Shit! He's Cute!

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Once we got to the cafeteria, we got our food and then Hoseok started looking for his new friends.
-Oh there they are!- He said pointing towards a table in the corner of the big room.
We walked there and Hoseok was the first one to speak, as always.
-Hi guys!- He said enthusiastically.
-These are my best friends, I already told you about them. This is Soojin and this is Shina- He introduced us to them.
-And girls, these are Seokjin, Namjoon and Jungkook- He said then, pointing first to the guy with the big lips, then to the guy with cute dimples and finally to the guy with the glasses who wasn't even making eye contact with us.
Soojin and I said hi and they did the same.
Meanwhile I was asking myself why I didn't already know their names since we are in the same class. But then I remembered that I don't listen to what teachers say, from the "good morning" to the "goodbye", that's why I probably missed their names during the roll call in the last three years.

-Hey Jin, I told them about your jokes but I couldn't remember them. You have to tell them, they are too funny!- Hoseok said, speaking to the first guy.
-Oh no, here we go again! I'm sorry for what you're about to hear- That Namjoon guy said to us.
-Oh shut up, you're only jealous because I'm the funny one in the group- Seokjin remarked. -So...- and he proceeded with telling his joke, but I wasn't really listening.
When we sat down I ended up sitting next to that Jungkook and I got distracted.
Looking at him from this close, I mean... Shit! He's cute!

While I was lost looking at his feature he started smiling. I swear it was the cutest smile! I never had these kind of thoughts, because I don't really look at guys. I'm just not interested into having a relationship, I want to enjoy my youth before having my heart broken. But that smile was life changing and I'm not even exaggerating.

-Shina! Why are you not laughing, that was the best joke ever!- Hoseok's voice brought me back to reality. They were looking at me, waiting for me to say something, so I laughed trying to convince them that I was listening while I actually wasn't.
They seemed to believe me and kept laughing about this joke that I hadn't even heard.

I tried not to look at Jungkook for the rest of the time we spent there. Finally lunch break was over and we headed back to class. The three guys I just met went before us because they didn't want to miss the beginning of the lesson. Soojin, Hoseok and I, instead, didn't actually care about being late so we took it slow.

-You didn't like them, did you?- Hoseok asked me.
-What? Me? No, why do you say that?-
-You were so quiet and you looked like you wanted to be somewhere else- he replied.
-No, I just wasn't completely comfortable, you know how I am when I meet new people. I'm not like you- I half lied.
-Yeah, I know, you don't like meeting new people, but they are actually not new people. Can you believe we've been in the same class for three years now? Like, how could we not make friends with them or just anyone else in our class for all this time?- he said sounding shocked at his own words.
-I know, right, we've been so absorbed by our friendship that we turned it into a cult, nobody gets in nobody gets out... Kinda creepy if you think about it, but I mean it's just because we actually love spending time together and we feel like we don't need anyone else- Soojin said, smiling. She's so cute when she smiles, she makes me think I should smile more too. But I'm not really a smiling kind of person, so whatever.
-And we don't. I mean, we are fine by ourselves, we've been best friends for the past three years, I don't see why we should change things now- I added.
-We're not changing anything, we're just adding some new faces to our group, I thought it would be fun since they are actually nice people, but if it bothers you this much I won't force you anymore into making friends with them- Hoseok told me, sounding really serious this time.
-No, no, it's not like that, Seokie! Seriously, they are actually fine, as you said. I just need time to get used to not being just the three of us anymore- I said trying to cheer him up, because he looked kind of sad.
-Ok, then everything's fine, right?- he asked, with his smile back which always brightens the atmosphere.
-Sure, boss!- Soojin and I said together, as we usually do when he asks that question. And he always does, just to make sure his best friends are always happy. Such a caring human being, does my selfish ass even deserve a best friend like him?!

Anyway, for the next few days I actually made an effort to talk during our meetings with the geeks at the cafeteria. I just tried to avoid making eye contact with Jungkook. It's not that I liked him or stuff like that, he just made me feel kinda weird, I don't know if it was for his cute smile or for his dark eyes under those rounded glasses. He just made me feel weird and I didn't like it. So as long as I avoided talking to him or looking at him, I was fine. Which wasn't even that hard, since he was always really quiet, a part from laughing at Jin's jokes or answering to his friends whenever they asked him something.

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