You Posted What?: Pt.2

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Daisy moved over to where Douglas was laying on the floor and knelt beside him again, checking his pulse. "Babe... Dougie, wake up!"

Douglas groaned somewhat as she sighed in relief and let out in concern, a hand over his shoulder, "Are you okay?"

"Well, I'm alive," Douglas grunted while sitting up with the help of his girlfriend, "I'm pretty sure I broke some ribs-- mostly 'cause Perry landed on top of me when he knocked us out..."

"Sorry," Perry spoke up from where she stood a few feet from them.

The couple looked over at the said principal in slight confusion as Daisy pointed out first, "How are you not hurt?"

"Luckily, I landed on my left side where I have a metal hip, titanium shoulder, and I couldn't even tell you what's in my skull," Perry explained with a tap to her head briefly.

"HELP!" Leo yelled out, finally back awake from his brief unconsciousness.

"Dooley!" "Leo!" "Kid!" Perry, Douglas, and Daisy all exclaimed as they rushed over to where Leo laid on the other side of the beam with his arm stuck underneath it.

"My arm's stuck underneath this beam," Leo told them as Douglas then tried lifting it up but grunted in pain due to his cracked ribs.

"I got this, Dougie," Perry told him as the said man moved on the other side of Daisy, "I once lifted a car off of this dude. It was the least I could do since I ran him over."

The principal began to try and lift the beam, saying, "Oh! Tough to get a grip. My hands keep slipping on what I hope is red paint."

"Maybe I can just teleport him out from underneath the beam-" Daisy suggested but was immediately shot down by Leo who told her, "No. They'll wonder how you got me out. You have to leave me here."

"But you're hurt, Kid," The superhero began in concern for her teenage partner that was definitely like a nephew to her.

"It's okay..." Leo assured as he grunted in pain some more.

"He's right, babe," Douglas agreed with the tanned boy trapped halfway under the beam. "Our kids are already under questioning about their powers. We don't need to you to be under suspicion also."

Daisy slowly nodded and then pointed to the door once she heard the sirens and spoke up, "The firemen are here. We'll go get him." She grabbed Douglas's arm and the two ran out of the school to the fire trucks and ambulances pulling up in the parking lot.

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