Chapter 17

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*Louis' POV*

Jim grabbed Harry by the arm, and Harry grabbed my hand so that Jim was pulling both Harry and I down the hallway. I held on tight to Harry's hand, in fear of losing him again. Jim stopped at a door and opened it, then pulled Harry inside. Harry pulled me in, then Jim said, "No Harry, just you," Haz kissed my cheek and let go of my hand. "Wait outside love, yeah?" I stepped outside and Harry slowly closed the door.

"What the FUCK is going on?!" I heard Jim yell through the door, and I cringed. "What do you mean?" Harry asked. "That's your boyfriend? Since Fucking when were you gay?" "Since always, since before I met you, since before any of this happened, since before I became famous." Harry said, and that made me happy. "Well guess what? You're going to stay straight until you are no longer with Modest! management. Your contract was five years and you have been with us for one year, so you get to be 'straight' for four more years, congrats!" Jim said before opening the door and rushing past me.

Harry came out of the room smiling, "I don't even care, not even that can ruin the enormous amount of happiness I feel right now. I'm just glad to see you again." he said giving me a hug, picking me up, and spinning me around. "Lou..." Harry trailed off after he set me down. Then I realized he must have felt how fat I was when he picked me up. "I know I'm fat Haz, please don't comment on it." Harry's face fell. "Oh my god Louis, no, I was actually going to comment on how light you were, you're not fat babe, no." He said hugging me. "H-How much do you weigh?" Haz asked. "I don't know, 102 maybe more, hopefully less." Harry started to cry. Not loud crying, just silent tears glistening as they fall down his perfect face. "Lou, baby, h-how much do you usually eat each day?" he asked quietly. I frowned, "One meal, if that," I answered mostly honest, I usually don't eat at all, but I wasn't going to tell him that, he would find out soon enough anyway if I lived with him again, and hopefully I will.

Harry grabbed my hand and pulled me down hall after hall, and eventually out a side door. He ran through the parking lot trying to stay out of sight of all the fans. He ran up to a black mustang and opened the passenger-side door for me. When I got in he ran over to the other door, got in and started the car. "This is really your car?" I asked shocked. "Yup," he said looking behind him as he backed out of the parking space and then drove out of the parking lot. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Its a surprise," he said. "You know you have a concert that starts in one hour right?" "Yup," "Alright, I won't judge, as long as we are back in time,"

Harry pulled the car up in front of a really fancy restaurant. I turned to face Harry, but he was already out the door and heading to open mine. He opened my door, and helped me out. We walked into the restaurant holding hands. We were given a table right away, "Perks of being famous," Haz told me. "I hate that word you know, 'Famous'" I wanted to ask why, but I had another question on my mind. "Ha-" but I was interrupted by our waitress, "How can I help you tonight?" she asked looking down at her notepad. When she looked up and saw Harry she started freaking out. Everyone started looking and she eventually calmed down, "I'm sorry, I'm such a huge fan," she said. "Well it's nice to meet you," Haz said. "And who is this?" she asked pointing to me. "That's my boyfriend, Louis Tomlinson," Harry answered before I could get a word out. "Oh my god! I knew you were gay! Aww you two are so cute." she said smiling, "Thank you," I said. "Anyways, can I take your orders?" "Yes I'll have the house salad, and Lou will have a stake, medium rare," the waitress left. "Lou? Steak?" I questioned. "If you can call me Haz, I can call you Lou, besides, I've called you that before. And yes steak, you are going to start eating better, and going with me to the gym to get more muscles." I didn't respond. My steak got there and I ate it not saying a word. After Harry paid for dinner, he was going to head back to the concert, but instead I asked him to take me home. He frowned, but agreed.


*Liam's POV*

After Jim showed up, and Louis and Harry followed him away, I decided to leave. I got out to the parking lot and realized me and Louis came in the same car, but figuring Hazza would give Louis a ride, I left.

When I got home I made myself a snack, then sat down and watched Psych until Lou and Harry got back. Lou walked in earlier than I expected and Harry didn't come with him. "What happened?" I asked. "He's got his concert," Lou answered sadly. "You aren't going?" I asked. "Nope," "Why not?" "Because, I don't know, just because. Liam, do you think I need to be more muscular?" "Where is this coming from?" I asked, curious. "Nowhere, I'm gonna go to bed, goodnight Liam." I gave him a weird look but said, "Okay," he then left the room and went to sleep.

About four hours after Louis went to bed, Harry showed up. "What happened?" Harry gave me a strange look. "What are you talking about?" "With you and Louis, what happened? He came home because he didn't want to go to the concert, and then he asked me if he needed to be 'more muscular' and then just went to sleep," Harry's face fell. His gaze dropped to the floor. "I'm gonna go talk to him," he said before leaving the room.


*Harry's POV*

I walked through the flat I hadn't been inside of in more than a year. It was crazy, everything was just how it was when I left. It felt like I had never left in the first place. I walked to the room that Louis and I used to share, and that I hoped to share again. I slowly opened the door, "Lou baby, are you in here?" after waiting a minute with no reply, I turned on the light, and he woke up. He looked up at me but didn't speak. "Can I talk to you babe?" I asked. He just nodded.

I walked over to the bed and sat down next to him. "Listen, I'm sorry for what I said earlier, I didn't mean you were weak or anything, I just mean, if your going to be eating more, you would rather the weight be muscle and not fat, yeah? Not that you're fat, you're actually the skinniest person I know, and its not healthy, and I wish you would gain weight. Not that I wish you were different, I mean you are perfect, I just worry about you. Because I love you."

"Harry stop blabbering on like an idiot and-" Louis froze. "Wait what?" He asked looking up at me, shocked. I smiled, "I love you Louis, I didn't realize it for a bit but, after I came back, I just knew I loved you, and still do, and if you don't feel the same yet that's okay, I understand, but I love you." "I....I love you too Haz," Louis said and I smiled and kissed him. "Come lay down with me?" Louis asked. I laid down on the bed, but as far from him as I could be. He turned around so he was facing me and then pouted. "Do I smell bad or something?" Louis asked. "'Course not, why?" "Well you're far away, can I not cuddle with my boyfriend in bed?" It made me really happy when he called me his boyfriend, I was glad to own that title again. I smiled. "Of course you can baby, anything for you," I said scooting closer to him and wrapping my arms around him. "Thank you Haz, by the way, I forgive you, just miscommunication, I am happy to go to the gym with you," he said while tangling our legs together. "Good." I said and pulled Lou so close to me he probably had trouble breathing.

"I missed you so much." I said, silent tears falling from my eyes. "You don't even know. Everyday I thought about you. You were the only thing on my mind before bed, and when I woke up, you were all I could think about. Sometimes....Sometimes I would think of coming back, and God I wanted to, but I was scared. I probably just over thought it, but I was scared that you would've found someone else to love, or that I would come back, and you would hate me for leaving. So many times I thought about coming back, but every time it was my fears that won the battle. But when you kissed me, I remembered how much I need you, and my fears fled my mind. I love you Lou. I missed you so much. I'll never leave again, and I hope you won't leave me." I said, clinging to Lou like my life depended on it. "Never, I'll never leave you. Not even if the world depended on it." Lou responded, and I smiled. I loosened my grip on Lou, and kissed his forehead. "Goodnight my love," I said. "Goodnight,"


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