running behind and asked him to follow him. You're going to heaven Johny. He gave me one of his usual funny smirks and took Liam away. Thank god I was wearing a mask and my glasses or else he would have recognise me but wait, how am I going to carry on the meeting? Liam has been wanting to meet me, or at least, the engineer me for a while and I've been avoiding him.I don't want him finding out and losing the bet between mom and me by getting fired.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, we're proud to introduce to you our new car for 2016, the Mercedes Benz SL65AMG." Johny announced and said an awful lot of things and I had to get my junior, Seth, make him wear my glasses and send him to do the presentation instead of me. Of course I had to send him cause he's the only one who matches me physically and I had to give him everything written on paper. He was a really reliable person sometimes and I don't mind the fact that he's gay. Speaking of sexual life, I've heard that Liam is a playboy. He only has one night stands yet every girl in this world is crazy about him.Well looking at his face and body, I can understand why.

I'm pretty sure the new car will have a lot of success at this auction. The price starts at $219,850. From the backstage, I attended the auction and how the price swirled to $300,000 but I was surprised when a voice cried out,"$400,000!"

What surprised me more was the familarity of the voice. It belonged to Mr.Perfect. The audience was engulfed in a mist of silence as no one dared to bid more than him and the aura that was coming from him was almost terrifying; it was such a powerful and dominating aura. His eyes shone proudly like the moon silvering a solemn lake on a cold night. After bidding his price, he quietly left the room, leaving all the paper work to his bodyguards.I recognised the chief bodyguard that always stick to Liam making his way to do the payments and all. What was that? Liam seemed so kind and friendly when he talked to me before...Strange. He is a mysterious man,too mysterious for your own good...

In the evening, I got back to the mansion where I tired myself even more and where I was being the gossip talk of the maids. Women...wanna watch gossip girl together?

At night, I was reading a book in my room when I heard a faint noise and it made my heart go from 80 per second to thousand in my fragile rib cage. Don't judge me but I hate the darkness. I woke from the bed and slowly approached the light switch as the only small amount of light in the room was the small electric lamp. I was about to switch it on when the window next to it was swiftly opened and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest as I was about to scream but my scream was muffled by a hand that tightly pressed against my mouth and a figure that signalled me to stay silent. What the fuck is Liam doing at this time in my room?!?! My back was pressed against the wall as he pressed his godly body to mine and I could feel his hot breaths on my face. His eyes locked onto mine and it was as if time stopped as I was captured by his cold eyes. His eyes were undescribably beautiful, they were as if hiding their warmth behind a solid ice wall.

He removed his hand after he was sure I wasn't going to scream and he he backed off. I tried to calm down my heavy breathing and asked, "What are you doing in my room,Sir?"

He looked around, scanning the whole room. I swear, I think I'm hated by the main butler because he had given me the dirtiest room in here, I did not get enough time to clean it. But I was happy that the room was quite big. "Did you clean this ?"He asked. So he's the one doing the asking...


"I always come here, since I was kid, I came here to hide and play. When I came back to the main house a year ago, I found this room full of webs and dust and I couldn't come here and stay for too long." He said while his eyes wandered around the room as if he was living his every memory again.

This makes me feel nostalgic...

"Thanks for cleaning it." He said with a stoic expression but I could feel a slight sadness in his baritone voice that made a cold shiver run down my spine.

"You're welcome."I replied nonchalantly.

Something flashed in his eyes and I was abruptly grabbed and yanked. I gasped as he held my wrist in his warm hands and motioned me out of the window. Are we eloping or something?

He helped me out of the window and was about to climb off the small balcony when I stopped on my trail and he gave me a confused look.

"I'm sorry Sir but I'm ...I have a phobia of darkness so..."He gave me a quick, reassuring look before he gave a small squeeze on my wrist as he continued his way. I don't know why but...why do I feel so safe with him?...Why? Do I know him? Wait, wait, that's not possible, right?

I followed him as we arrived in the garage and not from the front door if you know what I mean...I swear my eyes were squeezed shut when he thrust me in something and I felt a soft matter on my back. It wasn't until I heard the soft sound of the engine that I realised that I was in the very seat of the very car that I made. He just bought it today, didn't he?

Even I didn't get the opportunity to drive it . After that, all that I remember but I saw a few bodyguards running after us while Liam drove like a pro into the night. Another night without sleep...ah,what a beautiful sleepless night...

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