Chapter 15

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*Liam's POV*

I had slowly started to remember Louis. Just bits and pieces, but I knew who he was, how we became friends, missions we went on together, when we decided to become flat mates, but I couldn't tell him. I wanted to, but he wouldn't come out of his room. It was only a day after Harry's death, but it had seemed like an eternity. They had put Harry in a body bag and moved him to the morgue. I wanted to plan his funeral, but Louis needed to be a part of that, even though him and Harry didn't know each other very long they had grown incredibly close.

I walked up to Louis' door for probably the 100th time that day and knocked twice. "Louis will you please open up?" No answer. I was tired of this. I walked into the kitchen and pulled out the drawer right next to the oven. I grabbed a knife and headed back to Louis' door. "Louis this your last chance, open up." still no answer. So I stuck the knife between the door and the frame, just to the left of the door knob. I had to wiggle it a bit, but eventually the door opened. I walked in and saw Louis sitting on his bed, knees to his chest, eyes wide open and red. It was obvious he hadn't slept, and that he had cried all night. "Louis, please come out of your room?" I asked. No answer, he didn't even move. "Louis, this is not how Harry would've wanted you to act," Louis slowly turned his head toward me, and I'll admit it was really creepy. "Harry is dead," he said simply. "Harry is dead, and it is my fault." "It is not your fault, don't blame yourself." I said. He didn't respond.

"I remember," I mumbled quietly. "Don't mumble Liam, its impolite," Louis said. "I remember," I said loudly, more clearly. "Not everything, but some things, how we met, some missions, I remember." Louis said nothing. "You can't stay in here forever Lou, come out, help me plan the funeral, Harry would've wanted that." Louis still said nothing, then turned his head back so he was in the same position he was when I entered the room. "UGH! This isn't all about you you know! He was my brother Louis! I miss him too but you know what sitting here is doing to help that? Nothing!" I yelled and left them room throwing the knife I had at the wall where it stuck. I then fell onto the couch with a huff and thought of something to do.


*Harry's POV*

After I left the morgue, I went to the airport. I found that no one had removed my wallet from my jeans, so I still had my credit card, which I used for a plane ticket. I flew to the United States. The flight was long and scary, but at least I didn't have an annoying kid behind me that kicked the seat right?

I arrived in the New York airport, and was glad to be home, to be back where I was before I was kidnapped. I caught a cab to my flat, I thanked the driver and paid him. I opened my door and went inside. It hadn't been a really long time since I was here, but it was long enough for me to miss home. I ran to my room and jumped onto my king sized bed. It was so much bigger then sharing that small bed with Louis, but it did feel empty without him.

I went into the kitchen for food. I opened the fridge, but shut it again as soon as a stench hit my nose. I pinched my nose and opened the fridge again. The fish I had bough before I left was sitting there, it was very rotten and smelled like crap. My eyes began to water from the stench. I grabbed a napkin off the counter and used it to pick up the fish. I brought it outside and straight out to the dumpster. I went back inside and used a lot of air freshener in my fridge. I grabbed a can of spaghetti-o's out of the cabinet and a spoon from the drawer. I went into my living room and sat on my leather couch eating spaghetti-o's while watching Psych.

The next day I went to Starbucks to meet with the manager, who also happened to me my boss. As soon as I walked in and she saw me, she screamed and ran over to give me a hug, "Oh my god Harry!! Where has my gay best friend been? I've been worried sick about you!!" "You could've called you know Becca, and there's more to me than just that," I stated. "Oh details, details. Where have you been? What happened to you? You're so beat up!" she said getting a good look at me. "Hah, you wouldn't believe me if I told you," I said. "Hmm, try me. How bout you tell me over a cup of coffee?" she said with a wink. "And that Rebecca, is why you are my best friend," I said. She squealed. "The usual?" she asked. "The usual," I replied and went to sit down at a table. Three minutes later she came and sat next to me with two Caramel Ribbon Crunch frappuccinos. "So Harry," she said. "So Becca," I mocked taking a sip of my drink. "Oh come on, tell me, I wanna know!" "Well, it all started when I was kidnapped," she laughed, but I just sat there. "OMG you're serious?" "Yes, yes I am. Then I found out my brother isn't dead," her eyes widened, "Liam?" I nodded. "And then I found out that he is a spy, MI6. Then I fell in love with his best friend Louis, Louis doesn't know that though. Then Liam got shot and went into a coma. Then he woke up and didn't remember Louis. Then I died." Becca got really stuck on that one. She reached out her hand and put it on my face, then started rubbing it all over my face like the weirdo she is. "No, no you didn't." I laughed at that. "Oh, but I did. And I saw my parents, but then I was alive again, and don't you dare ask me how because your guess is as good as mine. And then I came back here."

