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Third person's pov

Cars surrounded the area around the godown, men armed to the teeth. Liam squatted down behind a car as he stared at the horizon. No one was in view which was not surprising since it was a trap. As soon as he got the okay from the snipers perched around, he ran inside the building.

Adrenaline pumped inside him,fueling his body as he lunged over one of the boxes with a gun in his hand. The only thing restraining his beastly nature was his lover carefully treading behind him.

A sound was heard with a soft thud. Blood slowly trickled the now still body. Soon the whipping sounds of bullets flew around. Danny couldn't stay still even if he wanted to. He was vibrating with fear and a tinge of excitement. Ethan rushed inside like a bullet train as he took on the rear men. Gradually they began to take over the place.

"Come on you lil sneak rats unless you want me to blow both these two." Danny cried out when he was pulled on his feet by one guy while his mother was dragged away.

"What are you doing?Let me go!"He groaned as he tried to wiggle out of the man's hold but to no avail,"Fuck..."He cursed as he felt the cold metal press against his temples.

Next thing he knew he heard a scream and his world was sent into a spiral. He watched as blood splattered around in the air, coating the grey floor in a deep red. He stayed frozen as the man behind him threw his body away to join his boss.

"Mom..."He whispered as he fell to the ground. He saw Ethan running behind the sunglass guy and his mother. Once he made contact with the ground, he quickly looked up to acess the situation.He saw his boyfriend running towards him after having cut open Sarah's binds.Two bodies lay still on the floor.

"E-Ethan?"He called out as his eyes teared up.

"Shh It's okay baby."He reassured as he cut through the ropes and Danny rushed to his mother's side. She had blood seeping through herr shirt but Ethan quickly coaxed him and explained that it was not that bad. Three other men ran in, quickly grabbing Danny and his mother. The male turned to look at his lover.

"Chris and Liam are out there. I need to help them."

"Why is brother..?"

"He was the ransom. He knew it was a trap but he practically forced us to take him. Also he would buy us some time.Now go." Ethan said as he quickly moved and two men followed. Danny nodded. He trusted them to get his brother safe and sound.

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