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Third person pov

As they knelt on the cold dirty floor, Sarah Salvador and her son waited on baited breath. The dangerous people around them did not seem to do anything, simply waiting. Perhaps they will come face to face with their real kidnapper soon. Footsteps were heard next to them after the sound of several cars going off was heard and a door was slammed opened.

Danny could not help but jump slightly. Despite how strong he tried to appear, he had been through something like this before. He could almost feel the disgusting stares on his naked vulnerable body,tied up and on humiliating display.

"You!No!No!That can't be true! No!"His heart threatened to jump out of his chest when he suddenly heard his mom ramble out.

Sarah started screeching,shouting and thrashing around as if she had seen a ghost. Danny could not figure it out but when he turned his gaze to the scene that had sent his mom in a frenzy, he understood at first glance. That man looked like an older version of his older brother.

"Shut that bitch up!"The man spat out his order and one of the men moved, landing a harsh kick to the woman's back.

"Stop!Why are you doing this!Stop!You're hurting her!"Danny cried as the man would not stop. It was almost as if he got some sadistic pleasure out of it. He tried to crawl as much on top of his mother, now at the end of those dirty disgusting black shoes.

"That should be enough."The man spoke again and Danny winced as he looked up,his back felt as if a truck had ran him over.

"I know you must have questions haha,"The man said as he walked with an arrogant air that made Danny sneer,"First off, I am not the one whom your mother think I am. I am your father's twin, Kain and that woman there is his murderer."As he said that, he knelt down and yanked Sarah's blonde hair. Blue eyes threw daggers at him, filled with shock and revolt. Danny stared at the two figures.

His body filled with nausea. His mother, a murderer? There was no way.

"You're lyin-"

"I am saying the truth, ask this bitch here. I didn't exactly have to wait this long for revenge but who knew..."He smirked and let go of Sarah's wrecked golden strands,"The lovers of my two nephews would be none other than the Knights. Same fucking Knights that have been causing us lost since a couple of years!"He growled angrily.

"...You'll get nothing out of this..." Danny muttered. He knew this was a trap and that he was a bait for his lover. He hoped that the latter would be smart enough to get his mother and him out of this mess,alive..

"Nah, this is perfect. It's what they say killing two birds with one stone. Now let us wait for your lil fag boyfriend to being his ass here and get killed. Maybe if I feel generous, I'll let you two say goodbye before you know.." Then those black bags were again wrapped around their head.

As they were both left in the middle of the big godown.


"Dan.. It's true. That man.. he was a monster. He deserved to be killed."Sarah spat out the words as her body shook with rage.

"..."Danny could not find the appropriate words to say. All those years he thought his mom could kill someone, who would have known she actually did. "Why?" The word left his mouth as he exhaled.

"He...He kidnapped Chris and sold him to some underground cult cause he needed money..." The woman said as she teared up,"You and your sister had been locked in a dark room while Chris..he..he was stripped, injured in ways that was beyond cruel... Those people, they did unspeakable things to him. They cannot even be called people anymore. I asked help from the Knight family. They owed my father one and ...in the end, everyone was killed and burned down with that horrible place..."

"I...I'm sorry..."Danny wanted nothing than wrapping his arms around his mom and feel those smaller yet strong arms envelop him in a warm safe haven. Just how big of a burden had this woman been holding for so long.

Silence followed after that. For a long time silence reigned over the godown until it happened. A sky-splitting roar followed by the literal shaking of the ground. Even under the veil of black, Danny knew that his man was here. Ethan. Even the name reassured him.

"Help is here mom.."He whispered softly.

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