Chapter 22

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*Louis's POV*

I woke up and didn't recognize the room I was in. Oh no, it thought to myself in panic, not again!! My breathing got very fast and my heart sped up, suddenly I couldn't breath. I started full on panicking. "Please!" I yelled out "Please don't." "What do you mean not again Louis? Don't what? Are you okay? Baby what's wrong?" I heard Harry say. Apparently I thought that first part out loud. I calmed down when I realized Harry was there, that what I thought was happening wasn't actually happening. I snuggled deep into his chest.

"I-I-I'm fine," I stuttered, my breathing still heavy. "No you're not Lou, don't lie. Please tell me what all that was about?" He said giving me puppy dog eyes, and I have to say, no one who has ever lived has ever made a cuter face than Harry did in that moment, I couldn't refuse. I sighed, took a deep breath, and began. "It was before I moved in with your brother," I said, horrid memories that I have spent years trying to get rid of flooding back into my mind. "My mom would leave town on business trips, she did quite often, and my father would 'Be home with Lou and the girls' or at least that's what he told her," I said on the verge of tears. "What do you mean that's what he told her?" Harry asked confused, pulling me close to him, knowing this was hard for me. That's when I started full on bawling. I put my face in my hands to try to hide it, but with the noises I was making, there was no way Harry couldn't tell. He started rubbing my back, then sat up in the bed, pulling me up with him and into a hug. "Louis, whatever happened, I am so so sorry. But you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I won't force you to." I shook my head. "No Haz, I do want to, It's just that...." I shook my head again. "Just what baby?" "I don't want to be next to you when I tell you," I said softly. "Wh-what do you mean Lou?" "Just, whenever I tell someone something personal, I don't like to be in the same room as them, it makes me really uncomfortable and I can never finish what I'm saying, if I have to be with you when I tell you, I won't be able to tell you at all," "Oh, I'm sorry Lou," Harry said pouting. "I-I could text you?" I asked. "I would like to hear your actual voice when you're telling me, if you don't mind" Haz said still pouting. "I-I could go into the bathroom and call you?" I asked hoping it would be a better idea. He thought about it, then nodded letting go of me. "If it gets hard at any point, and you need to stop, just let me know, I won't force you to finish," Harry said. I love him. I grabbed my phone off of the nightstand and headed down the hall in search of Destany's bathroom. I closed the door and locked it, then leaned against it and sluffed down to the floor. The bathroom was small, no shower. I assume the only shower was in the bathroom connected to Destany's room. I looked at my phone, put in the password, then dialed Harry's number from memory. It hardly even rang before he picked up.

"Alright now, feel free to begin when you're ready," he said. "Well um..." I sighed realizing I had to tell him. I wanted to trust him, and if we were going to make this relationship work, I needed to be honest. There was no backing out of this now. "My dad would make my sisters go to bed early," I started, "He would wait until he knew they were asleep, then he would come get me from my room. H-He would drag me out of the house and into his car. I always knew what was going to happen. He then blindfolded me and drove me to whatever random hotel he had chosen for the night." Harry gasped, realizing where I was going with this story. "He would ask for a room and get the the key, then come back out to the car and bring me inside, still blindfolded. He would drag me to the room he paid for, then lock the door and lead me over to the bed. H-He would then start yelling at me," I said starting to cry again. I heard loud footsteps rushing down the hallway and then I heard Harry sigh as he leaned against the other side of the door sluffing down it like I had. I still had my phone to my ear and I heard Harry speak into his, "Alright, sorry, continue, when you're ready," "He would slap me across the face, leaving bright red hand prints that you would still be able to see the next day. Then tell me how horrid I was, how I didn't deserve to live, how I never should've been born, how that night he spent with my mother, the night I was conceived, it was all a mistake, I'm a mistake, he never wanted me, he said he hated me from the moment I was born, it happened every time, and every time I would start to cry, he would then slap me again and tell me not to cry." "Louis, please please please let me in," Haz whispered through the phone, and I could tell he was crying, "Louis please, this is killing me, I need to be with you, to comfort you, to hold you close and tell you its gonna be okay, please." he begged. "No, I won't be able to finish," "I don't care, I just need to be with you," "I'm sorry Haz, no, please just let me finish, then I'll let you in, and you can hold me for as long as you want" I heard him sigh from the other end of the phone. "Thank you," I said, "Well, when he was done ranting about how horrid I was, h-he would, um..." "Lou?" Harry questioned. "I-I'm fine. H-He would shove me backwards onto the bed. He stripped me down so I w-was naked. He w-would take off his pants and h-h-he, " I paused. "He r-raped me Haz," I barely managed to whisper through my tears. I heard Harry jump to his feet and then he started pounding on the door. "Louis William Tomlinson, you let me in right now!!" he yelled. "N-No," I said. "I'm almost done, please Haz," he stopped pounding on the door and I continued. "Every time, I would wake up in the morning not knowing where I was, in attempt to forget the events of the previous night, s-so when I woke up this morning and didn't know where we were, I-I thought my father had found me and...and r-raped me again." "Lou I don't care if you're done or not, please please please open this God damn door!!" he yelled. I slowly stood up and twisted the lock on the door, unlocking it. Harry barged in, careful not to hit me with the door though. He dropped his phone and pulled me into his chest, where I bawled. We just stood there hugging until I had calmed down enough. "I'm sorry Lou, I'm so sorry that ever happened to you, but I won't let it happen again, I swear Lou, I swear on my life, I won't let anyone hurt you ever again, from now on I will make it my duty to protect you. I love you." I smiled then leaned up and kissed him "I love you too Haz, so much," I said kissing him again.

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