Chapter 8

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*Liam's POV*

I had been sitting in this horrid cell for a week now, because according to Zayn, "You must complete two missions for me before I let you leave, and you have only done one, incorrectly might I add." So I have been sitting here receiving three small meals a day, and using the awful toilet in the corner of the room.

Finally today, Zayn walks in. "I have decided my second mission for you Liam," he says. "And that would be?" I question, excited to be finished with this nonsense and return to my brother whom I miss dearly. "You, Mr. Liam Payne, are going to kill Mr. Lewis Tomlinson," I froze, then looked up at him, "One it is Louis not Lewis, and two, please, something else, anything else, I'll do anything, please," I begged. "Wow, who would've though the day would ever come when you were begging of me, hah, hmm, well there is that annoying Eleanor girl..." I filled with hope, but it all quickly left when I heard his next sentence, "But no, I think I will stick with Louis,"

I sank to my knees and began to cry. No way could I kill my best friend. "And, just because I don't trust you after your last mission," Zayn continued, "I will be there to watch, and to make it even more fun, you will do it in your own home,"

I got up and walked towards him. I wanted to strangle him, but of course I couldn't because I was stuck in this cell. I screamed out in frustration and he just laughed. I walked over to the wall on my left side and started punching it as hard as I could, ignoring the pain that shot up my arm and my bloody knuckles. But the sorrow quickly took over me and I completely collapsed to the ground, using what little strength I had left to sob.

I have never cried so hard in my life.


*Harry's POV*

"I'm going to the store," I called out, "Not that you care," I said a little quieter. Then I walked out the door, got in the car and decided I would go to the Tesco a few blocks away.


*Louis' POV*

I saw a note appear under my door, followed by Harry calling out, "I'm going to the store. Not that you care," he said the second part quietly and I don't think I was supposed to hear it, but I did, and it made me feel horrid, I did care, more than I probably should.

Then I remembered that Harry shouldn't be driving after taking his pills, and I quickly ran out the door.

When I got outside, I saw Harry in my car, pulling out of the parking spot and quickly ran over to him. I started banging on the car window until he stopped the car and rolled down the window just a bit. "What Louis, what do you want from me?!" he snapped and I froze. "I-I-I just," I couldn't speak.

He started to drive again and I chased after until he stopped the car. "What Louis? F*cking what?!!" "Y-you, you aren't supposed to uh, drive after taking your uh, pills," I said in a quiet voice and Harry hopped out of the car and got in the passengers seat. I just stood there and he starred at me, "You gonna drive or not?" he asked. So I walked over to the drivers side and got in.

When we got to Tesco, Harry asked me to wait outside in the car.

When he came back out he just had a small box that he quickly tucked under his shirt so I couldn't see. I was curious, but I didn't question him.

He got in the car and I drove him back to our flat. When we got inside he didn't even say anything, just went straight to the toilet. I was curious, but just ignored it as I walked back to my room and locked the door.


*Harry's POV*

As soon as I walked into the flat, I headed towards the bathroom. I heard Louis door close, but it didn't even matter anymore. All that mattered was the ache I felt in my wrists.

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