Chapter 32

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*Harry's POV*

I woke up about 5 in the morning to make sure I had enough time. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed before waking up Lou. "Babe, babe wake up, you need to start getting ready love." I said while gently shaking him awake. "Is it time to go?" Lou asked, lazily rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Not yet love but it is time to get ready," Lou just rolled over, trying to go back to sleep, but I picked him up so he wouldn't sleep. "Hey." he pouted and crossed his arms. "You need to get ready," I whined. "Will you uh, will you carry me to the bathroom?" Lou said blushing, embarrassed. "Of course love, no need to be embarrassed," I said and he simply blushed more. I carried him to the bathroom and gently set him down on the closed toilet lid, then began making my way towards the door, "If you need anything, just yell, I'll be here in a moments notice." I told Lou before closing the door behind me.

About a minute later he called my name and I sprinted back to the bathroom. "What is it love? Are you okay?" I asked worried about him. "Fine," he giggled. "Just cant walk," I relaxed, all worry leaving me, and went to pick him up. I carried him over to the bed where I had laid out some clothes for him to wear, and set him down on his side. "Would you like for me to step out while you ready yourself?" I asked. "If you don't mind..." He said trailing off, "Course not love, I'll go make us some breakfast, shoot me a text when you're ready," I said grabbing his phone off the nightstand and tossing it to him. I went to the kitchen and started making some biscuits and gravy, as I knew it was one of Lou's favourite breakfasts. When I finished, I set the two plates out on the table, along with the cutlery, and two glasses of apple juice, which I love. I felt a buzz in my back pocket, and checked to make sure it was Lou before running back to our room. "You look better in that than I do," I said looking Lou up and down, to which he responded with a slightly uncomfortable giggle. He was wearing a pair of my black skinnies-which weren't nearly as skinny on him as they were on me-and my favourite T-shirt which was black with the rolling stones logo on it (you all know what shirt I'm talking about). I walked over to the bed and picked Lou up. "I've prepared your favourite," I said and pecked him on the cheek. I brought him to the table and set him down in the seat across from mine. "Biscuits and gravy! Alright! God I love you Haz," he said digging into his food. "I love you too," I said with a huge smile on my face. He had finished his food in a matter of minutes. Quickest I've ever seen him eat anything really, and I decided I should start making his favourite foods all the time, that it would be the best way to get him eating again.

When we were both done with our breakfast, I carried Lou out to the car and then came back inside for our luggage. When I had everything in the car, I drove us to the airport. I paid for parking and then came back to get Lou, then, realizing it would be a hassle to make two trips again and again, came up with an idea. "I'm gonna put you on my shoulders love," I stated. "What?!" Lou jumped, his eyed getting wide. "Don't worry, I promise not to drop you," I said, and slowly, but surely, got him up on my shoulders. "Have you been eating the food I make you?" I questioned, "I swear you're lighter then before." "I've been eating most of it," He stated matter of factly. "Promise?" I asked. "Promise," He said.

When he was well situated on my shoulders, I grabbed our luggage and carried it, and him, inside. We went through security and thankfully, given his condition, they let me walk through the scanner while holding Louis. They took our luggage and sent it to the loading car, and I brought Lou over to our gate where we were to wait until our plain got there. I sat down in one of the seats and set Lou on my lap. "You excited?" I asked. "Of course! It will be our first trip with just the two of us. Paris doesn't really count given that Liam was there," he said then giggled. "Well good, because I'm going to try and make this the best trip you've ever had!" I said. "You'll do that just by being there Haz," He said, and I fell in love with him all over again.

They called out for people who are disabled to board the plane, and that currently meant Lou. Of course with him being unable to walk, that meant I would be boarding early too, so that I could walk him to his seat. So I stood up and carried Lou bridal style onto the plane.

