Chapter 11

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*Liam's POV*

I woke up and screamed my brother's name. I'm not sure why, I think it had something to do with my dream. As soon as I screamed his name, he was by my side, but there was someone else in the room. Someone I didn't recognize. "H-Harry, wh-who is that?" I asked pointing to the stranger, who then frowned. "Th-that's Louis. Your best friend. You don't remember him?" "I-I'm afraid not," I answered honestly, and "Louis" left the room crying. I felt terrible, my best friend? You would think I would remember my best friend.

Louis came back with a doctor, but he didn't actually come in the room, just stood outside the door. The doctor came over to the bed. "Hey how are you feeling Liam?" he asked, "Um good I guess. What happened?" "Well Mr. Payne, you were shot." My mouth fell open, "Shot?!" "Yes shot, but forget that for just a second. Do you remember anything? What is the last thing you remember?" I had to think about it for a minute, then said, "My parents funeral."

Harry and Louis both looked at each other and then at the doctor. "Right," the doctor said, "It looks like Liam has lost his memory, but not all of it, just back to the funeral, back to the last traumatic event in his life before being shot. Did Liam know Louis before the funeral?" Harry shook his head. "Okay, well that is why Liam doesn't remember him, he doesn't remember anything since then. His memory might come back slowly, but he's lost years of it. If it comes back, it will take a long time." "Thank you," Harry said as the doctor got up and left the room.

"Louis please come in here," Harry said. Louis slowly walked towards Harry and sat in the seat next to him. "Louis?" I said. Him and Harry looked up at me. "Yeah?" Louis asked. "I'm sorry," I said and looked down. "For what?" he asked. "I'm sorry Louis. I'm so sorry I don't remember you. I wish I did, its all my fault. I want to remember you, but I can't. Please don't be sad?" He looked at me and smiled. "Its okay Liam,"

We all sat there in awkward silence, then Louis stood up and extended his hand to Harry saying, "Let's go home. We'll bring Liam with us tomorrow." he gave me a sad smile. Harry took his hand and I gave them a confused look. But they didn't notice and they left without another word.

Are they together? I thought. My best friend and my brother in a relationship? No, Louis was just being nice, Hazza could never be gay.

And on that note I went to sleep.


*Harry's POV*

Louis led me out of Liam's room and out of the hospital. And although we were both sad, I almost felt like I should be the one leading him. So I stopped walking in the middle of the parking lot and pulled him into me, giving him a hug. Neither of us said anything, just stood there hugging. We got a few weird looks, but I didn't care. I just needed to comfort Louis.

After a few more seconds, I let go of Louis, took his hand, and walked him to the car. I opened the passenger door and let him in, then walked to the other side and got in. Today was the day that I stopped taking the pills so, I was fine to drive.

When we got back to our flat, I made dinner for Louis, tacos. We had a very silent dinner other than the "Thank you" I received from him.

After dinner, we both went and sat down on the couch. "Please talk to me Louis?" "What do you want me to talk about Harry? My best friend doesn't remember me. Is that what you want me to say? Because I'm pretty sure you already knew that!"

I let my hand slip from his, and started to stand up. He tried to stop me though, and did it by grabbing my wrist. I hissed in pain and fell to the floor, grabbing my wrist. Louis was quickly next to me, trying to apologize. I assured him it was okay and stood up. "I'm sorry for yelling at you Harry, I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry." "You're fine Louis," He nodded his head and slowly stood up and left the room. I laid down on the couch and fell asleep.


*Louis' POV*

I walked away from the living room and into my room. I couldn't believe I just did that. I took it all out on him, and then physically hurt him. I cried for about twenty minutes before deciding to go apologize again, but when I got to the living room he was asleep.

I picked him up, and carried him gently to our room, then laid him on the bed, and covered him in blankets. "Goodnight Harry," I whispered. Then I climbed into bed with him and fell asleep.

A/N sorry its a little short, there just wasn't much I could do after they all fell asleep(:


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