Chapter 13

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*Liam's POV*

I woke up at around four o'clock. I'm surprised I slept that long, but with everything that's happened, I guess it makes sense. I woke up because Harry came into the room, rather loudly might I add. "Liam, wake up!!!" he said and sat down on the bed next to me. "Ugh, what Hazza? what do you want?" "Hazza?" Louis questioned, and I kinda shied away. "Yeah, its his nickname for me," Harry smiled. Then he tickled my sides, and I laughed but it hurt, and I think he realized, because his smile quickly left his face, and he began apologizing. "You're fine Hazza," I assured him and he gave me a small grin.

"Louis?" I asked, "I know I don't remember you, and I might in the future, but would you like to be friends now? We could start over?" he nodded and I smiled. "Yay!" I said. Then Harry said, "Well it's time to come home Li, let's go!" he helped me out of bed, and we walked out of the room, down the hall, and into the lift. When we got to the first floor, we went to the front desk and signed some papers, then left.

Harry drove and Louis sat in the passengers seat. The drive was normal at first, but then Harry reached out his hand and Louis took it, and I became confused. "Um, guys?" I asked looking down at their hands. Harry kept his eyes on the road, but Louis looked back to see what was up. When he saw me staring at their hands, he let go of Harry's hand and then whispered something in his ear. Harry nodded and looked at me through the review mirror.

"Liam," he said, grabbing Louis's hand again. "We have something to tell you, and um, I'm not sure how you are going to react. Well, um, I'm Gay, and me and Louis are a couple," he said the last part really quickly, probably to make sure he said everything before I interrupted. But his worries were irrelevant, as I had nothing to say. I just sat there silently and shocked.

They both began to look at each other worriedly as I stayed silent. Harry rubbed his thumb on the back of Louis' hand, and I assume it was to comfort him. "Wow," I said and they both looked up, then Harry swerved and looked back at the road. "That's, really cool you guys, I'm happy for you," I said and Louis' smiled hugely.

When we got to the flat that I apparently shared with Louis and now Harry, we had some crisps, and sat down on the couch to watch TV. "How long have you guys been a couple?" I asked, "Who asked out who? Are you guys gay or bisexual? Have you, err, slept together?" Harry laughed at that last one. "We just became a couple recently. And Louis asked me to be his boyfriend," Harry said then turning to Louis and smiled. He then continued without taking his eyes off Louis who was watching the TV. "I'm gay, as for Louis, err, I don't know, Louis?" "Yeah, oh sorry, bisexual I guess? I don't really know, I'm kinda new to this, I mean, I've never dated anyone or had many crushes, so I didn't really give myself the best opportunity to find out what my sexual orientation was " Harry laughed and kissed him on the cheek. "And no we haven't err slept together," Harry said mocking me. "I'm a virgin," Louis' eyes nearly popped out of his head when Harry said that. "Are you serious?" he asked. Harry blushed, "Yeah, why? I-Is there an issue with that?" he asked a little scared. "No, not at all just," he looked at me and shook his head. "We'll talk about it later," he said grabbing Harry's hand, "Alone," I felt a little sad at that, but understood. "Right, well if you two love birds don't mind, I'm going to go get some sleep," and with that I got up off the couch, went to my room, laid down, and went to sleep.


*Louis' POV*

As soon as Liam left the room, Harry turned to me and asked what was wrong, "It's just that, you have never had sex, and technically I never have with a guy either but, what if I end up being your first, and then you leave me, and you hate me forever because I stole your virginity from you, an-" Harry put a hand over my mouth to stop me. "Listen Louis, there is no possible way of that happening." "How do you know?" I asked. "Well," Harry blushed. "I uh, I'm saving myself for marriage, so the only way you could steal my virginity, is if we got married, and then I could never leave, nor hate you." I chuckled at that, but then a sad thought hit me, "Divorce?" "Never," Harry said and I smiled. "You're the best Haz," "Haz?" Harry asked. "Yeah, like Hazza but different so I'm not stealing your brothers nickname for you," Harry smiled, "I like it," he said.

"Want some food?" he asked getting up from the couch and heading towards the kitchen. "Not really hungry," I said following him, "Let me rephrase that then, you didn't eat for a whole week, get your big arse in here and eat something," I froze, "You really think it's that big?" I asked sadly. Harry walked over to me and pulled me into a hug, "Oh Louis, I didn't mean fat, you're not fat, just have a large bum, but that's not a bad thing babe, in fact," Harry said pulling out of the hug and looking at my rear end, "It's actually really sexy," I laughed at that and shoved him, "Stop being a weirdo you creep," I said pulling him into a hug and kissing him. "Now about that food..." Harry trailed off, "Fine I'll eat something," I said and Harry started jumping up and down like a little girl. I laughed and grabbed a bag of goldfish. "You're so gay, I love it," I said popping a handful of goldfish into my mouth. He laughed, then drug me into our room. We both laid down on the bed, and fell asleep in each others arms.


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