She sat silent for about three minutes, then said, "See I'm sitting here waiting for you to say 'Psych' or tell my you're joking..." she trailed off. "Yeah..." I said, "There is just one problem, it's all entirely true," "I'm sorry if I don't believe you Harry," she said. I sighed, "I knew you wouldn't. Do you believe any of it?" "I believe you fell in love. That's about it, sorry." I stood up. "I will find a way to prove it to you," I said, walking off. "You're working here again starting tomorrow Harry, don't be late!" she called from behind me.

I went outside and got into my car. Then something hit me. Liam and Louis work at MI6, as soon as they realize I'm missing, they can, and will find me. I drove to the bank and took out all my money, then canceled my credit card. From now on I would pay with cash. I then threw my phone on the ground and crushed it, then went to get a new one. I don't know what other precautions I can take. Then I thought of something, I went home and packed up all my things, and told my land lord I was moving. I gave him a final payment, then went and found a nice flat in another building. I moved my stuff upstairs, but didn't unpack, because by that time it was 1:00 am. Since my bed isn't put together, I slept on the couch.


*Liam's POV*

I walked into Louis' room. "Okay, I'm willing to compromise. You help me with the funeral, and then you never have to come out of your room again, deal?" "Fine!" Louis said. "Good, okay first question. Would it be weird if we got him cremated and both kept half of the ashes?" "No, I kinda like that idea." "Alright, let's go." We both got up and went out to the car. We drove to the morgue, but Harry wasn't there.


*Harry's POV*

I got up off the couch, and got right to work. I hooked my television up to the wall and plugged it in so that I could listen to the news while I'm working. I pulled the couch into the living room, then put the coffee table a bit in front of it. I brought a table next to the couch and put a lamp on it. Then something on the news caught my attention.

"A body was stolen from a morgue in London yesterday," the lady said. "It was a young boy who died in a car accident. His brother Liam Payne, and former lover Louis Tomlinson found him missing this morning when they went to have him cremated." "Cremated!" I yelled, "They were going to have me cremated? Douches!!" I would rather be buried. But hey, now I can prove it to Becca.

I called her and told her to turn on the news. "Oh my god...You weren't kidding were you Harry?" "Nope," "Holy F*ck!! My best friend died!!" I laughed at that. "Only you would make a joke out of this Becs."

I hung up and continued unpacking. By noon I had finally finished. I went to have my last name changed at 2:00 I decided on Styles. I like the name Harry Styles.

I walked into work at 3:15. "Hey Becs!" I yelled. "Harry freaking Payne!! Keep it down!!" "I'm sorry, I don't know this Harold Payne you speak of, my name is Harry Styles," I said extending my hand for her to shake. "You are so weird," she said smacking my hand away. "Hey, don't judge girlie, I could become famous with a name like that!" "Very funny, now get to work!" Little did she know my plans for later that day, I was going to go on America's Got Talent, and I was determined to win.


*1 year later*


*General POV*

Harry had won America's Got Talent and now was very famous under the name Harry Styles. Liam and Louis had had their funeral for Harry without the body and went back to work.


*Louis' POV*

I haven't been called in for a mission in about two weeks, so I have just been home watching TV. I was watching the news when all of the sudden a picture of Harry flashed across the screen. "In other news," the reporter said, "Harry Styles will be performing at London's 02 Arena tonight." I paused the TV. Styles? Harry Styles? No, that's not right, but there was no doubt it was him. I pulled out my phone and made a call, "Hello, how can I help you?" Eleanor's annoying voice came over the phone. "I need two tickets and VIP passes for Harry Styles tonight," "I'm not even going to question you Mr. Tomlinson, I'll have them ready for you to pick up in an hour." And with that I hung up.

A/N: If you have any recommendations, please be sure to let me know. Thanx(:


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