Chapter 27

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*Harry's POV*

"Time to go everyone!!" Liam yelled, and with that, we were on our way to the airport.

~time skip~

I opened the door and took a step in. "Wow it's good to be back home," I said. Lou smiled at me. "It sure is," he said. "Err, where are Dezzi and I staying?" Niall asked. "At a hotel for the time being, except for tonight, since it's already late. I'll sleep on the couch and you guys can have my bed," Liam said. "I'll call El and have her find a new flat big enough for all of us." "Liam, Dezzi and I don't need your bed," Niall said. "Speak for yourself," Dezzi giggled before running to Liam's room. "I insist," Liam said, "Besides the fact that your girlfriend has probably already made herself comfortable on my bed, haha." Niall smiled, "Alright, thanks mate," he said, before walking off to find Dezzi.

"Well goodnight Li," I said before carrying Lou to our room. "You know I have a wheelchair, right?" Lou said as I laid him down on the bed. "Yes. You know I love you and am able to carry you though, right?" I said. Lou looked away from me, not responding. I sighed, "I do love you Lou, I really do," I said. He simply nodded his head. I sighed and laid down next to him, staring at the ceiling. "I love you too Hazza," I heard Lou say. I turned my head so I could see him and smiled. I reached out, wrapped my arms around him, and pulled him close to me. "I love you my little angel," I said, kissing his head. He smiled, "Goodnight love," I said turning off the lamp. "Goodnight," he said, and with that we went to sleep


*Niall's POV*

I walked around, looking in every door, until I found Dezzi. "Hey love," I said walking into the room. "Hey Ni," she said, giving me a smile. I walked over to the bed and laid down next to her, wrapping my arms around her. She shifted uncomfortably and moved my arms off of her. "Sorry Ni, listen," she started and I became really worried. I think she noticed, because she gave me a look and then said, "Don't worry Ni, its nothing bad. Its just that, I know you love me, and not to be rude in any way, but I haven't yet developed those feelings for you," she continued. "Understandable," I said. She nodded, and then continued, "Well you see, I haven't known you very long, and I'm not quite yet comfortable with being all cuddly in bed, okay?" I nodded. "I'm sorry Ni, just give me some time?" she asked. "You're fine babe, I still love you," I said, then gave her a hug and scooted over, putting some space between the two of us. "Goodnight Ni," she said. "Goodnight," I responded.

~time skip~

*Louis' POV*

I woke up at turned my head to see the clock on my nightstand, 8:46 am. I turned and looked at Haz, still sleeping. I gently untangled myself from him trying not to wake him, unfortunately it didn't work. His eyes fluttered and then slowly opened. He looked at me and smiled, pulling me back into him for a hug. "Good morning love," he said. "Good morning," I said back. "Trying to get somewhere?" he asked. "Err, I have to wee?" I said, but it came out more of a question. "Haha, I'll carry you to the bathroom," "That really isn't necessary," I said, but of course he wasn't having any of it. He stood up, walking around to my side of the bed and picking me up.

"Haz, you're tired, I can see it in your eyes, you don't have to carry me," "Of course I do, I love you, and I do everything for those I love." he said smiling. I huffed and crossed my arms. He set me down on the toilet, "Need some help getting your pants off?" he said cheekily. I cringed, "N-No, I'm g-good," I said and he gave me a sad smile. "Oh my god Lou, I'm so sorry, I forgot, I didn't mean to scare you or anything, I'm sorry, too soon, I get it," he apologized leaning down to hug me. "You're fine, erm can I go to the bathroom now?" I asked, "Course, if you need anything, I'm right outside the door, just yell." He said before walking out.

When I finished, I tried standing up and failed of course. I didn't wanna bother Harry, but I wasn't sure how else to get out of the bathroom. I huffed, "Haz," I yelled and not a second later he burst through the door. "I'm here, what's wrong, what happened?!" he asked worried. "Nothing, I just uh," I blushed, "I can't walk," I said quietly, he smiled, "Of course love," he said walking over to me and picking me up. He carried me into the living room and set me on top of Liam who was still sleeping. "Ummmmm," I said. "If he wakes up and I fall on my leg, I'm not gonna be happy." Haz's face fell immediately. "Oh my god Lou, I'm so sorry, I didn't even think of that, I don't wanna hurt you, omg, I'm sorry," he said quickly picking me back up. He shoved Li a bit with his leg until he woke up. "What?!" Li yelled into the couch cusion. "Mind moving so my angel can have a seat?" Haz said. Liam groaned, but got off the couch. Haz smiled and set me down handing me the remote, "Watch some TV, I'll make you breakfast," he said running out of the room to the kitchen.

I flipped through a bunch of channels, until I saw Haz's face. I stopped and watched what was happening. It was a picture of Haz, my Haz, holding hands with some girl, she had long blond hair with a beach perm, she had Brown eyes, a big chest and a small waist, skinny. I thought I recognized her from somewhere but couldn't place it. I froze. Wtf? I thought, then a reporter came on and started talking. "Harry Styles' Girlfriend, has been very concerned since his disappearance." it said. The lady kept talking but I paid no attencion. Harry Styles' girlfriend...Harry's girlfriend? WHAT?!?! I thought, and Haz came running into the room to turn off the TV. "Lou," he said, "I can explain," he continued. I was still frozen, but slowly took in what happened, "H-Haz?" I questioned.

*Harry's POV*

"Harry Styles' Girlfriend, has been very concerned since his disappearance," I heard from the other room. Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck, I ran into the other room and switched off the TV. "Lou," I said quickly, "I can explain," "H-Haz?" he questioned, and I never felt more horrid than in that moment. Tears started falling from the corners of his eyes and he grabbed the arm rest trying to stand up. I ran over trying to pick him up. "Don't touch me," he said. "Lou no," I said "I said don't touch me!!!!" he yelled, and started running away from me....on his leg. I chased him trying to help, but he only ran faster. Soon he started yelping and I saw blood starting to fall to the floor. Fuck I thought. But he just kept running, "Lou, please" I said running after him. "Don't touc-" he didn't finish his sentence before he screamed and fell to the floor. "Lou!!" I scream, falling to his side, he kept screaming from pain. I looked at his leg to find the stitches completely ripped open. "Fuck, Liam, Liam help me!!" I yelled. Liam ran as fast as he could and helped me carry Lou to the car, then flew us to the hospital, me in the back seat with Lou's head on my lap. "Lou, oh Lou, please be okay," I said quietly. He was still crying. "Lou, please look at me, I can explain, I really can, it's not at all what it looks like," he looked at me. "Is she your girlfriend?" I froze, and his face fell, becoming less confident that I would say no, "Harry, is she?" he asked again, and that one hurt, he never calls me Harry, only Haz or Hazza. I still didn't respond and his eyes filled with tears, "Harry please, please say no," he said. I look down at him. "Sh-she is my girlfriend," I said between tears.


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