Spike Fright

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It's been awhile per usual. I pray everyone is doing okay whilst this COVID-19 situation and other crazy things that's on the news is upon us. I pray that you, your families, and friends are safe, healthy, and living life as swell as it can be.

Hopefully, with a little bit more time that I have now, writing my stories and juggling life will be less stressful than it was before. I can publish and continue on with the series. (I'm hoping lol).

Please stay safe- and healthy- not just from the pandemic but in general. Thank you lovely readers for reading, voting, and commenting on my stories, I love it.

Now, enjoy this next part of the story!

 Now, enjoy this next part of the story!

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Daisy was sitting on top of one of the cyberdesks inside of the lab as she watched the different monitors in front of her. "It shouldn't have happened that way... I should have done better as an agent."

"Daisy, you have to stop blaming yourself for your last mission." Donald spoke up as he walked inside of the lab and moved over to her. "If you hadn't done what you did, Leo would have-"

"Leo would've been even more safe if I had just teleported him home and then appear back at the mission site." Daisy cut the man off with a tired sigh, "I've ran all of these different scenarios inside of my head, and they all lead to it ending a little bit better."

"Hey," Donald started towards his best friend who glanced over at him, "No one blames you. This isn't on you, and we will find a cure so you won't die."

"Everyone might not blame me, but I do. I should have done better." She commented, idly fiddling with her fingers. "I could have done better."


"Don't. No more saying that it wasn't my fault because we both know that it was. I risked Leo's life by allowing him stay instead of bringing him home." Daisy cut him off once more, "Maybe I do deserve to die, after all..."

"Stop it. I mean it." Donald told the woman next to him, moving his hands over his hips, "You don't deserve to die, and you saved Leo's life. You protected him. I probably would have done the same, and we can't change what happened-"

"Except be better next time." Daisy sighed, "I know. It's been a week, and I only have two weeks left. It's starting to hurt to even move and breathe..."

"Don't lose hope just yet. I am not going to lose my sister." Donald assured, placing a light hand over her clasped hands. "This will get better. Trust me, okay?"

Inhuman💖Douglas DavenportWhere stories live. Discover now