Chapter 7

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*Liam's POV*

After the aeroplane landed, I took a rental car to my assigned destination. I walked in and shot Bobby just like that, he never even saw it coming, but he was the only one home, so I left it at that, I didn't have time to hunt down his wife, besides, Zayn's enemy was Bobby not Maura.

I got on the plane that was supposed to take me back to London and when it landed I was escorted back by Zayn.


*Louis' POV*

When I woke up, I knew Harry would be in need of his medication, so I got it, and a glass of water, and walked into the living room where he was sleeping on the couch.

I set the meds and cup on the coffee table, along with a note that reads, please take these, I'll see you later. -Lou I then walked out the front door, got in my car, and drove to MI6 headquarters.

When I got there I walked inside and everyone greeted me with a smile. Well everyone except the person I had hope to see, but of course Liam wouldn't be here.

"Tomlinson!" I heard Eleanor yell. "Hey El, I'm here only to inform you that I need about a week off to take care of Liam's brother Harry," although it wasn't the whole truth, I would probably spend the whole week just trying to apologize.

I can't believe I hurt him that bad. I was only trying to help.

"That's fine Mr. Tomlinson, we understand, just call when you plan on coming back," and with that I left to go back home. 

When I got back home Harry was watching a car race on the TV and just glanced at me as I passed the living room and continued to my room.

I walked inside and shut the door.


*Harry's POV*

I heard Louis begin to cry through the walls and became even more angered than before.

Why is he crying? He's the one who hurt me! The one who kicked me out of his room. The one who is judging me for being gay. Why is he sad?

The race finished, and I changed the channel so that I was watching episode after episode after episode of Psych. As the day drug on, I became more and more worried about Louis not leaving his room, but I ignored it and went to sleep on the couch again. Stupid Louis.

When I woke up, I saw that Louis had left my pills and a cup of water on the coffee table again, just like yesterday. I took them and turned the TV on again.

They had a movie marathon, all the Harry Potter movies, which I decided to watch just because of the name of the main character.

That day I only got up to use the restroom or get food, and Louis continued to stay in his room. The next 4 days continued the same way, and I quickly became very worried. The only proof I had that Lou was still living was the pills and glass of water I received every morning when I awoke.

So I decided to stay awake until Lou comes out to put my pills on the table.

I played on my phone until six in the AM, when I heard Louis' door open. I looked up and as Louis noticed I was awake, he was about to go back into his room, but I ran over to him before he could and embraced him in a hug. "Oh my god Louis, you had me so worried!" I said not letting go of him.

When Louis eventually pulled me off of him, he got my pills and a glass of water, handed them to me, made sure I took them, sighed, and began to walk back to his room.

"Hey!" I yelled at him and he stopped. I walked loudly up to him, and put my hand on his shoulder forcing him to turn and face me. "You hurt me, remember? What right do you have to just sit and pout and ignore me?" I growled at him.

"That's not the problem," was all he said before continuing to his room and closing the door. No, I am. I thought to myself.

Later that day I wrote him a note:

Dear Louis,
I'm sorry for everything
I never should've told you that I was gay
but since I did,
I should've understood that you might react differently then I had hoped
thank you for the dinner
it was amazing
I promise I'll forgive you eventually
and I am sorry for being awkward and rude
Louis, I guess I am sorry for being gay

I slid it under his door.


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