Chapter 6

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*Louis' POV*

When I woke up, Harry had his arms wrapped around my waist and his legs tangled up in mine. I blushed and then tried to move out of his grip, but he was holding on too tight, so I lightly poked his face until he woke up. His eyes opened and he smiled at me. "Good morning Harry, mind letting me get out of bed to make some tea?" I asked, and that's when he realized what was happening. He quickly let go of me and started blushing before turning around and going back to sleep. I laughed and got out of bed.

I left our room, that's weird to say, our room, a shiver went down my spine, ugh. I went to make breakfast and then brought some to Harry along with his morning pills. After he finished eating and took his pills, he quickly became quite loopy again.

I led him out of our room and into the living room. I sat on the couch and he came to sit next to me, leaning against my side. I turned on the TV and decided to watch The X Factor. As soon as the first person came on stage Harry looked over at me and said, "I always wanted to sing," "oh yeah?" I asked, "Wanna sing something for me?" he nodded, then started singing, "Can you feel the love tonight? The peace the evening brings, the world for once in perfect harmony, with all its living things, so many things to tell him, but how to make him see, the truth about my past, impossible he'd turn away from me" I was going to comment on how lovely he was at singing, but I was too caught up on the fact that he replaced the lyrics her with him, and she'd with he'd.

"Harry?" I asked hesitantly. He looked over at me again and nodded, "Yeah?" he asked. "Are you, gay?" He pouted and scooted away from me, pulling his knees up to his chest and wrapping his arms around them. He nodded his head, "Yeah, sorry if I bother you," he paused, "I-I'll just leave," he unwrapped his arms from his knees and stood up, walking towards the front door. I quickly stood up after him and grabbed his hand stopping him from leaving and pulling him back over to the couch so we were sitting down again, facing each other.

I turned off the TV and looked at him completely seriously. "Its fine Harry, I-I just..." I looked down, "Just don't want to share a room with me anymore?" he asked. I looked back up to see a horrid look of sorrow on his face as his eyes began to fill with tears that then began to fall down his face. "Its fine, I-I'll just sleep on the couch," "That's terribly uncomfortable Harry," "Maybe so, but I'm sure you don't want me in your bed anymore," he pouted. I would love to reach out and grab his hand and tell him that that wasn't true, that its perfectly fine, but it wasn't. I'm not comfortable with sharing my room with a gay person, definitely not my bed, and especially not after what happened when I woke up this morning.

Harry sighed, then turned back to the TV despite the fact that nothing was on. I slowly stood up and left the flat, I needed a walk.


*Harry's POV*

Of course he wouldn't want to share a room when he found out I was gay, I was stupid to think anything otherwise. He's probably disgusted by me now.

I slowly stood up and walked to the kitchen to grab a knife, then walked to the bathroom. I closed and locked the door, and then pulled up my shirt revealing my wrists. I placed the knife against a scar and lightly drug it across my skin. I did this again and again, pressing slightly harder each time. Since I'm not at my own house I don't have any blades, that would need to change, but for now this works.

I wrapped up my arms with ace bandages and pulled my shirt back down. I then walked out of the bathroom and sat down on the couch, pulling my legs back up and wrapping my arms around them again, despite the painful stinging it caused my wrists.


*Louis' POV*

I walked back into the flat to see Harry still sitting on the couch, just as he was when I left. I walked over to the couch and cautiously sat next to him. I leaned over and wrapped my arms around him giving him an awkward side hug. He just kept staring ahead so I let go of him. "I'm sorry Harry, I'm just...I was raised in a home with very homophobic parents and...I don't know, its just new to me...I'm sorry for the way I acted, please forgive me?" Harry just stood up and walked into Liam's room, closing and locking the door.

I have to come up with something, I thought, some way I can apologize to him, and only hope he will forgive me. That's when I got an idea. I'll take him out for an apology dinner.

I walked up to Liam's door and knocked. Harry didn't answer, but there was a key on top of the door frame, so I unlocked the door, then slowly opened the door.

Harry was sitting on the bed, the same way he had on the couch. It was awful, made him look so vulnerable. I slowly walked over and sat on the bed next to him. "I'm sorry Harry, please forgive me? I'll take you to dinner?" He stirred after hearing that. Looking over at me, he slowly nodded, and I saw him smile. It was only for a second, but it was there. I extended my hand and to my surprise, he took it. I smiled and he smiled back. I had him stand up and follow me to my room and helped him pick out some clean clothes.

When it was time to leave I brought him outside and to my car. I drove us to Olive Garden.

When the waitress came to our table she coo'd at us, "Oh my gosh, you two are so cute!" she said. "Oh no, we aren't together, I'm not gay" I said, and I turned to see the smile on Harry's face quickly turn into a pout and his eyes become teary again. I realized I had said the wrong thing and I wanted to take it back. "I-I mean, not that he isn't attractive for a lad, he's just not my type..." oh god, Lou, you're just making this worse, "I-I mean not that there is anything wrong with his type, I-I just, like girls...and I'm just going to shut up now."

The rest of the meal was just as awkward, and for all three of us. Me, Harry, and the waitress.

Harry didn't talk to me the whole drive home, and when we got back, I didn't walk him inside, I just went in and straight to my bedroom. Thinking of how awful I was as I fell asleep.


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