Chapter 23

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*Louis' POV*

"What do you mean?" I asked. "I mean I killed his father Lou, there isn't much else to explain. It was an assignment from Zayn. I was supposed to kill Bobby and his wife, but I just killed Bobby," "How do you know it was his dad?" Haz questioned. "The mans name was Bobby Horan, his name is Niall Horan," "That might be a common Irish name?" I questioned. "Get real Louis, I killed his father, end of story." The rest of the ride to Dezzi's house was completely silent.

Destany got back to the house before us. We walked inside and found her sitting on one couch and Niall on the other. Liam went and sat next to Dezzi, and Haz and I sat next to each other on the same couch as Niall. Niall shifted uncomfortably. "We aren't gonna hurt you ya know." I stated, "In fact, we just saved your arse," "I know, I just don't know you, it's strange, uncomfortable." "Well then we should talk. Tell us about yourself, what's your family like?" "My brother is cool, he's married and has a little boy, OMG, he's the cutest thing. My mums awesome, I love her, and my dads, well, dead," Liam looked up when Niall said that. "I'm sorry what happened?" he asked, then started twiddling his thumbs. "He was shot, right through the heart, just a bit over a year ago. We never figured out who did it." "Niall, I erm." Liam started looking up. "Niall it was me," "Huh?" "I'm the one who killed your father," Niall started laughing, but when no one said anything else he stopped. "Wait, you're serious," "Niall you don't even know how sorry I am. I-It was either you father, or Haz," Liam said pointing to Harry. "In fact, I was supposed to kill your mum as well, but I thought I could let that slip, and luckily it worked. But truly Niall, I am so so so sorry, really I am." he said a single tear slipping from his left eye.

Niall got up and walked over to Liam. Liam flinched, probably assuming Niall was going to punch him, but he just rested a hand on Li's shoulder. "Its ok Liam. I mean, he was family, but I hated the man. He wasn't just my father, he was my abuser. I ain't even mad." Liam half smiled. "I'm still sorry," he said. "Now we are all one big happy family, let's take a picture!!" I said trying to lighten the mood. I made Niall sit down then shoved Dezzi onto his lap. I had Haz sit down and I sat on his lap. I pulled out my phone and stuck out my arm so we were all in the picture. "Okay now, everybody smile," I said and took the picture.

"Great," Niall said before shoving Dezzi off his lap and running into the bathroom. I started laughing really hard and everyone turned to me with a confused look. "He just has to deal with a growing issue." "Huh?" they all questioned in unison. I giggled and brought my hand down to my crotch, slowly moving my pointer finger upward making a "whoop" sound. Harry started laughing with me but Liam and Dezzi still looked confused. "Oh my gosh, you guys are clueless. Destany gave him a boner," I said. Liam started laughing. but Dezzi just blushed. "You shoved me onto his lap," She pointed out. "You gave him the boner though," I retorted.

Suddenly Niall walked back into the room, the bulge in his pants mostly gone. "Sorry, um, sick?" He said. "Niall we all know you had a boner." He put his face in his hands. "I'm sorry Dezzi, hell of a first impression," He mumbled into his hands. "Well I'm going to bed," Liam said getting up and leaving the room. "Yeah, us too." I said grabbing Harry's hand and walking out of the room. When we got back to our room, Liam was already laying on the floor. Haz and I walked over to the bed and laid down cuddling close, then falling asleep.

*Dezzi's POV*

After Lou and Harry left the room, Niall came over and sat next to me. "I'm so so sorry," he said, bright red. I giggled, "It's fine, really," I said. "Alright, well goodnight then," Niall said going over to the other couch and laying down. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Going to sleep, What does it look like?" "No, you're not sleeping on that couch, I've done it before, you will wake up with a horrid back ache and you won't be able to do anything for the entire day because of it, come on," I said, extending my hand. He took it and I drug him to my bedroom. I looked him in the eye. "Now no funny business Mr. I'm just giving you a nicer place to sleep," I said. I crawled into one side of the bed and him into the other. There was about a foot of space between us. And that's how we went to sleep.

*Louis' POV*

I walked down the hallway into a large room. Harry's manager Jim was in the room. He came over and slapped me. I lifted my hand to my cheek, it stung. "What was that for?" I questioned. "That was because you are stupid," he said, "Stupid because you think Harry actually likes you. Can you not see it? Its a pity party, and when he no longer gets joy from his pity party, he will leave you, duh, he doesn't love you or even like you, no one could ever love you.

Then Jim disappeared and the walls started closing in. They kept closing in, until I was curled up in a ball. Then everything was white and I was able to stand again. I walked forward and ended up falling onto a bridge. Harry drove up in his car and got out. He walked up to me and punched me in the face. I fell over and he pulled me back up saying, "Shhh, it's gonna be okay, it's gonna be fine," He then led me over to the edge of the bridge and we both sat down. He was rubbing the back of my hand, and the next thing I knew, he had shoved me over the edge of the bridge. I was headed straight down, right for the ground.

I woke with a start and Harry shot up right next to me. "It's ok baby, you aren't in a hotel, it's Harry here, not your dad, I promise you're fine," he said pulling me into him for a hug. "I know I'm not in a hotel, it was just a bad dream," "Care to share what happened?" he asked. "Jim told me you didn't love me, and then the room was shrinking, and then you punched me in the face, you kept saying 'Its gonna be okay, its gonna be fine' then you shoved me off a bridge and I died." I said. "Lou, I would never do that. Never ever ever. I love you Louis, you know that. You do know that right?" he questioned. I stayed silent and he started crying.

"If I may chime in," Liam said from the floor. "Louis, yesterday Harry was willing to risk anything and everything for you. He was willing to die, to do anything they asked of him, if only they let you go, and you don't think he loves you?" "I know he loves me, I just don't know why." I said. "Because you're amazing Lou," Haz said. "I love how kind you are. I love how despite the fact that your father was horrid to you, you are still lovely to everyone else. I love how you always have a cup of tea before bed. I love how you curl your toes before you wake up. I love how you talk in your sleep about what food you're craving. I love your amazing eyes and the way I get lost every time I look into them. I love how you don't know how beautifully handsome you are, so I always have an excuse to let you know. I love the colour of your hair. I love your voice, especially right after you wake up. I love everything about you Lou. I love you," Harry said then kissed me. "Well thanks cheese city, I'm leaving," Liam said before getting up and leaving the room, and I giggled. "I love you too Haz, so so much," I said wrapping my arms around him.

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