Chapter 3

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*Liam's POV*

After talking to Louis, I decided to head back to headquarters and get as much information on the situation as I could. I got into my car and began the drive to headquarters with a million thoughts running through my head. "I haven't seen Harry in forever." "He thinks I'm dead." Scratch that he probably knows I'm not now. "I miss him so much." "I have to see him." "I swear if anything happens to h-" But before I could finish that thought someone appeared in the middle of the street out of no where, and despite me slamming on my brakes I collided with them. I stopped the car and got out as soon as I could. "Oh My God!!" I yelled. I ran up to the person lying unconscious on their stomach. That's when I recognized the brown curls and froze in place. "No no no no no no no" I thought, "No, oh please no, that's not possible," I said as I slowly started to walk closer to the man. But as I got closer and rolled the person on their back, my suspicions were confirmed.

I just hit my brother, the one I'd been hoping to save, with my car.

I fell to my knees at Harry's side. I laid my head on his chest and started crying, no, sobbing. After about a minute or two of that, my brain came back online and I realized he really needed a hospital, as soon as possible. I reached into my pocket and grabbed out my cell phone. But before I could call for an ambulance, he came out from around the corner and walked right up to greet me.

*Zayn's POV*

After Harry fell unconscious and Liam realized who it was, he fell to the ground and started to cry. "Well well well," I thought to myself with a smirk, "We have finally found the one weakness of the great Liam Payne,"

Liam pulled out his phone, and I assumed he would be calling for an ambulance, so I decided it was time I stepped in. I came out from around the building and walked right up to Liam. "You," he said, and you could see the fury on his face and the fire in his eyes. He stood up and I assumed he was about to punch me, but I held up my hand in a stop motion. "Ah ah ah," I tisked, moving my right pointer finger back and forth, and then using the same finger to point at the tops of the buildings all around is. Liam slowly lowered his fist as he saw that every building in a two block radius had a sniper on it, each with their gun aimed at him or Harry. "What do you want Zayn," he growled through a clenched jaw. "Hey, be nice," I said as I started to slowly walk around him and his brother in a circle. He started walking in a circle as well, making sure to keep in-between Harry and I at all times. I stopped walking, "Calm down Liam, I'm not going to hurt the boy," "Oh, like you haven't already? Of course not, no I have every reason to believe you," he sneered back sarcastically.

"Oh, sass queen are you?" I said jokingly, but my laughter was interrupted when Louis Tomlinson appeared from nowhere and said, "Ain't nobody the sass queen except for me!"

"Stay out of this Lou," Liam warned. "Nah, Louis can wait with Harry, Liam, you come here." I said. Liam slowly and cautiously walked over to where I was. "If you don't want any harm to come to your brother, then you will come with me," I threatened. It didn't take him even two seconds before he turned around and yelled back at Louis, "Louis, take Harry to the hospital, I'll be there as soon as possible," he then turned back to face me.

*Liam's POV*

"Louis, take Harry to the hospital, I'll be there as soon as possible," I yelled to Lou, giving him an "I-don't-trust-him" look as a warning, before turning back to face Zayn.

"Let's go," I said.


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