Prank You Very Much

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"Hey, Donnie, check this out," Skye began, her legs propped on the couch with a tablet in her hands. She moved the screen a little to show Donald behind her as he sat down on the back of the couch.

"Looks like Bree got pranked by one of the boys again," Skye finished in amusement, "Remember our prank wars? Sometimes, they'd go a little too out of hand."

Donald chuckled, saying, "Yeah, because my pranks were always outwitted by you, your magesty." He and Douglas had called her the 'Queen of Pranks' because she was undefeated and the best at coming up with pranks.

"We should go down there and see if Bree is alright," Skye commented while standing up and setting her tablet on the coffee table.

"Yeah," Donald agreed as the two of them headed towards the elevator and stopped beside Tasha who replied, "I need to let them know my mother is coming."

"Ohh... Well, I'm- I won't be here when she gets here- for work," Skye quickly started, having heard of what Rose was like by Donald and not wanting to meet her.

"I didn't even say when she's coming," Tasha pointed out.

"You don't have to," Skye remarked with a grin, "I won't be here." Donald elbowed her in her ribs as he covered what she said up and told his wife, "Yes, she will."

Skye let out a small groan and shrugged, the three of them exiting the elevator now and immediately held their nose at the awful scent.

"What happened in here? And why does my lab smell like a locker room and gym that only cows goes to?" Donald questioned the four teenagers.

"Ugh, honey, who did this to you?" Tasha asked Bree after glancing over at the girl covered in a sticky liquid.

"Who do you think?" Bree remarked in  annoyance while gesturing to Adam.

"Wow. Ruining pranks and blaming others. You're just not making any friends today, are you Bree?" Adam simply replied.

"Grandma Rose is visiting tomorrow and I want this behavior to stop. You three go get the cleaning supplies." Tasha told the three boys as they leave the room to retrieve the supplies.

"Oh, tomorrow. Yeah, I definitely have a thing to go do that day," Skye remarked until Tasha gave her an unamused look, "I mean, that's awesome... because I'll be here. Really." Skye smiled innocently.

"I am so sick of getting caught in their crossfire," Bree complained, "Last week, Chase was pranking Adam, and I ended up in a pet store window."

Inhuman💖Douglas DavenportWhere stories live. Discover now