Chapter 34

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*Louis' POV*

"Y-You're what?" I asked tears threatening to spill over. "I'm dying," he repeated, and the tears started falling down my face. "No," I said. "No, no no, you can't be dying, no," I said. Haz grabbed my hand and started rubbing circles on the back. "It's okay love, as long as you're by my side until the end, my life will be complete," "But mine won't Haz! I need you, I can't live without you, you just witnessed that back in our room!" "Please Lou," he said. I sighed. "W-Will you still marry me?" Haz asked nervously. "Of course, this doesn't change my love for you at all, why would you think anything different?" Haz smiled. "I don't know, but thank you Lou," he said.

"Haz," I said. "Yeah?" He asked. "I'm not really hungry anymore, can we go back to our room?" I asked. He nodded, and with that, we went back to our room.

Harry carried me over to the bed and sat next to me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. "I didn't want you to leave me, and I figured if you left me after agreeing to marry me, at least I would know you did love me," I pulled him into a hug, "Of course I love you Haz, and no, I won't leave you. M-May I ask what your erm, dying from?" I asked.

Haz looked down. " Visceral leishmaniasis, and it has a 100% death rate," he said. I reached down and grabbed his hand, tangling our fingers together. "Is there a cure?" I asked and Haz looked at me. "No,, never mind," I looked up quickly after he said that. "Haz?" I asked. "What are you not telling me?"

"There is a cure, but only one bottle of it," Haz said and I smiled, "Great, we can get it for you!" I yelled.

Haz shook his head, "The cure bottle, the one and only cure bottle, is located in the centre of an assassin's home."

"How the hell do you know that?" I asked

"I talked to some people at MI6. They informed me on all information they had." "Then I will get you the bottle," I said. Haz looked up at me with wide eyes.

"No, you are not going to go in there to get the cure. You'll die trying to get it,"

"Maybe," I said, "But if I don't, then you will die. And Haz, all I have left is you and Liam, and we both know that if you die, Liam won't be enough to keep me here, if you die, we both know what's gonna happen to me. If I successfully get the cure, I will have saved both of our lives. Please let me try?" I asked.

"I, okay, but if anything happens to you Lou, I swear." "Nothing will happen, I promise," I said, he nodded and pulled me into a hug.

"So do you want to leave now, or stay here for a while?" Haz asked. "Listen love, I'm so grateful for this vacation, and my word, this resort is gorgeous, but you're getting closer to dying every moment we wait. We need to go as soon as possible," I said.

"I understand, we can go," Haz said smiling sadly. I pecked him on the lips.

"I just told you I'm sick and your kissing me?" Haz asked. "Its not contagious," I said. "You don't know that," Haz said. "Well I love you anyways, and I'm gonna kiss you anyways," I said. "Okay, it's not contagious anyways, so you're safe," he said.

We gathered all of our things and Harry carried me, and the luggage, out the same way we came in. We stopped at the lobby to pay for the short amount of time we used the room, and then went out back into the world and got into the car.

"Now can we put the top down?" I asked Haz. "Course love," he said smiling. I undid the latch on my side while he undid the latch on his side. Then he rolled down all the windows and we put the top down.

"This is incredible," I said. "It is," Haz said smiling at me.

We got back to the airport returning our car and going to buy return tickets.

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