Chapter 39

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*Harry's POV*

I woke up and turned to look at Lou, my baby, my angel, my husband. I leaned over and kissed him until he woke up. "Good morning baby," I said. "Good morning," he grumbled out. "Get up love, we have a wedding to plan, and people to inform!" I said, and he lazily rolled out of bed.

I grabbed his hand then walked downstairs and into the living room where everyone was sitting. "G'morning guys," I said, and they all said something back, weather it be "morning" or "eh" or "sure you could call it good" "Looks like you all woke up on the wrong side of the bed," I said. "Maybe we would've, you know, if we ever actually got to sleep in the first place," Ni complained. "What are you talking about?" I asked, and they all just burst out laughing. "Damn Haz, next time you and Lou F*ck, could you try to keep it down?" Dezzi said, and my cheeks turned bright red. "Oh," was all I could say.

"I'm just confused," Liam commented. "Haz, I thought Lou said you were saving yourself for marriage? Like I don't care if you do or not but I thought that was your plan?" He asked with a confused look. "I did," I said simply. They all looked at me confused until realization finally hit. "You got married and didn't invite me?!?!?!" Dezzi yelled. "Calm down," I said, "It was just me, Lou, and some judge from the court house." "So are you gonna have a real wedding?" Ni asked. "Yeah, that's what we came down to talk about, we're here to invite you," "Exactly," Lou said, finally awake enough to say something. "Well of course we'll come," Dezzi answered for all of them. "Great, Lou and I have to go plan it, because it's tonight!" I said, running off and pulling Lou with me after seeing the shock on their faces.

"Okay, so flowers?" I asked Lou once we got back to our room. "Yes, roses, white," he answered. I was letting him pick everything, the wedding is all his. "Doves?" "No, too cliché," "Okay, suits?" "Of course," Lou sassed. "People?" "Your brother, Dezzi, Niall," "That's it? What about your family," "Haz I don't want my dad there," Lou cringed. "Of course not love, I meant your mum, your sisters," "I-I haven't talked to them in years," Lou said. "Don't worry about it. Place?" "That old church down the street, I've always wanted to have my wedding there, it's picture perfect," Lou smiled, and it warmed my heart.
"I'll call someone,"
"There is a beautiful one in a bakery a few streets down,"
"Great, food?"
"I'll call a caterer,"
"Great!" I yelled, "We're all set then. You call the caterer, and priest, then go get the cake. I'll get the flowers, book the church, and call some people. Then we can go suit shopping and be ready by tonight!" I said excitedly. Lou leaned in and hugged me tight, "I did it dad, I found love, screw you," he whispered near my ear, but I don't think I was supposed to hear, so when he let go, I just smiled at him.

Lou and I both got to work quickly. The first thing I needed to take care of was the people. I grabbed Lou's phone without him noticing, and went through his contacts until I found "mum" I clicked on it, and it was true, his phone says he hasn't spoke to this number in years. I clicked the "call" icon and held the phone up to my ear. It rang 3 times and then went to voicemail. "Shit," I said under my breath. I called again. This time someone answered. "L-Lou?" The voice said. "Um, no, my name is Harry, are you Louis' mum?" I asked. "I am, wh-why do you have his phone, he's been dead for years," oh right, I thought, MI6 tells family members that their agents have died, "Um, no, ma'am, Lou is quite alive," I started, "WHAT?!" She yelled over the phone. "Yeah, um I was wondering if you could come visit? I'll explain everything to you if you do but also, him and I are kinda getting married tonight." "My son's gay?!?!" She said, and that kinda stung. "Yes, ma'am, but he's still an amazing person, he still loves you lots, he just happens to love me as much as I love him."
"Yeah, okay, I'm just glad he's alive. Are you sure it's my son?"
"Yeah, if you don't believe me, there is an interview of us on Youtube, you can search it."
"My word, my daughter mentioned that, but I didn't believe her. Wait, does that mean you're Harry Styles?" She asked and I heard a scream on the other end. "Yes, so I need to know if you and your daughters will be able to make it to our wedding tonight? It's just a few hours away from you, and you can spend the night at our flat, we have two spare rooms. I know Louis really wants to see you, he misses you lots," I said. "Did you say Harry Styles?" I heard a high pitches voice yell in the background. "Yeah, you wanna talk to him?" Lou's mum asked the voice, and I chuckled a bit. "YES!!" The girl screamed. There was shuffling on the other end, and I assumed she had given the phone to her daughter. "Harry?" She asked. "Hi," I said and she screamed. "Oh my god! I love you so much. I knew I saw you on TV with my brother!" "Haha, yeah you did, would you like to come to our wedding?" I asked, "Yes!!" She squealed again. "Well then I'll need you to give the phone back to your mum so I can arrange it, you should go get yourself and your siblings packed." "Okay," she said and handed the phone back to her mum. "Hello?" She asked. "Yes I'm here. Will you please be there? For Lou? I'll pay you back for your gas, I'll give you a place to stay, I'll provide food, I can even take you all shopping to buy an outfit for the wedding, I just need you to be here." I said, honestly needing her to be here for Lou. "We'll be there," she said. "Great, I'll text you the address. And thank you, you don't know how much it will mean to him," I said smiling and ending the call.

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