Chapter 14

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*Louis' POV*

I got up before Harry and went into the toilet, I took off my shirt and pants so I was standing in front of the mirror with just my boxers on. I started pulling at the skin on my stomach. I really am fat aren't I? I thought. I pulled out the scale and stepped onto it. 150 pounds, gosh I need to lose some weight, I sat on he floor and pulled my knees to my chest. What am I going to do? Then a thought hit me.


*Harry's POV*

Louis got out of bed, and I saw him walk into the bathroom, but he didn't close the door all the way. I stayed in bed until I realized he was taking a while, and I became worried. I got up and walked towards the bathroom. I peeked through the crack and saw him standing on a scale in just his boxers. He got a sad look on his face, then sat on the ground pulling his knees to his chest. He looked as if he were searching for something, racking through his brain. Then a look of realization came to his face.

He stood up and came to the door, opening it the rest of the way. I gave him a hug the moment he came out. "Are you okay babe?" "Fine," he said simply hugging me back. He then let go and walked out of the room with a smirk on his face. I followed him and asked, "Are you sure babe? You're acting a bit strange." all I got was a "Yup," in return. "Alright, if you're sure. I'm going to go take a shower, if you need me, that's where I'll be," and with that, I turned around and went back to our bathroom for a shower.


*Liam's POV*

I woke up and got out of bed, it was already bright outside, I looked at my alarm clock and it read 10:15, Wow I slept in late! I pulled on some pants and walked out of the door and when I went past Louis and Harry's room, I stopped to hear their conversation. I pressed my ear up to the door to listen in, "I don't know Haz it's just hard," I heard Louis say, "How so babe?" Hazza asked, oh right, they're dating, "Liam, he's, he's the only person I have ever told all of my secrets to, and now...he doesn't remember anything. Honestly that boy knew more about me than I did! I just want things to be back the way they were, before any of this happened," after that everything went silent, then a few seconds later Harry yanked the door open, making me fall into the room, but he didn't stop. He rushed past me and out the front door. "What just happened?" I asked confused. "Why don't you stop eaves dropping and mind your own business?" Louis asked rudely before shoving me out the door and locking it.

Goodness, what on earth did I do?


*Harry's POV*

"I just want things back the way they were, before any of this happened," Louis said. Ouch, that hurt. Louis had just realized what he had said, but I didn't want to hear anything more from him. I walked over to the door and jerked it open, Liam fell into the room, but I didn't care, just walked down the hall and out the door. I got into the car and started driving away. I didn't know where I was going, I just needed out of there. He doesn't care about you Harry. The voice at the back of my head kept saying, He wants it the way it used to be, the way it was before he met you Harry, he doesn't want you.

I pulled out my cell phone and started typing a text to Louis,

I'm sorry you want it to be like before
I'm sorry I'm not enough for you
I'm sorry I can't give you what you want
I'm sorry I ever had to be thrown into your life
But its okay, I'm leaving,
You won't have to be bothered by me anymore,

I hit send and stuck the phone in my pocket. I drove the car down a road that was kind of out of the way of everything. I made sure there was no one in front of me or behind me, and then I slammed my foot down on the gas pedal, I watched my speed climb, 50, 60, 75, 90, 100. And then I turned right and ran the car into a large telephone pole.

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