The Jet-Wing

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Daisy stood in the bathroom and finished styling her now shoulder length hair, having cut it recently; She looked at her reflection and could tell that she was a different person, a better person.

She had her kids- kind of; She had her big brother and his wife; She had a clumsy nephew who was her partner. She had family, and she felt stronger because of that.

Though, Daisy would probably be ten times as happy if Douglas was in her life and by her side, but nonetheless, she was still happy and actually hopeful for the future.

She then exited out of the bathroom and walked down the hall and then down the stairs into the living room where Donald, Leo, and the trio was currently at.

She finished walking downstairs and stopped at the bottom step and looked around. Chase and Bree were talking on the couch and watching a video on his tablet while Adam and Leo watched Donald fix a machine just as it sparked which made them jump in surprise.

"Great. Everything in the lab is officially useless, and I don't have any money to repair it." Davenport said.

"I know my mom didn't marry you for you money, but I haven't been putting up with your antics for nothing." Leo remarked.

"Hey, at least you still have your bionic kids, wife, stepson, and your super best friend," Daisy commented to the former billionaire as everyone looked from what they were doing and over at her. She grinned, her arms folded across her chest and then unfolded as she moved over to Donald.

Bree and Chase then stepped over to them also, Bree adding, "Mr. Davenport, take your time with the lab. I don't mind staying up here. I mean, it won't make up for living in a basement for sixteen years, but it's a start."

Donald sighed, "We don't have time. Your capsules have regenerative capabilities. They're crucial to your bionic infrastructures."

"Huh?" Adam let out in confusion.

"Let me help you," Chase replied to his brother, "Capsule good!" Adam nodded in understanding then.

"But I haven't been in my capsule all week, and I feel fine," Bree told the two adults.

Daisy looked from her and glanced at Donald who replied, "Well, it's only a matter of time before your bionics go haywire."

"Do you know when exactly, 'cause I have a haircut on Tuesday, and if I glitch in the chair, I'm just gonna end up lookin' like that train wreck." Adam remarked while gesturing to Chase.

"Look, I get it," Chase started in annoyance, "I'm short, I look like a lady golfer, and I have a terrible haircut. What else you got?"

Adam smirked at his brother and asked, "How long do you have?" Bree and Leo laughed at that comment.

"Look, the longer you go without your capsules, the more likely you'll glitch," Daisy spoke up in agreement with her best friend.

"So don't use your bionics till I get enough money to rebuild the lab." Donald added.

"Uh oh, I feel a glitch comin' on," Adam replied and then grinned, turning in his seat and punching Chase in the arm hard.

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