Bionic Showdown: Pt. 1

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Skye watched the monitor on the desk, hearing Donald and the trio argue about their mission and closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"What were you guys thinking!?" Donald exclaimed at the trio as Adam laughed, saying, "Nope, not even close."

"You completely ignored my mission plan, improvised everything, and jeopardized the entire mission," Davenport pointed out.

"Mr. Davenport, we bust our butts all the time. And all you ever do is sit around the lab making lists of what we did wrong." Chase spoke up.

"I do not sit around-" Donald started while hiding his tablet a bit embarrassed, "-making lists of things you did wrong."

"That's true," Leo pointed out, "He also practice Tai Kwon Do in his tighty-whities."

"They are not tighty-whities!" Donald objected, "They are breathable exercise briefs."

"Well, if Skye was here, she'd agree that you need to keep your swinging high kicks away from us." Leo remarked.

"And away from my screen," Eddy chimed in.

"Look, you guys got lucky this time, but without my precise planning, you're opening yourselves up for disaster." Donald continued back to what he was telling the kids, "So, just follow my orders." With that stated, he began to walk away.

"Man, Skye leaving really turned you into a real dictator," Bree muttered in amusement, her hands over her hips.

"Yeah, maybe your orders aren't always right," Chase stated towards the billionaire who threw a glare over at Bree.

"Um, excuse me?" Donald glared at the said hazel eyed boy.

"He said, "Yeah, maybe your orders aren't-" Adam repeated but stopped talking when Donald glared at him.

"I heard him!" Davenport yelled at him and left out of the lab.

Skye's fists clenched tightly, her fingernails digging into the skin of her palms as she watched Marcus and Douglas watch her family argue.

"Oh... I love watching them snap at each other," Marcus remarked in amusement, "The whole team is falling apart."

Douglas glanced over at his love while Skye looked down at the floor, guiltily. "I've seen enough. Marcus, it's time to reclaim what's mine. Let's pay a visit to my big brother."

He slid his finger across the tablet to reveal a picture of him and Donald with Skye standing in the middle, a smirk on her face, while she held Douglas's hand. They had been standing in front of Davenport Industries sixteen years ago.

Next thing Skye saw was Douglas throwing the tablet onto the floor, which shattered the screen.

"Wait. Come on, Marcus. I- I'm your mother," Skye tried in convincing him to let her go, "That means you have to listen to me, too."

Marcus smirked at her attempt, saying, "Guess I'm just more of Dad's kid than yours. Sorry, Mom."

"Whatever, it was a worth a shot," Skye shrugged and folded her arms across her chest, watching them now leave out of the house.

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