Robot Fight Club

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Skye watched Bree kick at the fighting dummy and Adam and Chase sparring together. "All right, guys, gather up. Today, we are going to be studying one of the most time-honored traditions in Japanese culture." Donald spoke up, stopping beside the said woman as the trio stood in front of them.

"Ooh! Nunchuck combat?" Bree inquired as Chase asked, "Samurai sword fighting?" Adam also suggested, "Wrestling ginormous dudes in diapers?"

"We will be studying the great martial art of Aikido, the key principle of which is to deflect your aggressor's attack by using his own speed and strength against him-" Donald continued.

"-Which is basically like this." Skye commented with a playful smirk, flipping Donald over as he landed on his back on the floor.

The trio laughed as Davenport looked up at her and replied in emphasis, "Ow! Skye, that's not Aikido."

Skye then helped him back up on his feet and sassed, "Oh, really? My bad."

"Can we just get to the part where I obliterate them?" Bree remarked.

Donald's phone on the cyberdesk then rang, making Skye smile a bit deviously towards the billionaire and beat him to the desk and grabbed his phone. She answered the call as Donald said, "Skye, I have to take that call. It's about money."

"Uh-huh." Skye nodded and put the phone up to her ear and spoke up, walking away and now talking to his consultant for his work. "Oh, hey Frank, yeah."

Donald reached for his phone while Skye quickly moved on the other side of the counter in the kitchen, continuing, "I am his top executive advisor-"

"Skye, give me my phone-" Donald started.

"Oh, that won't do. Boost that up 15%. Uh-huh. Excellent. Pleasure doing business with you, Sir. Thanks, Frank." She finished and then hung up the phone.

"Am I fired?" Donald instantly questioned.

"Why would you think that? I just made it where you get even more money." Skye shrugged, tossing him his phone as he caught it, "You're welcome."

"How did you manage to do that?" Donald asked in confusion.

"No one can say no to me. I'm very persuasive. You should know that by now, Big D." Skye answered with a light shrug.

"Yeah, that's true. So, my top Executive Advisor? How about my VP instead?" Donald suggested.

"I don't know-" Skye started as Donald cut her off, "You'll have a huge salary."

Skye stuck her hand out towards him and both shook one another's hands as she commented, "Big D, you've got yourself a VP." He grinned then.


Chase and Leo was inside of the lab, building their robot for the Mission Creek Robot Throwdown. "So, what do you think?" Chase asked Leo who looked at the robot with bug eyes.

"This is awesome! Now all it needs are laser cannons, flame throwers, and satellite radio so we can pump up the jams!" Leo commented, dancing in place a little bit.

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