The ride took a while, but Lou slept through most of it, leaning against me. I cuddled him into me, hoping he would be more comfortable. It might sound creepy, but I spent the whole ride just looking at him. I couldn't help myself. He is the most beautiful human being on the entire planet. When the plane was about to land, I started gently combing his hair with my fingers, hoping to wake him up in the nicest way possible. "We're here love," I whispered in his ear when he began to stir. I then kissed his temple and untangled myself from him. He groaned and I did to. "So cold now," he mumbled, and I giggled, pulling him into me for a warm hug. "Better?" I asked. "Much," he said, curling into me even more. He fell back asleep, quiet snores escaping from his mouth, and I giggled. He must've been truly exhausted, being able to fall asleep on a plane and all. "You're just too cute," I said, even though I knew he wouldn't hear me.

When the plane landed, I unbuckled Lou and carried him into the airport. I ended up carrying him in one arm, the way you would an infant, and used my other arm to carry our luggage. I went to the car rental desk and got our keys, struggling to hold onto them, but I managed. I went to the rental garage and found our car, a black 2015 Mustang convertible. I brought Lou over to the passengers side and set him in the seat, buckling him in before opening up the boot of the car and putting our luggage inside. I got into the drivers side and drove out of the rental garage. I drove all the way to the resort and brought our luggage inside, asking them to bring it to our room, I then came back out for Lou. He must really be tired, given that he is still asleep, maybe it's the jet lag. I unbuckled him and carried him inside to our room-which was underwater, the whole resort was, it was actually really cool, and I knew he would love it and spend hours looking out the glass wall as soon as he woke up- then laid him down on the bed. I stared at him in awe, wondering not only how he was still asleep, but how he looked so beautiful without even trying.

I went over to the bed and straddled his waist, then began kissing him until he woke up. As soon as I felt him kissing back, I pulled away. "No, don't stop," he said pouting, then placed his hands on my cheeks and pulled my face back down to his. The kiss was sweet, but passionate. I pulled away after a couple minutes and Louis huffed. I giggled in response. "You are so cute," I said pecking him on the lips one more time. "I'm not cute, I'm manly." He huffed. "You are a very cute man," I stated. "Well would you give your cute, manly, boyfriend another kiss?" Lou asked, and I made a face like I was thinking about it. "What if I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore?" I asked, and his face fell, tears starting to form, and when he pushed me off of him, I knew I had said the wrong thing, went about it the wrong way.

*Louis' POV*

"What if I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore?" Harry asked and my face fell. I felt tears threatening to spill. He couldn't be doing this, he wouldn't spend all this money to bring me all the way out here and break up with me, he wouldn't do that.......right? I pushed him off of me and he landed on the ground with a thud. So much for making this the best vacation ever. The tears started falling from my eyes, and I sat on the edge of the bed, using my hand to try to wipe them away as fast as they came, but it was no use, they just kept spilling. Of course they would, I've just lost the only thing that has made my pathetic life worth living, I reached down and took off my right shoe, pulling out the hidden glass knife that was concealed in the sole. I brought the knife up to my throat, and a look of horror was plastered on Harry's face. "No!" he yelled, grabbing my arm and prying the knife out of my hand. "Give it back Harry," I sobbed, weakly reaching out to take the knife back. "Hell no!" he said. "Please Harry," I said, looking straight into his eyes that were filled with a shadow of both horror and sorrow. "I don't want to continue on without you," I sobbed, almost giving up on getting the knife back. "Lou, Lou baby listen to me, I'm not breaking up with you, I just worded that horribly, I'm so sorry, I love you, I'm not leaving you." He said and I looked up at him with hope. "You-You aren't leaving me?" I questioned confused. "Never," he said. "Then why would you say something so horrible?" I asked, so hurt that he would say such a thing. "I-It was just worded badly. I didn't mean 'What if I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore,' I meant, 'What if I want to be more than just boyfriends?'" "Wh-What?" I asked, a smile spreading across my face and even reaching my eyes at just the thought of what he might be implying. He pulled me into a hug, then pulled away, smiling at me before getting on one knee.

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