Chapter 33

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*Louis POV*

Haz got down on one knee and I brought my hand up to my mouth, tears of joy running down my face. "H-Haz?" I asked happily. He reached into his jacket pocket, smiling and not taking his eyes off mine. He pulled out a small black box, brought it in front of him and opened it up. Sitting in the box was a small gold ring with small diamonds around the centre.

"Lou," Haz said looking a me.

He cleared his throat, then started talking. "Louis William Tomlinson, you are my life, my love, my everything. Louis I love you so much, I love the way you talk in your sleep, I love your sassiness, I love how kind hearted you are, I love the way you call me Haz. I love how I always get lost in your eyes and the way your lips move when you talk, different from anyone else. I love your soft kisses and warm touches, I could go on forever, but in general Lou, I love you, and I can't even begin to imagine my life with anyone else, only you. Lou, I wanna grow old with you and have you by my side for the rest of my life, and I only hope you feel the same way, so," he paused and took a deep breath, "Louis, my love, will you marry me?"

"H-Haz," I said shaking my head, "I-I can't," I said. His face fell, a tear fell from his right eye, followed by many more. "B-But why?" He asked. "Y-You still have a girlfriend....." I said trailing off at the end.

He nodded and held up a finger in a "one minute" way, pulling out his phone and typing in a number. After a few seconds he quickly spoke into the phone "Hi, this is Harry, I'm breaking up with you," he waiting a moment then spoke again, "Because I'm madly in love with someone I'd like to marry, that's why, we're done, goodbye,"

He put his phone back into his pocket and looked back at me, "So?" He asked. "Can you promise to be there whenever I need you?" I asked. "I will be there whenever you need me, whenever you want me, and even when you don't want me, I will still be there for you." He spoke. "Forever?" I asked. "Forever and always," he said. "In that case," I said leaning forward and kissing him on the lips. "I would be honored to marry you,"

He pulled me into a bone crushing hug. When he let go he took the ring out of the box and showed me the inside. "Precious angel" it said, with a small ship on one side and a compass on the other. "Our tattoos?" I asked. "Yes, and your nickname," he said slipping the ring onto my finger.

He pulled me into another hug, and we just sat there for a while cuddled into each other. "What about Jim?" I asked him. "Don't worry Lou, I'll handle everything, but that doesn't matter, all that matters is that you said yes and now I get to spend my life with you, I love you," "You're so cliché," I giggled.

Eventually we pulled away, and he kissed me lightly on the lips. "Come on Lou, I made dinner reservations," he said grabbing my hand and standing up. "But I'm not ready" I said as he pulled my out of the door. "You have never looked more beautiful," he said smiling and I couldn't keep the blush off of my cheeks.

We arrived at the restaurant, and our table was right next to the wall where we could look out onto the ocean and see all the fish. I smiled.

"How long have you been planning this?" I asked looking away from the fish and back over to Haz. "Since the day I met you," he said looking down and blushing. "No, really Haz," I said, "I'm serious," he defended, "I've wanted to marry you from the day I first met you, as soon as I set my eyes on you I had this increadible undescribable feeling inside, I knew you were the one, and since then, I've just needed you by my side." He said, cheeks turning bright red at the end.

"I wanna have the wedding as soon as possible," he said reaching out and grabbing my hand. "Why?" I asked confused. His smile fell, "promise you won't leave me if I tell you?" He asked and I frowned. "Course I won't," I said. He took a deep breath, then spoke, "I'm dying,"

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