Chapter 18

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*Harry's POV*

I woke up before Lou and untangled myself from him. I got out of bed, left the room, and went up to Liam's door. I knocked twice before slowly opening his door. I walked in and sat on the edge of his bed. He woke up at the movement. "Hey Hazza, he said. "Hey Liam, can we talk?" He rubbed his eyes and sat up. "Sure, what do you wanna talk about?" "You" he gave me a confused look, "Okay," he said slowly, "What about me?" "Why you left, why you made me think you were dead, why you never helped me when I was struggling with things, I mean, even if you were 'dead' it would've been nice for a bit of money to 'magically' show up in my bank account so I didn't have to drop out of college. Why you had to make me think I had lost my entire family, made me think I had lost everything." I looked down sadly. That was rude, I shouldn't have said that, especially the part about the money. I was about to stand up and leave, but Liam started talking, "I'm sorry Hazza, I left because I was recruited to MI6, I had to let you believe I was dead, you would've figured it out sooner or later if I hadn't. I'm sorry about college, I thought you didn't want to go anymore, not that you ran out of money, otherwise I would've gave you some for sure. I'm so sorry Haz, I didn't know it hurt you that bad, but, I'm here now, so if you wanna start over, try being brothers again, yeah?" I nodded, "Of course Liam, you will always be my brother. It's good to see you again." he smiled and hugged me. "Now on to the fact of why you made ME think YOU were dead." "I think that's a talk we need to have with Lou," I said letting go of him and standing up. "Alright," he said standing up, "I've got to go learn about my next mission today Haz, I'm not lying to you any more, that's where I'll be, see you later," and with that, he got dressed and left.

I went into the kitchen and made some bacon and eggs. I put it on a plate and walked into me and Lou's room. I set it on the night stand and leaned over Lou, putting one hand on either side of his head and kissing him until he woke up. "Morning babe," I said giving him the bacon and eggs. "Ugh, do I have to eat this?" he questioned. "Yup, and we are going to the gym later." he sat there for a while just picking at his food, but eventually he ate it. "Good Lou," I said jokingly. He rolled his eyes. He moved the plate to the night stand again, and got up out of bed. "I feel like I might be sick," Lou said, "That just proves you need to eat more," I said sadly, helping him over to the bathroom in case he did get sick, and sure enough he did. "Poor baby," I said rubbing his back. When he was done, I helped him get cleaned up and then grabbed his hand pulling him out of the bathroom and over to the couch. I sat down, pulling him onto my lap, and wrapping my arms around him. "Maybe we'll save the gym for another day," I said and he gave me a look like "Duh" and I smirked. I nestled me face into his neck, and pulled him closer to me. "I love you Lou, so much," I mumbled into his neck. "I love you too Haz," I tickled his sides and he jumped up laughing, "Hey, not nice," he said. "But you love me anyway," I smirked, "Sadly," he said, "What was that? Oh I see how it is," I said jokingly, "No babe I was kidding," Lou said running up to me. I pulled him into a hug, "Its okay babe, so was I," Lou leaned his head up and kissed me. Just then Liam came in.

"We're going to France!" he yelled. Lous and I looked at each other, then back at Liam "France?" we both questioned in unison. "Yup, that's where I am assigned to go for my mission, so I figured I would bring you two along considering it is the 'city of love'" I kissed Louis, and we both smiled. "Ew, PDA!!!" Liam yelled. "Oh hush up Liam," I said getting up. "Maybe I'll give you a kiss too," I said chasing him down. "Ew, no." I stopped chasing him and went back to sit next to Lou. "Hazza, why would you even think of that, that's so wrong in so many ways," I laughed but Lou looked really disturbed. "1) I'm not gay, 2) I'm your brother, 3) you have a boyfriend..." Liam kept talking, but neither Lou nor I were paying attention. "You have beautiful eyes," I told Louis and he blushed. I kissed him and then stood up pulling him up with me. Liam was still listing reasons of how wrong that was, so Lou and I sandwiched him between us, then fell over laughing. "Marry me Lou," I yelled as Liam stood glaring at us on the floor. "Icky no," he said scooting away from me. "But Loubear," I said. "Mommy!! Stranger danger!! He wants me to marry him!!" We both laughed at that. "You two are such children," Liam said walking away. Me and Lou looked at each other and giggled. "Daddy LiLi, your children wanna do something fun!!" I yelled. "Go see a movie you lazy butts," Liam yelled back. And that's how we got stuck seeing The Fault In Our Stars.


"That was the saddest movie ever" Lou said as we walked out of the cinema. Lou looked over at me, "Will you please take your hood off?" he asked. "Nope, too many teenage girls, sorry babe," Louis had an evil smirk on his face and I got worried. He let go of my hand and pulled off my hood then yelled, "Harry Styles, Oh My God!!!" "I hate you," I said grabbing his hand and running towards the car with every girl that had just been in the theatre running after us. We climbed into the car and locked the doors. "Gosh Lou, really?!" I yelled over the screaming outside. They were now rocking the car. "Ugh, let me make a call," I pulled out my phone and called Paul. "Hey Paul!!" I yelled into the phone. "What the f*ck is going on?" Paul asked. "Well see," I yelled looking at my gorgeous boyfriend, "Lou kinda yelled my name at the movie theatre right after The Fault In Our Stars," I yelled into the phone. Paul sighed, "I'll be right there," he said. "Thanks, love you man" I yelled, then hung up. "Oh so you love Paul," Louis said jokingly, then smiled at me. "Oh Lou, don't be so cute here, I can't kiss you with all the people around us," I said pouting.

Eventually Paul showed up with some other guys, and we were able to leave. When we got home Liam was already packed. "We leave at five in the morning tomorrow love birds, get yourselves packed." Lou and I walked to our room. I pulled out my phone and called Jim, "Harry, where are you?" he asked as soon as he picked up. "Hey Jim, I'm going to Paris, bye," I hung up without another word. Then me and Lou packed and went to sleep.


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